Logging IDs#
Biometeorology Model#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires uv_exposure = .TRUE. in namelist "biometeorology_parameters"
- Description: To output the requested variable, the UV exposure calculation must be switched on which is part of the biometeorology module. See the UVEM documentation for more details.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value for data_output: "..." only 2d-horizontal cross sections are allowed for this value
- Description: The listed quantities are pure two-dimensional xy-cross-sections. They are not available as 3d data or xz/yz cross-sections. Note that these quantities are always marked by an asterisk as last character. See also data_output.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires radiation = .TRUE.
- Description: To output the requested variable, the radiation model must be switched on.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: thermal comfort requires humidity = .TRUE.
- Description: The calculation of thermal comfort requires air humidity information, and therefore humidity = .TRUE. has to be set in the namelist file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: uv_exposure = .TRUE. but input file "PIDS_UVEM" is not present
- Description: The UV exposure calculation requires an additional input file which is not given. See the UVEM documentation for more details.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: uv_exposure = .TRUE. but one or more required input varaibles are not present in file "PIDS_UVEM"
- Description: The UV exposure calculation requires special input variables given in the input file PIDS_UVEM. See the UVEM documentation for more details.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: consider_obstructions = .TRUE. but varaible "obstruction" is not present in file "PIDS_UVEM"
- Description: To consider obstruction, e.g. by buildings, for UV exposure, the obstruction must be pre-calculated for each grid point and be provided within the input file PIDS_UVEM. See the UVEM documentation for more details.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: combination of mrt_minlevel = ... and mrt_nlevels = ... does not include bio_cell_level (gravimetric center of the sample human body 1,1 m)
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: thermal comfort requires radiation_interaction = .TRUE.
- Description: The calculation of thermal comfort requires to consider radiation interactions, and therefore radiation_interactions_on = .TRUE. has to be set in the namelist file.
Bulk Cloud Model#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown cloud microphysics scheme cloud_scheme = "..."
- Description: Unknown cloud microphysics scheme. See cloud_scheme for allowed schemes.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: snow and graupel must be both switched on or off
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: cloud scheme = "..." does not work for microphysics_ice_phase = .TRUE.
- Description: Mixed phase microphysics can only be used with cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: precipitation_amount_interval = ... must not be larger than dt_do2d_xy = ...
- Description: Choose a value for precipitation_amount_interval smaller than or equal to dt_do2d_xy. Adjust the settings of precipitation_amount_interval appropriately in the parameter file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown aerosol species "..." for bulk microphysics
- Description: aerosol species must be set to a known type. See aerosol_bulk for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires ... = ...
- Description: Output of the given quantity requires the listed parameter setting. Change your parameters respectively.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." is not available for cloud_scheme = "saturation_adjust"
- Description: If the output is not necessary, delete the variable from the namelist. If it is necessary, use cloud_scheme = 'kessler' or 'seifert_beheng'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = '...' is not implemented for ... = or (/=) ...
- Description: Output of profiles of the given quantity is not implemented for the listed parameter setting. Change your parameters respectively.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = ... is not available for cloud_scheme = saturation_adjust
- Description: If the output is not necessary, delete the variable from the namelist. If it is necessary, use cloud_scheme = 'kessler', 'seifert_beheng', or 'morrison'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: bulk_cloud_model = .TRUE. is not allowed with cloud_droplets = .TRUE.
- Description: Either second-order moment adjustment scheme or Lagrangian cloud physics can be applied, not both at the same time.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: bulk_cloud_model = .T. is not allowed with humidity = .FALSE.
- Description: It is necessary to turn on humidity for the use of cloud physics.
Chemistry Model#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = "..." not implemented for air_chemistry = .FALSE.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = "..." currently not implemented.
- Description: Please output resolved- and subgrid-scale fluxes individually to obtain the total flux.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: photolyis shading requires 3D volumetric radiation flux set to true
- Description:
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: call_chem_at_all_substeps should only be used for test purposes
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown photolysis scheme = "..."
- Description: Please check spelling.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown chem_mechanism = "..."
- Description: Check spelling in namelist and/or chem_gasphase_mod.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: ... = "..."
- Description: See the respective parameter in the chemistry module namelist for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: boundary conditions ... and ... must both be cyclic or non-cyclic
- Description: Set the named parameters to the same value.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unused/incorrect input for initial surface value = "..."
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unused/incorrect input of chemical species for surface emission fluxes = "..."
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal cs_heights(1,1) = ...
- Description: The surface value of cs_heights must be 0.0.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of chem spcs exceeding the limit
- Description: No more than 99 chem spcs are allowed.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown mode_emiss = "..."
- Description: Please check spelling.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal emiss_lod = ...
- Description: Only LODs of 0, 1, and 2 are allowed.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: emiss_lod undefined. Using existing mod_emiss setting. NOTE - mode_emis will be deprecated in future releases. Please use emiss_lod to define emission mode.
- Description:
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: New emission read mode currently unavailable for LODs 0 and 1. Reverting to legacy emission read mode.
- Description:
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: New emission read mode activated. LOD 2 emissions will be updated on-demand according to indicated timestamps.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal Rosenbrock-solver type inctrl(3) = ...
- Description: See chemistry parameter icntrl. The value of
must be in range 0 <inctrl(3)
< 7. Please correct your parameter file appropriately.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no ... type defined
- Description: Please define ... type to enable deposition calculation.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: component "..." not supported
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal nwet = ...
- Description: Allowed values for
are 0 or 1.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal lod = ...
- Description: Only LODs of 0, 1, and 2 are allowed.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: The biogenic emission module time-step is smaller than the model time-step. Reverting to the models time-step.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: biogenic emission module ... has not been implemented yet
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no biogenic species defined
- Description: Biogenic species not defined in the namelist or incorrect spelling.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown cs_mech = "..."
- Description: Please check spelling.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: ... radiation method has not been implemented
- Description: Please use the default (0) faces-average method.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal radiation method ebio_rad_method = ...
- Description: See ebio_rad_method for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown draught stress method ebio_soilm_method = "..."
- Description: See ebio_soilm_method for allowed values.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: Soil is saturated. Draught stress factor is set to 1.0.
- Description:
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: Soil moisture is below wilting point. Draught stress factor is set to 0.0.
- Description:
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: There are more Soil moisture levels (...) than model soil layers (...). Biogenic model defaults to model layers.
- Description:
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: There are less soil moisture levels (...) than model soil layers (...). Biogenic model will use soil moisture layers.
- Description:
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: Invalid pollen emission model selected. Reverting to the default Zink pollen model.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown epol_tke_scheme = "..."
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no valid pollen species defined
- Description: None of the pollen species names match with currently implemented tree pollens. Please check spelling.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: seasonal factor = ... reset to the default value 0.9
- Description: Seasonal factor can have values only between 0 and 1. The default value of 0.9 is used instead.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: emission does not match surface type
- Description: The parameterized emissions mode has been selected. Then, emissions are possible only on street surfaces but values of scaling factors for street types emiss_factor_main and emiss_factor_sidehave not been provided for each of the emissions species or not provided at all. Please set a finite value for the named parameters in the chemistry namelist.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: Non of given emission species matches model chemical species. Emission routine is not called.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no array(s) for emission species allocated
- Description: Either no emission species are provided as input or no chemical species are used by PALM.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no valid emission mode
- Description: Emission module switched on, but either no emission mode specified or incorrectly given. Pass the correct value to the namelist parameter mode_emis.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal unit for emission input = "..."
- Description: The listed unit of the provided emission input is not valid. Check the emission module documentation.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: "HOUR" time-factors in the default mode are not provided for each hour of the total simulation time
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: "MDH" time-factors in the default mode are not provided for each hour/day/month of the total simulation time
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message:
- Description: In the default mode the time factor has to be defined in the namelist.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: LOD mismatch between namelist (emiss_lod=...) and chemistry input file (att_lod=...)
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: input timestamps not in chronological order for ... index ...:... and ... index ...:...
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: specified emission unit "..." not recognized
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: missing emission input file "..." for moving emission sources
- Description: Moving emissions switched-on and require a corresponding emission input file PIDS_EMIS_NONSTAT.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: DCEP is not implemented when urban-surface model is applied
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: DCEP is not implemented when vertical land surfaces exist
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: wrong value of type of urban length scale parametrization
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: wrong value of type of drag coefficient for walls (iurb_cdrag)
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: inverse of Longwave radiation matrix not correct
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: inverse of shortwave radiation matrix not correct
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: sum of SVFs at ... element at i= ... and j= ... should be 1 and not ...
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: wrong component or not implemented yet for component: ...
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: one or more dimension of in DCEP input file does not match the inputs in parin file
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: missing ... (...) in ...
- Description: Add the respective data to the named DCEP input file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: input file "..." for DCEP PIDS is missing
- Description: Add the input file PIDS_DCEP.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires dcep = .TRUE.
- Description: Add the settings to the namelist input file _p3d.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: average of "..." is not implemented
- Description: Remove the variable from the output list.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Using FASTv8 Coupler requires cpp macro "__fastv8" during build.
- Description: You have switched on the FASTv8 Coupler by specifying the namelist fastv8_coupler_parameters but PALM has been build without the
preprocessor directive. Please rebuild PALM using the__fastv8
preprocessor directive.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: fastv8_coupler_parameters namelist parameter "nturbines" must set to a value greater than 0.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: fastv8_coupler_parameters namelist parameter "nturbines" must set to a value greater than 0.
- Description: fastv8_coupler_parameters namelist parameter nturbines must be set to a value less or equal to 300. If you would like to use more turbines, you need to increase the value of the variable
in the source code.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: fastv8-coupler-parameters namelist parameter "fast_n_blades_max" must set to a value greater than 0.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: fastv8_coupler_parameters namelist parameter "fast_n_blade_elem_max" must set to a value greater than 0.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: fastv8_coupler_parameters namelist parameter "fast_host_addr_default" must be set to a valid IP adress e.g (currently it is not set).
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: fastv8_coupler_parameters namelist parameter "fast_host_port(i)" must be set to a valid port number (currently it is not set).
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: fastv8_coupler_parameters namelist parameter "palm_tower_ref_pos_x(i)" must be within the model domain (currently it is set to
). - Description: fastv8_coupler_parameters namelist parameter palm_tower_ref_pos_x(i) must be set to a value that represents a valid x-coordiate in meters within the model domain. Please ensure, that the turbine is placed so that there is at least 2x the rotor diameter distance to the left domain boundary.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: fastv8_coupler_parameters namelist parameter "palm_tower_ref_pos_y(i)" must be within the model domain (currently it is set to
). - Description: fastv8_coupler_parameters namelist parameter palm_tower_ref_pos_y(i) must be set to a value that represents a valid y-coordiate in meters within the model domain.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: fastv8_coupler_parameters namelist parameter "palm_tower_ref_pos_z(i)" must be within the model domain (currently it is set to
). - Description: fastv8_coupler_parameters namelist parameter palm_tower_ref_pos_z(i) must be set to a value that represents a valid z-coordiate in meters within the model domain.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Currently initializing_actions = "read_restart_data" is not implemented while using the FASTv8 Coupler.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Unable to initalize communication with FAST server(s).
- Description: Please make sure that all configured FASTv8 instances are running and reachable via the correct IPv4 and port over network.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Unable to update information between FORTRAN and C.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Unable to establish connection with all FAST server(s).
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: At least one FAST server finished the simulation.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Unable to send start signale to FAST server(s).
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: At least one FAST server finished the simulation.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Different times on different FAST instances.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Unable to send velocities to FAST server(s). Please check if any of the FAST servers finished the simulation.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: At least one FAST server finished the simulation.
- Description:
Indoor Model#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: indoor model requires information about building_id
- Description:
Lagrangian Particle Model#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: particle_parameters namelist will be ignored for childs
- Description: In a nested run, the particle parameters can only be set via the particle_parameters namelist of the root model.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown collision_kernel = "..."
- Description: See parameter collision_kernel for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nested runs in combination with cloud droplets are not implemented
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: pts_increment and pts_percentage cannot be set both
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: pts_increment must be >= 1
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: pts_percentage must be 0.0 <= pts_percentage <= 100.0
- Description:
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: max_number_of_particle_groups = ... number_of_particle_groups reset to reset to ...
- Description: If number_of_particle_groups > 10 then it is reset to the maximum allowed number of particle groups (which is 10).
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: overhanging topography do not work with particles
- Description: When you have defined an overhanging structure in your topography data the simultaneous use of the Lagrangian particle model may give wrong results because reflection boundary conditions (as well as subgrid-scale velocities) are not realized for downward-facing walls so far.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition bc_par_b = "..."
- Description: See bc_par_b for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition bc_par_t = "..."
- Description: See bc_par_t for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition bc_par_lr = "..."
- Description: See bc_par_lr for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition bc_par_ns = "..."
- Description: See bc_par_ns for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown splitting mode = "..."
- Description: See parameter [../particle_parameters#splitting_mode splitting_mode] for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown splitting function = "..."
- Description: See splitting_function for allowed values, and appropriately correct your parameter file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: particle group # ... has a density ratio /= 0 but radius = 0
- Description: Particles with mass but without radius are not allowed. Please appropriately correct radius or density_ratio.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of individual particle time series data requires preprocessor switches
, and-D__netcdf4_parallel
- Description: Set the required switches in the configuration file
and re-compile. Be aware that you need a NetCDF-library with parallel I/O support.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown aerosol species for lagrangian cloud microphysics
- Description: See aero_species for allowed aerosol species.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown aerosol type 'aero_type = ...'
- Description: See aero_type for allowed aerosol types.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: version mismatch concerning data from prior run version on file = ... version in program = ...
- Description: This error occurs when particle data from the restart file is read and the precursor run was carried out with a different particle binary version than the main run. Repeat the precurser with the current version or carry out the main run with the same version as the precursor. You can check the particle binary version number which is required for the main run in
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: size of structure particle_groups_type has changed
- Description: Internal error. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. by submitting a trouble-ticket.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: particle too fast. n = ...
- Description: Particle has moved further than the length of one PE subdomain within on timestep. This is not allowed, since particles can only be transferred from one subdomain to the neighboring subdomain. Please check if subdomains are too small or velocities are unrealistically high.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: no convergence of Newton-Raphson scheme within 500 iterations
- Description: The calculation of change in droplet radius due to condensational growth does not sufficiently converge. There are reports that this may happen if a lot of almost dry aerosols are released in an area with high relative humidity (90 % < RH < 100 %).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: k=... j=... i=... ql_c=... part(...)%wf=... delta_r=...
- Description: This error occurs due to a spurious interaction of the production and depletion of supersaturations if the applied time step is too large. Please re-run the simulation with a shorter time step.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: k=... j=... i=... e_s=... e_a=... t_int=... delta_r=... particle_radius=...
- Description: This error occurs if the droplet radius becomes negative. This might be related to a too long time step or an (artificial?) accumulation of super-droplets in one grid cell.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: LWC out of range: ql(...,...,...) = ...
- Description: The liquid water content must be >= 0.0. Values smaller than zero may occur if the time-step is not appropiate.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: negative weighting factor
- Description: A negative weighting factor might occur if the timestep is too long. Try to adjust dt.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: LWC is not conserved during collision. LWC after condensation: ... LWC after collision: ... at grid point (..,..,..) (k,j,i)'
- Description: LWC means liquid water content. This error should not happen. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. by submitting a trouble-ticket.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: particle violated CFL-criterion: particle with id ... will be deleted
- Description: This is a warning that some of your particles move too fast. Therefore they will be deleted.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of particles for output too large: ...
- Description: You try to output a number of particles larger than the upper limit of a 32bit INTEGER (i.e. > \(2^{32} - 1\)). Try to reduce your particle output.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: error while reading file PARTICLE_IDS in line ...
- Description: At least one line in the file containing the particle Ids to be scheduled for time series output has a wrong format. Only one INTEGER value per line is allowed.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: newly released particles exceed maximum number of particles allocated for time series, allocated particles: ..., current output: ..., newly added output: ...
- Description: Try to reduce the number of particles scheduled for time series output, e.g. by decreasing pts_increment or pts_percentage, or increase the maximum allowed number of output particles (see maximum_number_of_output_particles or extend_prts_filesize).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: particle I/O-id not in defined range ..., ..., ...
- Description: Internal error. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. by submitting a trouble-ticket.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: size of structure particle_groups_type has changed
- Description: Internal error. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. by submitting a trouble-ticket.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: particle_coupling = .T. not allowed for vertically shifted child domains
- Description: Set the vertical shift in domain_layouts to 0.0 or explicitly set particle_coupling = .F. in the &nesting-parameters namelist (note that its default value is .T.).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: particle_advection_start >= end_time not allowed
- Description: Change parameter particle_advection_start and/or end_time appropriately.
Land Surface Model#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of ... requires the land surface model to be switched on
- Description: The requested output quantity is only available when using the LSM.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value for data_output: "..." only 2d-horizontal cross sections are allowed for this value
- Description: The listed quantities are pure two-dimensional xy-cross-sections. They are not available as 3d data or xz/yz cross-sections. Note that these quantities are always marked by an asterisk as last character. See also data_output.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires the land surface model to be switched on
- Description: To output the requested variable, the land surface model must be switched on via namelist
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = ... is only implemented for the land surface model
- Description: The chosen quantity is related to the LSM, but the LSM was not activated.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown surface type: surface_type = "..."
- Description: See surface_type for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: surface_type = "netcdf" is deprecated and will be removed. Please use "read_from_file" instead.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: lsm requires setting of bc_pt_b = "dirichlet" and bc_q_b = "dirichlet"
- Description: In case the land surface model (LSM) is used, the surface fluxes have to be calculated by means of surface values of potential temperature and humidity (that are provided by the LSM), which reflects setting dirichlet boundary conditions for bc_pt_b and bc_q_b.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: lsm requires constant_flux_layer = .T.
- Description: When using the LSM it is required to use a constant flux layer (see constant_flux_layer).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: lsm requires the radiation model to be switched on
- Description: When using the LSM it is required to use the radiation model, i.e. to include a radiation parameters namelist.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: soil_type = ... is out of the valid range (surface type "vegetation" or "pavement")
- Description: See soil_type for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: soil_type = ... is out of the valid range at (j,i) = ... (surface type "netcdf" or "read_from_file")
- Description: See soil_type for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: vegetation_type = ... is out of the valid range (surface type "vegetation")
- Description: See vegetation_type for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: vegetation_type = ... is out of the valid range at (j,i) = ... (surface type "netcdf" or "read_from_file")
- Description: See vegetation_type for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: pavement_type = ... is out of the valid range (surface type "pavement")
- Description: See pavement_type for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: pavement_type = ... is out of the valid range at (j,i) = ... (surface type "netcdf" or "read_from_file")
- Description: See pavement_type for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: water_type = ... is out of the valid range (surface type "water")
- Description: See water_type for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: water_type = ... is out of the valid range at (j,i) = ... (surface type "netcdf" or "read_from_file")
- Description: See water_type for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: vegetation_type = 0 (user defined) requires setting of ...
- Description: In case a user-defined vegetation is used, all LSM parameters must be explicitly set by the user. See vegetation_type.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: vegetation_type = 1 (bare soil) requires vegetation_coverage = 0
- Description: Change the value of vegetation_type or vegetation_coverage.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: water_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of z0_water /= 9999999.9
- Description: If water_type is set to be user-specific, a roughness length for momentum (in m) for water surface types must be set.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: water_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of z0h_water /= 9999999.9
- Description: If water_type is set to be user-specific, a roughness length for heat (in m) for water surface types must be set.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: water_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of water_temperature /= 9999999.9
- Description: When water_type is set to be user-defined, a water temperature must be set.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: non-default setting of dz_soil does not allow to use pavement_type /= 0
- Description: Currently it is not possible to assign a user-defined number of soil layers when using pavement_type /= 0, as the individual depths of the pavements are fixed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: pavement_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of z0_pavement /= 9999999.9
- Description: When pavement_type is set to be user-defined, the roughness length for momentum must be set.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: pavement_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of z0h_pavement /= 9999999.9
- Description: When pavement_type is set to be user-defined, the roughness length for heat must be set.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: pavement_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of pavement_heat_conduct /= 9999999.9
- Description: When pavement_type is set to be user-defined, the heat conductivity of the pavement must be set.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: pavement_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of pavement_heat_capacity /= 9999999.9
- Description: When pavement_type is set to be user-defined, the heat capacity of the pavement must be set.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: pavement_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of pavement_depth_level /= 0
- Description: When pavement_type is set to be user-defined, a depth must be asigned that determines how deep the pavement extends into the ground. The pavement heat capacity and pavement heat conductivty are then assigned to all those levels.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: pavement-surfaces are not allowed in combination with a non-default setting of dz_soil
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: surface_type = "read_from_file" requires static input file
- Description: Either provide the file PIDS_STATIC or change the value of surface_type to a value different than 'netcdf'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: soil_type = 0 (user_defined) requires setting of ...
- Description: In case a user-defined soil type is used, all soil parameters must be explicitly set by the user (see soil_type).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of soil layers (...) does not match to the number of layers specified in soil_temperature (...)
- Description: For each soil layer an initial soil temperature must be prescribed (see soil_temperature). The number of soil layers is defined by dz_soil.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: deep_soil_temperature is not set but must be /= 9999999.9
- Description: The deep soil temperature serves as bottom boundary condition for heat diffusion in the soil model. Note that there is no analogous value for soil moisture as the bottom of the soil can either be set to bedrock (water accumulates) or free drainage (water is lost).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dimension size of static input variable pavement_pars is ..., but dimension size of ... is required
- Description: Please see the input data standard for the current requirements.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dimension size of static input variable pavement_subsurface_pars is ..., but dimension size of ... is required
- Description: Please see the input data standard for the current requirements.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dimension size of static input variable vegetation_pars is ..., but dimension size of ... is required
- Description: Please see the input data standard for the current requirements.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dimension size of static input variable water_pars is ..., but dimension size of ... is required
- Description: Please see the input data standard for the current requirements.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: invalid soil layer configuration found (dz_soil_center(...) <= 0.0)
- Description: By setting zs (the center of the soil layers), the depths of the individual layers is calculated by PALM itself. This errors points towards a misconfiguration because a soil level is set within an already established soil layer. Check dz_soil.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: surface element at grid point (i,j) = (... ...) is neither a vegetation, pavement, nor a water surface
- Description: The respective surface element is not correctly initialized, indicating inconsistencies in the static input file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: surface fractions at grid point (i,j) = (... ...) are all zero
- Description:
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: surface element at grid point (i,j) = (... ...) is not a vegetation surface, so that information given in vegetation_pars is neglected.
- Description:
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: surface element at grid point (i,j) = (... ...) is not a water surface, so that information given in water_pars is neglected.
- Description:
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: surface element at grid point (i,j) = (... ...) is not a pavement surface, so that information given in pavement_pars is neglected.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of grid points along ... in dynamic input file (=...) does not match the number grid points in this run (...=...)
- Description: Dimensions in dynamic input file must match the dimension of computational grid points of the respective run.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: Soil moisture is higher than its saturation value at one or more locations. Soil moisture is limited to its saturation value to maintain stability.
- Description: This error can occur when the soil moisture is higher than the saturation moisture for the given vegetation type. Check and maybe adjust parameters saturation_moisture or soil_moisture.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: initial values of soil moisture are < 0.0
- Description: The initial soil moisture must be set to values >= 0.0. Set soil moisture to reasonable values, either by setting the respective namelist parameter soil_moisture or by providing initial soil moisture values via the dynamic input file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: for non-pavement surfaces the combination of lai = 0.0 and c_veg = 1.0 is not allowed
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: ... exceeds 0.5 * surface-layer height at ... surface grid point (i,j) = (...,...)
Description: Monin-Obukhov similarity is assumed between the surface and the first computational grid point normal to the surface. Because of the staggered grid, the distance between these two points is half of the grid spacing in the respective direction, i.e. \(dz/2\) in vertical direction. The height \(z = dz/2\) defines the top of the (analytical) logarithmic layer \(z_{mo}\) (the surface layer height). Functions like \(ln(z_{mo}/z_0)\), where \(z_0\) is the roughness length, are used to calculate characteristic surface layer variables like \(u_*\) or \(\theta_*\). This mathematically requires that \(z_{mo} > z_0\), or in other words, that \(z_0 < dz/2\). In case you have run into this error, you either need to reduce the roughness length \(z_0\) (via namelist parameter roughness_length or in the static driver) or enlarge the grid spacing dz. Same holds for roughness length \(z_{0h}\) for temperature and \(z_{0q}\) for moisture.
Attention: This message is given only once (for the first grid point where the exceedance has been detected). Be aware that there might be more grid points where \(z_0\) exceeds the surface-layer height.
In case of water surfaces \(z_0\) is automatically calculated each time step via the Charnock relation and respectively checked. No information about grid point location(s) is given for that case. More than one location may have been detected.
Set allow_roughness_limitation = .TRUE. in order to allow for an automatical limitation of \(z_0\) to a maximum value of \(0.5 * z_{mo}\), which is equivalent to \(0.25 * dz\).
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: ... exceeds 0.5 * surface-layer height at ... surface(s) and is limited to that height
- Description: See error LSM0048 for detailed explanation.
Large Scale Forcing and Nudging#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nudging requires large_scale_forcing = .T.
- Description: Nudging requires to set large_scale_forcing = .T., too. Surface fluxes and geostrophic wind should be prescribed in file LSF_DATA. The surface values and profiles needed LSF_DATA should correspond to the data provided in NUDGING_DATA.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow the usage of large scale forcing from external file
- Description: Large scale forcing as well as nudging are not implemented/tested for non-cyclic boundary conditions so far.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: usage of large scale forcing from external file LSF_DATA requires humidity = .T.
- Description: Large scale forcing as well as nudging by data from external file LSF_DATA requires setting of humidity = .T..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: usage of large scale forcing from external file LSF_DATA is not implemented for passive scalars
- Description: So far, large-scale forcing for passive scalars is not implemented.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: usage of large scale forcing from external file LSF_DATA is not implemented for non-flat topography
- Description: Please set topography = 'flat' or refrain from using large scale forcing.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: large scale forcing from external file LSF_DATA is not implemented for ocean mode
- Description: Please do not use the ocean mode or refrain from using large scale forcing.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = "..." is not implemented for large_scale_forcing = .FALSE.
- Description: The listed entries are only avialable for large_scale_forcing = .T..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = "..." is not implemented for nudging = .FALSE.
- Description: The listed entries are only avialable for nudging = .T..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: file LSF_DATA does not exist
- Description: Make sure that file
containing surface fluxes, surface temperature, humidity and pressure as well as profiles of the geostrophic wind components and large scale subsidence (see LSF_DATA for a description) is provided in the INPUT folder.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: errors in file LSF_DATA
- Description: A possible reason is that the INPUT folder file
does not follow the format described in LSF_DATA. The error appeared within the first three lines of the file, which should contain the file header.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no time dependent surface variables in LSF_DATA for end of run found
- Description: An end-of-file condition appears while reading the surface values from LSF_DATA. A possible reason may be that no or too less time dependent surface variables are provided in the large scale forcing file.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: time dependent surface variables in LSF_DATA set in after end of simulation - lsf_surf is set to FALSE
- Description: This messages appears in the case that the first time step of the surface values read in from LSF_DATA is larger than the end time of the simulation. In this case the surface heat and water fluxes prescribed in LSF_DATA cannot be used.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no time dependent vertical profiles in LSF_DATA for end of run found
- Description: An end-of-file condition appears while reading profile data from LSF_DATA. A possible reason may be that no time dependent profile data is provided in the large scale forcing file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: errors in file LSF_DATA
- Description: A possible reason is that the INPUT folder file
does not follow the format described in LSF_DATA.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: zu(...) = ... m is higher than the maximum height in LSF_DATA which is ...m. Interpolation on PALM grid is not possible.
- Description: LSF data has a maximum vertical height that is smaller than the vertical extent of the grid used in PALM. Hence, interpolation of the LSF data onto the PALM grid is not possible. Reduce either the vertical extent of the model domain or enlarge the data given in file LSF_DATA correspondingly. Note: it is also possible that file LSF_DATA is not formatted correctly.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: time dependent large scale profile forcing from LSF_DATA sets in after end of simulation - lsf_vert is set to FALSE
- Description: This messages appears in the case that the first time step of the profile data read from LSF_DATA is larger than the end time of the simulation. In this case the profiles of the geostrophic wind and large scale subsidence prescribed in LSF_DATA cannot be used.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: file NUDGING_DATA does not exist
- Description: Make sure that file
containing the nudging profiles (see NUDGING_DATA for a description) is provided in the INPUT folder.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: errors in file NUDGING_DATA
- Description: A possible reason is that the INPUT folder file
does not follow the format described in NUDGING_DATA.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: zu(k) = ... m is higher than the maximum height in NUDING_DATA which is ...m. Interpolation on PALM grid is not possible.
- Description: NUDGING data has a maximum vertical height that is smaller than the vertical extent of the grid used in PALM. Hence, interpolation of the NUDGING data onto the PALM grid is not possible. Reduce either the vertical extent of the model domain or enlarge the data given in file NUDGING_DATA correspondingly. Note: it is also possible that file NUDGING_DATA is not formatted correctly.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: initial profiles of u, v, pt and q from NUDGING_DATA are used
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown prognostic variable "..."
- Description: The tendency due to nudging can only be applied to prognostic variables
. Make sure that nudging is applied in the PALM code to these variables only. If you did not modify the PALM code, please contact the PALM developers, e.g. by submitting a trouble ticket.
Multi Agent System#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: netCDF is needed for agent output
- Description: Set
, if required) as preprocessor options in the configuration file.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: Number of agents exceeds agent dimension. Starting at time_since_reference_point = ... s, data may be missing. Number of agents: ... Agent dimension size: ...
- Description: This is a result of setting either dim_size_agtnum_manual or dim_size_factor_agtnum or both, resulting in the agent-number dimension of DATA_AGT_NETCDF becoming smaller than the number of agents the MAS tries to ouput. Please adjust the parameters accordingly.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: number_of_agent_groups = ... number_of_agent_groups reset to ...
- Description: The number of agent groups is reset to the available maximum number of agent groups.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_mas_.. = "..."
- Description: See the description of the respective namelist parameter in the agent parameters documentation for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Input file NAVIGATION_DATA... for MAS missing.
- Description: Run
before the job to create it.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: The maximumn number of agents during this run was ... . Consider adjusting the INPUT parameter [../agent_parameters#dim_size_agtnum_manual dim_size_agtnum_manual] accordingly for the next run.
- Description: This informative message is given at the end of every job that uses the Multi Agent System. In order to avoid unnecessarily large files, try to set dim_size_agtnum_manual as close to the maximum number of agents during the simulation.
Offline Nesting#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: offline nesting is only applicable in root model
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: offline nesting requires initializing_actions = "read_from_file"
- Description: If lateral and top boundary conditions are obtained from a mesoscale model simulation, the initial profiles of the velocity components, potential temperature and mixing ratio need to be in line with the mesoscale data. As boundary conditions from mesoscale model data are handed over via the dynamic input file, the initial profiles should also handed over this way. If other initial data is used instead, this could result in large discrepancies between the initial data and the boundary data at the inflow boundaries, which can lead to strong numerical oscillations. In particular for the mixing ratio, this could produce even values close to zero or supersaturated conditions, possibly leading to numerical instabilities in conjunction with the energy-balance schemes.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mixture of different LOD for the provided boundary data is not possible
- Description: In case of mesoscale (offline) nesting the boundary data can be provided as level-of-detail (LOD) 1 or as LOD 2. However, a mixture of both in one simulation is not possible.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nesting_offline = .TRUE. requires dynamic input file
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: end_time of the simulation exceeds the time dimension in the dynamic input file
- Description: The time dimension in the dynamic input file must cover the entire simulation time.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: **** contains numbers in the range from 1-521
- Description: Internally, PALM calls the netCDF function
which returns an error message string provided by netCDF. Hence, no exact assignment between PALM error number and netCDF error string can be given. Most of the netCDF errors should never appear if the default code is used. The following list gives errors which may be caused by wrong steering or errors due to problems in the user interface.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: string match to name in use
- Description: A netCDF variable name has been used twice. Possible reasons: a variable in the parameter file has been listed twice (e.g. in data_output) or a variable name that has been defined in the user interface is already used by PALM.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: name contains illegal characters
- Description: netCDF variable names consist of arbitrary sequences of alphanumeric characters. These names are e.g. assigned by the user in the user-interface to variables
. Due to the netCDF convention, they must not start with a digit. Also, usage of/
as special character is not allowed. Older netCDF versions (before 3.6.3) have further restrictions on special characters. Please check if your string settings in the user-interface follow the above rules.
netCDF Data Input#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: static driver coordinates coordinates "origin_lon" and/or "origin_lat" are outside the allowed range of values
- Description: The valid range of values is: -180.0 <=
<= 180.0 and -90.0 <=origin_lat
<= 90.0.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: We are in the DEFAULT chemistry emissions mode: !no time-factor type specified!Please specify the value of time_fac_type: either "MDH" or "HOUR"
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: initialization with data from dynamic driver - dimension(s): "..." not found in dynamic driver
- Description: Check the dynamic driver and add the respective dimension(s).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of grid points along ... in dynamic driver (=...) does not match the number of grid points in this run (...=...)
- Description: Dimensions in dynamic driver must match the dimension of computational grid points of the respective run.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: vertical grid coordinate ... in dynamic driver does not match the computational grid (...) in this run at ...(...)
- Description: Check the respective vertical grid point coordinates in the dynamic driver.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: missing initial data for ...
- Description: Data for named variable is missing in dynamic driver.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: for chemistry variables only LOD=1 is allowed
- Description: Initialization of chemistry via dynamic input file is only allowed with profiles (LOD=1).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: netCDF input for ... must not contain any _FillValues
- Description: Respective data in dynamic driver must not contain any _FillValues.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: initializing_actions = "read_from_file" requires dynamic requires dynamic driver file "..."
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nsurface_fraction must not be larger than 3
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: minimum requirement for surface classification is not fulfilled
- Description: At least
, andwater_type
are required. If urban-surface model is applied, alsobuilding_type
ist required.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: if vegetation_type = 0 at any location, ... is required
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: if soil_type = 0 at any location, soil_pars is required
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: if buildings are provided, also ... is required
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: if building_type = 0 at any location, building_pars is required
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: if building_type is provided, also building_id is required
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: if albedo_type = 0 at any location, albedo_pars is required
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: if pavement_type = 0 at any location, pavement_pars is required
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: if pavement_type = 0 at any location, pavement_subsurface_pars is required
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: if water_type = 0 at any location, water_pars is required
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: at least one of the parameters vegetation_type, pavement_type, or water_type must be set to a non-missing value at grid point (i,j) = (...,...)
- Description: If the land-surface and building-surface model is employed at least one of the four "_type" variables must be set to a non fill-value to classify the surfaces accordingly. If only the land-surface model is employed, at least one of the variables
must be set.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: at least one of the parameters vegetation_type, pavement_type, building_type, or water_type must be set to a non-missing value at grid point (i,j) = (...,...)
- Description: If the land-surface and building-surface model is employed at least one of the four "_type" variables must be set to a non fill-value to classify the surfaces accordingly. If only the land-surface model is employed, at least one of the variables
must be set.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: soil_type is required for each location (x,y) where vegetation_type or pavement_type is a non-missing value
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: more than one surface type (vegetation, pavement, water) is given at location (i,j) = (...,...)
- Description: This is not allowed as no tile approach has yet been implemented.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: surface_fraction is given for more than one type at location (i,j) = (...,...)
- Description: This is not allowed as no tile approach has yet been implemented.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: sum of all land-surface fractions does not equal 1 at location (i,j) = (...,...)
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mismatch in setting of surface_fraction at location (i,j) = (...,...)
- Description: Vegetation-, pavement-, or water surface is given at the respective location, but surface fraction is 0 for the given type.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mismatch in setting of surface_fraction at location (i,j) = (...,...)
- Description: Vegetation-, pavement-, or water surface is not given at the respective location, but surface fraction is not 0 for the given type.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: vegetation_pars missing at location (i,j) = (...,...)
- Description: At the given location vegetation_type is set 0, and therefore all parameters of vegetation_pars must be set at this location.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: root_area_dens_s missing at location (i,j) = (...,...)
- Description: At the given location vegetation_type is set 0, and therefore all levels of root_area_dens_s must be set at this location.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: soil_pars missing at location (i,j) = (...,...)
- Description: At the given location soil_type is set 0, and therefore all levels of soil_pars must be set at this location.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: building_pars missing at location (i,j) = (...,...)
- Description: At the given location building_type is set 0, and therefore all parameters of buildings_pars must be set at this location.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: building_type missing at location (i,j) = (...,...)
Description: Each location where a building is set requires a type ( and vice versa ) in case the urban-surface model is applied.
Apart from the obvious inconsistent setting of building input data, please check if building_id has reasonable numbers. Even though building_id's can be set arbitrary, only values representable on a 32-bit integer can be used. For ids that cannot be represented, errors in the building processing can happen, causing this error. Another reason could be that the model domain is too shallow and thus the building and surface classification does not work properly.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: building_id missing at location (i,j) = (...,...)
Description: Each location where a building is set requires an ID ( and vice versa ).
Apart from the obvious inconsistent setting of building input data, please check if building_id has reasonable numbers. Even though building_id's can be set arbitrary, only values representable on a 32-bit integer can be used. For ids that cannot be represented, errors in the building processing can happen, causing this error.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: albedo_pars missing at location (i,j) = (...,...)
- Description: At the given location
is set 0, and therefore all parameters ofalbedo_pars
must be set at this location.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: pavement_pars missing at location (i,j) = (...,...)
- Description: At the given location
is set 0, and therefore all parameters ofpavement_pars
must be set at this location.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: pavement_subsurface_pars missing at location (i,j) = (...,...)
- Description: At the given location
is set 0, and therefore all parameters ofpavement_subsurface_pars
must be set at this location.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: water_pars missing at location (i,j) = (...,...)
- Description: At the given location
is set 0, and therefore all parameters ofwater_pars
must be set at this location.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: required input file "..." does not exist
- Description: A required netCDF file is not available. Either this file is not given in your INPUT folder or has a wrong name (check the
file for the correct naming).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: found building surface on non-building coordinates (xs, ys, zenith, azimuth): ..., ..., ..., ...
- Description: If the variable building_surface_pars has been specified within a static driver, the coordinates xs/ys/zs define the location of a horizontal/vertical buildings surface, while zenith/azimuth define the orientantion of the surface (upward-, northward-, southward-, eastward-, westward-facing). In case this error message appears, the coordinates xs, ys, zs, zenith, and azimuth describing a surface element do not match with the location of a building. Even if xs, ys, zs, are prescribed correctly, mismatches in zenith and azimuth may cause this error. In such a case, please check carefully your pre-processor code that you used to create the static driver. Further information about the data input for surface elements can be found here.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: static driver attribute "rotation_angle" is outside the allowed range of 0-360 degrees
- Description: The valid range of values is: 0.0 <=
<= 360.0.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: static driver gloabl attribute(s): ... is (are) set to "NaN"
- Description: Global attributes must not be set to NaN values.
netCDF Interface#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: netcdf_precision(...) = "..." must contain an "_"
- Description: Output types can be assigned a netCDF precision. For that, the output type has to start with an '_' character. See netcdf_precision for details.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal precision in netcdf_precision(...) = "..."
- Description: See NCI0001. Allowed netCDF precisions are 'NF90_REAL4' (single precision) or 'NF90_REAL8' (double precision).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown output type in netcdf_precision(...) = "..."
- Description: See [NCI0001](#netcdf_interface_mod--NCI0001. Allowed output types are 'xy', 'xz', 'yz', '2d', '3d', 'pr', 'ts', 'sp', 'prt' or 'all'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: netcdf_deflate out of range, given value: ..., allowed range: 0-9'
- Description: Set netcdf_deflate to a value within the allowed range.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netcdf_deflate reset to 0
- Description: netcdf_data_format /= 3 and netcdf_deflate > 0 have been set. However, data compression only works for the netCDF4/HDF5 non-parallel format (netcdf_data_format = 3).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no grid defined for variable "..."
- Description: All output quantities need a ccordinate grid on which they are defined and output. See the user-defined output documentation for a detailed description on how to output your own quantities. If you did not define your own output quantities and if you did not change the code, then please inform the PALM develpers, e.g. by submitting a trouble ticket.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for "..." data for mask ... from previous run found but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead.
- Description: This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its masked variables do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for "..." data for mask ... from previous run found but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in number of vertical grid points. New file is created instead.
- Description: This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, the number of vertical grid points of the masked variables do not match the one of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for "..." data for mask ... from previous run found but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead.
- Description: This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its last output time is greater than the first output time of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: netCDF file for "..." data for mask ... from previous run found. This file will be extended.
- Description: This is just an informative message and self-explanatory.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for volume data "..." from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead.
- Description: This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its 3d variables do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for volume data "..." from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in number of vertical grid points (nz_do3d). New file is created instead.
- Description: This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, the number of vertical grid points of the 3d variables do not match the one of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for volume data "..." from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead.
- Description: This is a warning. A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its last output time is greater than the first output time of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for volume data "..." from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the number of output time levels has been increased compared to the previous simulation. New file is created instead.
- Description: In case of parallel netCDF output, the time dimension is limited for increasing the performance. The number of time levels is calculated at the beginning of the simulation by \(\frac{end\_time - skip\_time\_do3d}{dt\_do3d}\). The parameters end_time, skip_time_do3d, and dt_do3d can be set by the user. If the calculated number of maximum time levels between the initial run and a restart run changed by modifing one of the parameters above, a new output file is created.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: netCDF file for volume data "..." from previous run found. This file will be extended.
- Description:
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for cross-sections "..." from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead.
- Description: A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its 2D variables do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for cross-sections "..." from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in number of cross sections. New file is created instead.
- Description: A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, the number of cross sections do not match the one of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for cross-sections "..." from previous run found but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in cross section levels. New file is created instead.
- Description: A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, the specified cross section levels which shall be outputted do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for cross sections "..." from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead.
- Description: A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its last output time is greater than the first output time of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for cross sections "..." from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the number of output time levels has been increased compared to the previous simulation. New file is created instead.
- Description: In case of parallel NetCDF output, the time dimension is limited for increasing the performance. The number of time levels is calculated at the beginning of the simulation by \(\frac{end\_time - skip\_time\_do2d\_xy}{dt\_do2d\_xy}\). Parameters end_time, skip_time_do2d_xy, and dt_do2d_xy can be set by the user. If the calculated number of maximum time levels between the initial run and a restart run changed by modifying one of the parameters above, a new output file is created.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: netCDF file for cross-sections "..." from previous run found. This file will be extended.
- Description:
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for cross sections "..." from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the number of output time levels has been increased compared to the previous simulation. New file is created instead.
- Description: In case of parallel NetCDF output, the time dimension is limited for increasing the performance. The number of time levels is calculated at the beginning of the simulation by \(\frac{end\_time - skip\_time\_do2d\_xz}{dt\_do2d\_xz}\). Parameters end_time, skip_time_do2d_xz, and dt_do2d_xz can be set by the user. If the calculated number of maximum time levels between the initial run and a restart run changed by modifying one of the parameters above, a new output file is created.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for cross sections "..." from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the number of output time levels has been increased compared to the previous simulation. New file is created instead.
- Description: In case of parallel NetCDF output, the time dimension is limited for increasing the performance. The number of time levels is calculated at the beginning of the simulation by \(\frac{end\_time - skip\_time\_do2d\_yz}{dt\_do2d\_yz}\). Parameters end_time, skip_time_do2d_yz, and dt_do2d_yz can be set by the user. If the calculated number of maximum time levels between the initial run and a restart run changed by modifying one of the parameters above, a new output file is created.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: It is not allowed to arrange more than 100 profiles with cross_profiles. Apart from that, all profiles are saved to the netCDF file.
- Description: This is a deprecated feature. All profiles are written to the netCDF file. Only the first 100 profiles will be plotted by
palmplot pr
(default). To see all profiles, add the parametervar=all
topalmplot pr
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for vertical profiles from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead.
- Description: A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its 1D variables do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for vertical profiles from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead.
- Description: A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its last output time is greater than the first output time of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: netCDF file for vertical profiles from previous run found. This file will be extended.
- Description:
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for ... time series from previous run found but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead.
- Description: A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its time dependent variables do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for ... time series from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead.
- Description: A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its last output time is greater than the first output time of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: netCDF file for ... time series from previous run found. This file will be extended.
- Description:
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for spectra from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended due to variable mismatch. New file is created instead.
- Description: A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its variables do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for spectra from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in number of vertical levels. New file is created instead.
- Description: A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, the number of vertical levels which shall be outputted do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for spectra from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended due to mismatch in heights of vertical levels. New file is created instead.
- Description: A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, the specified vertical levels (heights) which shall be outputted do not match the ones of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF file for spectra from previous run found, but this file cannot be extended because the current output time is less or equal than the last output time on this file. New file is created instead.
- Description: A netCDF file from a previous run exist which is tried to be opened for extension. However, its last output time is greater than the first output time of the current run. Therefore a new file is created instead.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: netCDF file for spectra from previous run found. This file will be extended.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mode "..." not supported
- Description: Possible modes are
(particle timeseries),fl
(flight data),ts
(timeseries),spv (spectra). In addition, the extension (
_ext`) and the creation of netCDF files is possible. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. by submitting a trouble-ticket, if this error occurs.
Ocean Module#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: ocean mode does not allow vertically shifted childs
- Description: Nesting in ocean mode (see ocean parameters namelist) always requires the child top to match the sea surface. The last entry in domain_layouts must be set to 0.0 for all childs.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: ocean mode does not allow cyclic-fill initialization
- Description: Main runs with initializing_actions = 'cyclic_fill' cannot use ocean mode so far.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: ocean mode does not allow coupling_char = ... set by palmrun-option "-y"
- Description: The
must not be used for atmosphere runs. The option is only required for ocean precursor runs, which are followed by coupled atmosphere-ocean] restart runs.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: use_top_fluxes must be .TRUE. in ocean mode
- Description: In ocean mode (see ocean parameters namelist), fluxes at the water surface must be prescribed as driving boundary conditions. In atmosphere-ocean coupled runs, these fluxes are provided by the atmosphere run.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_sa_t = "..."
- Description: See bc_sa_t for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: salinityflux must not be set for ocean run without salinity
- Description: You have set top_salinityflux or/and bottom_salinityflux to a non-zero value, and simultaneously switched off the salinity equation. Remove either the flux settings from your namelist file, or set salinity = .TRUE..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: boundary condition: bc_sa_t = "..." requires to set top_salinityflux
- Description: You have chosen a Neumann boundary condition for salinity at the top (by setting bc_sa_t = 'neumann'), but you did not provide a salinity flux at the top. Please provide top_salinityflux in the namelist file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: boundary condition: bc_sa_t = "..." is not allowed with top_salinityflux /= 0.0
- Description: You have tried to set both, a Dirichlet boundary condition for salinity at the top (by setting bc_sa_t = 'dirichlet'), and a salinity flux at the top (with top_salinityflux /= 0.0). Please decide, if you like to give either the salinity or the salinity flux as top boundary condition, and omit one of the two parameters in the parameter file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: wrong settings for stokes_wavelength and/or stokes_waveheight
- Description: If you set parameters stokes_wavelength and stokes_waveheight to switch on the Stokes force in ocean mode, they must '''both''' be set > 0.0. Values < 0.0 are not allowed.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: wrong component of Stokes force: ...
- Description: Only the two Cartesian components 2 and 3 are allowed for the Stokes force in ocean mode.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: wrong component of wave breaking: ...
- Description: Only the two Cartesian components 1 and 2 are allowed for adding wave breaking effects in ocean mode.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: ocean mode does not allow homogeneous_initialization_child = .T.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: ocean mode does not allow particle_coupling = .T.
- Description:
PALM Core#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no vertical boundary condition for variable "..."
- Description: Routine
which calculates the advection term for scalar quantities using the Bott-Chlond scheme was called for a variable, which does not have a specific boundary condition implemented (Adding top and bottom boundaries according to the relevant boundary conditions is not possible). This should not happen. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. by submitting a trouble ticket.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no term for wind component "..."
- Description: Routine
was called for a different wind component than the u/w-component while an inclined surface was used. In case of an inclined surface (see alpha_surface) the buoyancy term appears in the equation of motion of the w-component and u-component. There is no buoyancy term implemented for the v-component as the surface can only be inclined in x-direction and no buoyancy term is required for the v-component. This should not happen. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. by submitting a trouble ticket.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: run will be terminated because it is running out of job cpu limit remaining time: ... s termination time needed: ... s
- Description: In case that restart_time has not been set manually, PALM determines internally when a new restart run has to be carried out depending on the setting of termination_time_needed. Within the remaining time PALM will, for example, copy binary files for restart runs, archive or transfer result data. Have a look at job chains and restart runs for further information.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: run will be terminated because user forced a job termination via flag file: DO_STOP_NOW: "..." DO_RESTART_NOW: "..."
- Description: An unscheduled termination/restart of the running job has been forced by creating one of the flag files
in the temporary working directory of the job.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: run will be terminated due to user settings of restart_time / dt_restart, new restart time is: ... s
- Description: A restart run is generated by PALM due to the setting of restart_time and/or dt_restart and the new restart time is calculated. Have a look at job chains and restart runs for further information.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: re-open of unit 14 is not verified
- Description: The file with unit number 14 (BINOUT) contains the binary restart data. It was opened at least a second time by user specific settings. This is not verified, so check the results carefully.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: re-opening of file-id ... is not allowed
- Description: It was tried to re-open a file, which had already been opened once during the simulation. Only certain files are allowed to be re-opened to prevent errors. If you are sure that the file can be re-opened without causing any errors, you may add the file-id to the list in routine
. See also the list of I/O-files.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: opening file-id ... not allowed for PE ...
- Description: Certain files are only allowed to be opened on a certain PE (in most cases only on PE0). Please check if your file can be opened on this PE and choose a different file-id.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: opening file-id ... is not allowed since it is used otherwise
- Description: Certain file-ids are reserved for files used temporarily outside of the main program. Please refer to the list of I/O-files and choose an unused file-id.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: namelist file "PARIN" or "PARIN_O" not found
- Description: The origin of this error can have several reasons. Most likely, the activation string of the
command was incorrect. You have to assure that the correct activation string is set so that the parameter namelist is recognised by palmrun (per default, this is'd3#'
for normal runs or'd3r'
for restarts). If you use several strings within the list of activation strings, make sure that each string is separated by a blank, i.e. do not write'd3#restart'
but'd3# restart'
. If you used a modified version of.palm.iofiles
, there is probably an incorrect linkage between the PARIN file and the actual file inside the INPUT directory. Please refer to the file-connection file documentation for how to correctly configure this file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no OPEN-statement for file-id ...
- Description: Routine
was called with an unknown file-id. Please check the file-id for a typo or open the file manually using an OPEN(...) statement.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: humidity has to be set to .T. in the _p3d file for coupled runs between ocean and atmosphere
- Description: Set humidity = .T. in the atmosphere namelist file (suffix
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal restart data format "..."
- Description: See restart_data_format for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal restart input data format "..."
- Description: See restart_data_format_input for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal restart output data format "..."
- Description: See restart_data_format_output for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: manual restart settings requires file activation string "restart"
Description: Values for parameters
have been given in the&runtime_parameters
namelist. This also requires to give the file activation string"restart"
with palmrun-option-a
, because otherwise the restart files wouldn't be generated at the end of the PALM run.Repeat the run with
-a ".... restart"
or remove parametersdt_restart
from your namelist-file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value given for loop_optimization: "..."
- Description: See loop_optimization for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: the specified topography does not allow ...
- Description: There are several features which do not work together with a non-flat topography. See topography for possible restrictions and appropriately modify your parameter file.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: bottom and top boundary are treated equal
- Description: The regions close to the bottom and top boundaries are treated physically and numerically equal. This is not necessarily the case for usual atmospheric runs.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dz should be equal close to the boundaries due to symmetrical problem
- Description: To get realistic results for a closed channel flow, it is necessary to treat the bottom and top boundaries in the same way. This includes the grid spacing. Choose dz appropriately.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: a constant flux layer is not allowed if a closed channel shall be used
- Description: So far, the constant flux layer approach is only implemented for the bottom boundary but bottom and top boundary shall be treated equal for closed channel flows. Therefore, it is not allowed.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: ocean mode is not allowed if a closed channel shall be used
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: closed channel requires Wicker-Skamarock as advection scheme
- Description: Only the upwind scheme of Wicker and Skamarock is realized and tested for a symmetric degradation of the advection scheme (from 5th, to 3rd to 1st order) close to the bottom and top boundary.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown approximation: approximation = "..."
- Description: See approximation for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: anelastic approximation requires momentum_advec = "ws-scheme"
- Description: The anelastic approximation requires momentum_advec = 'ws-scheme'. Currently no other advection scheme is allowed with approximation = 'anelastic'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: anelastic approximation is not allowed with conserve_volume_flow = .TRUE.
- Description: The anelastic approximation requires to set conserve_volume_flow = .T..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown flux input mode: flux_input_mode = "..."
- Description: See flux_input_mode for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown flux output mode: flux_output_mode = "..."
- Description: See flux_output_mode for allowed values
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of time series quantities exceeds its maximum of dots_max = ...
- Description: In case of output of user defined timeseries, and if the number of the user defined timeseries exceeds the maximum number, the maximum number
, which is currently set to 100, has to be increased. Please increasedots_max
in source code filemodules.f90
according to your needs and recompile.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown solver for perturbation pressure: psolver = "..."
- Description: See psolver for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown multigrid cycle: cycle_mg = "..."
- Description: See cycle_mg for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown fft-algorithm: fft_method = "..."
- Description: See fft_method for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: fft_method = "fftw" is not available for loop_optimization = "vector" with 1d-domain-decomposition
- Description: Choose a different fft-method, e.g. fft_method = 'temperton-algorithm', or set loop_optimization = 'cache'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: psolver must be called at each RK3 substep when 'ws-scheme' is used for momentum_advec
- Description: The use of 5th-order advection scheme for the momentum equations requires a sufficiently large reduction of flow divergence to minimize numerical errors. Set call_psolver_at_all_substeps = .T..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown momentum advection scheme = "..."
- Description: See momentum_advec for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: momentum_advec or scalar_advec = "..." is not allowed with timestep_scheme = "..."
- Description: The 5th order advection scheme is conditional unstable in conjunction with Euler- or Runge-Kutta-2 integration. Instead, use timestep_scheme = 'runge-kutta-3'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown scaler advection = "..."
- Description: See scalar_advec for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: advection_scheme scalar_advec = "bc-scheme" not implemented for loop_optimization = "cache"
- Description: For the Bott-Chlond scheme set loop_optimization = 'vector'.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: use_upstream_for_tke is set to .TRUE. because use_sgs_for_particles = .TRUE. and scalar_advec /= 'ws-scheme'
- Description: The simple upstream discretization is used for the advection term of the TKE equation instead of the one that have been set via scalar_advec. This is required in case of using SGS velocity components for particle transport, because non-diffusiv advection schemes may cause large artificial vertical gradients near the surface, which create numerical instabilities in the particle transport. Output of this warning can be avoided by explicitly setting use_upstream_for_tke = .T..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: advanced flow-divergence correction is only possible with loop_optimization = 'vector'
- Description: Set loop_optimization = 'cache'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: advanced flow-divergence correction requires a smaller timestep. Please set cfl_factor to a value < 0.5
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown timestep scheme: timestep_scheme = "..."
- Description: See timestep_scheme for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: momentum advection scheme "..." does not work with timestep_scheme "..."
- Description: For timestep_scheme = 'runge-kutta-3' only momentum_advec = 'ws-scheme' or 'pw-scheme' gives a numerically stable solution.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no value specified for initializing_actions
- Description: A value for initializing_actions must be given.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: initializing_actions = "inifor" is deprecated and will be removed soon
- Description: Use initializing_actions = 'read_from_file' instead.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: initializing_actions = "..." unknown or not allowed
- Description: See initializing_actions for allowed values in initial runs (of a job chain). For restart runs, initializing_actions = 'read_restart_data' must be set.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: initializing_actions = 'initialize_vortex' is not allowed with conserve_volume_flow = .T.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: initializing_actions = "set_constant_profiles" and "set_1d-model_profiles" are not allowed simultaneously
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: initializing_actions = "set_constant_profiles" and "by_user" are not allowed simultaneously
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: initializing_actions = "by_user" and "set_1d-model_profiles" are not allowed simultaneously
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: initializing_actions = "read_spinup_data" requires a spinup file within the working directory
- Description: The file containing spinup surface data is missing. Please ensure that spinup surface data has been created in a previous run. Moreover, check if the file connection statement for the file
is defined in the.palm.iofiles
. Finally, check ifspinin
has been given within thepalmrun -a
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: read_spinup_data" requires spinup_time = 0.0
- Description: If the simulation is initialized with spinup surface data from a previous run, spinup_time must be 0.0.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: initializing_actions = "read_spinup_data read_restart_data" is not possible
- Description: The combination of 'read_spinup_data' and 'read_restart_data' for initializing_actions is mutually exclusive.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: reading spinup data requires restart_data_format_input = "mpi" or "mpi_shared_memory"
- Description: Reading spinup data is not realized for restart_data_format_input = 'fortran_binary'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: writing spinup data requires restart_data_format_input = "mpi" or "mpi_shared_memory"
- Description: Writing spinup data is not realized for restart_data_format_input = 'fortran_binary'.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: writing spinup data is enabled but surface_spinup is switched-off
- Description: You have enabled output of spinup surface data with
option-a '... spinout'
. This case, the prescribed spinup_time must be > 0.0.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nesting, spinup_time, and dt_spinup are not identical in parent and child domains
- Description: In case of spinup and nested run, the spinup end time must be identical in order to have synchronously running simulations. Adjust spinup_time and/or dt_spinup appropriately.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: humidity = .TRUE. and sloping_surface = .TRUE. are not allowed simultaneously
- Description: If alpha_surface has a non-zero value (to use an inclined surface), the simultaneous use of humidity = '.T.' is not allowed. Change one of these parameters accordingly.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: uv_heights(1) must be 0.0
- Description: See uv_heights for further instructions.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: Coriolis force is switched on (omega /= 0.0) and initial profiles u_profile and v_profile are prescribed
- Description: Per default the initial wind profile (u- and v-profile) is set to the geostrophic wind profile. However, the initial wind profile can also be set to a different profile via parameters u_profile and v_profile. An initial wind profile that deviates too much from the geostrophic wind profile will cause strong inertia oscillations and thus the mean flow will take a long time to become steady state. The strength of the inertia oscillation can be significantly reduced, when the initial wind profile is set to the steady-state wind profile that might be obtained by a low-cost precursor simulation with a small domain and coarser grid spacing.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: u_profile(1) and v_profile(1) must be 0.0
- Description: See u_profile and v_profile for further instructions.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: usage of use_subsidence_tendencies requires ... = .T..
- Description: use_subsidence_tendencies = .T. has been set, and therefore subsidence tendencies for temperature and humidity are read in from the external file LSF_DATA. This requires setting of large_scale_subsidence = .T. and large_scale_forcing = .T..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: missing large scale vertical velocity profile
- Description: Setting of large_scale_subsidence = .T. and large_scale_forcing = .F. requires to prescribe a profile for the subsidence velocity has to be prescribed via parameters subs_vertical_gradient and subs_vertical_gradient_level.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: large scale subsidence is not activated
- Description: subs_vertical_gradient_level has been set, but this requires to set large_scale_subsidence = .T., too.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value for reference_state: "..."
- Description: See reference_state for allowed value.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: ABS( alpha_surface = ... ) must be < 90.0
- Description: Upright surfaces are not allowed in case of sloping surfaces.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dt = ... <= 0.0
- Description: dt (time step of the 3d-model) must not be set to a value <= 0.0.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: cfl_factor = ... out of range
- Description: The factor for the Courant-Friedrichs-Levy time step criterion used in the timestep condition must be within 0.0 < cfl_factor <= 1.0. See also cfl_factor.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: galilei transformation does not allow height depending ...
- Description: The Galilei coordinate transformation (see galilei_transformation) is not allowed under baroclinic conditions, where the geostrophic wind components vary with height. Modify either ug_surface, vg_surface, or galilei_transformation appropriately in the namelist file, or set use_ug_for_galilei_tr = '.F.'.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: variable translation speed used for Galilei-transformation, which may cause instabilities in stably stratified regions
- Description: Both galilei_transformation = '.T.' and use_ug_for_galilei_tr = '.F.' have been set, which means that the translation velocity to be used in the Galilei transformation will be newly calculated after every timestep. From past experiences, this may cause numerical flow instabilities within stably stratified, non-turbulent regions.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: psolver = "poisfft" or "poisfft_sm" requires the number of grid points along x-direction (nx+1) to be even
- Description: Even values for
are required in case that cyclic boundary conditions along x have been set. Change parameter nx appropriately.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: psolver = "poisfft" or "poisfft_sm" requires the number of grid points along y-direction (ny+1) to be even
- Description: Even values for
are required in case that cyclic boundary conditions along y have been set. Change parameter ny appropriately.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow psolver = "..." with FFT method = "..."
- Description: In case of non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions, the FFT solver requires the FFT methods 'fftw', 'temperton-algorithm', or 'singleton-algorithm'. Please set fft_method appropriately. Alternatively, you can choose the multigrid solver by setting the parameter psolver = 'multigrid' or 'multigrid_noopt'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow momentum_advec = "..."
- Description: Using non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions requires to use either the Wicker-Skamarock or the Piacsek-Williams advection scheme for momentum. You can choose one of these methods by respectively setting momentum_advec.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow scalar_advec = "..."
- Description: Using non-cyclic lateral boundary conditions requires to use either the Wicker-Skamarock or Piacsek-Williams advection scheme for scalar quantities. You can choose one of these methods by respectively setting scalar_advec.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: non-cyclic lateral boundaries do not allow galilei_transformation = .T.
- Description: The Galilei coordinate transformation can only be used with cyclic horizontal boundary conditions. Either use bc_lr = bc_ns = 'cyclic', or set galilei_transformation = '.F.' in the namelist file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: psolver = "poisfft" requires that boundary conditions along x and y are both either cyclic or non-cyclic
- Description: Switch to psolver = 'multigrid' or set bc_lr = bc_ns.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: boundary condition bc_e_b changed to "..."
- Description: Both bc_e_b = '(u)**+neumann', and constant_flux_layer = *'.F.' have been set, which is in conflict, since this type of boundary condition requires a constant flux layer. [bc_e_b](../Namelists/#initialization_parameters--bc_e_b ] has been automatically set to 'neumann' instead.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_e_b = "..."
- Description: See bc_e_b for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_p_b = "..."
- Description: See bc_p_b for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_p_t = "..."
- Description: See bc_p_t for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_pt_b = "..."
- Description: See bc_pt_b for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_pt_t = "..."
- Description: See bc_pt_t for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: wall_heatflux additionally requires setting of surface_heatflux
- Description: As wall_heatflux only describes the kinematic flux at topography walls at non-zero height levels, additional setting of surface_heatflux is required for the kinematic flux at the surface.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: heatflux must not be set for pure neutral flow
- Description: neutral = '.T.' has been set, but non-zero values for surface_heatflux and / or top_heatflux are given at the same time. This is not allowed for simulating a flow with pure neutral stratification, where the temperature equation is switched off. Check your namelist file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: both, top_momentumflux_u AND top_momentumflux_v must be set
- Description: To give a momentum flux as top boundary condition, both components top_momentumflux_u and top_momentumflux_v have to be given at the same time.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: boundary_condition: bc_pt_b = "..." is not allowed with constant_heatflux = .TRUE.
- Description: Both, a Dirichlet surface boundary condition for temperature (with bc_pt_b = 'dirichlet'), and a surface sensible heatflux (with surface_heatflux /= 0.0) have been set. Omit one of the two parameters in the namelist file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: constant_heatflux = .TRUE. is not allowed with pt_surface_initial_change (/=0) = ...
- Description: Specification of the sensible heatflux as surface boundary condition via surface_heatflux does not allow to specify anything about the surface temperature at the same time (e.g. via pt_surface_initial_change).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: constant_heatflux = .TRUE. is not allowed with pt_surface_heating_rate (/=0) = ...
- Description: See message PAC0088.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: boundary_condition: bc_pt_t = "..." is not allowed with constant_top_heatflux = .TRUE.
- Description: Both, a Dirichlet boundary condition for temperature at the top (via bc_pt_t = 'dirichlet'), and a sensible heatflux at the top (via top_heatflux /= '0.0') have been set. Omit one of the two parameters in the namelist file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: wall_humidityflux additionally requires setting of surface_waterflux
- Description: As wall_humidityflux only describes the kinematic flux at topography walls at non-zero height levels, additional setting of surface_waterflux is required for the kinematic flux at the surface.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_..._b ="..."
- Description: See the description of the respective parameter in the list of initialization parameter for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_..._t ="..."
- Description: See the description of the respective parameter in the list of initialization parameter for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: boundary condition: bc_..._b = "..." is not allowed with prescribed surface flux
- Description: Both, a Dirichlet surface boundary condition for humidity / passive scalar (via bc_q_b / bc_s_b = 'dirichlet'), and a surface latent heatflux / scalar flux (via surface_waterflux / surface_scalarflux /= '0.0') have been set. Omit one of the two parameters in the namelist file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: a prescribed surface flux is not allowed with ..._surface_initial_change (/=0) = ...
- Description: If latent heatflux / scalar flux is given as surface boundary condition (via surface_waterflux / surface_scalarflux), anything about the surface humidity / scalar must not be specified at the same time (e.g. via q_surface_initial_change / s_surface_initial_change).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: wall_scalarflux additionally requires setting of surface_scalarflux
- Description: As wall_scalarflux only describes the kinematic flux at topography walls at non-zero height levels, additional setting of surface_scalarflux is required for the kinematic flux at the surface.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: boundary condition: bc_s_t = "..." is not allowed with top_scalarflux /= 0.0
- Description: Both, a Dirichlet boundary condition for scalar at the top (via bc_s_t = 'dirichlet', or an initial-gradient boundary condition), and a scalar flux at the top (via top_scalarflux /= 0.0) have been set. Omit one of the two parameters in the namelist file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: boundary condition: bc_uv_b = "..." is not allowed with constant_flux_layer = .TRUE.
- Description: Both, a Neumann surface boundary condition for horizontal velocity (via bc_uv_b = ' 'neumann'), and a constant flux layer between the surface and the first vertical grid point (via constant_flux_layer = '.T.') have been set. Omit one of the two parameters in the namelist file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_uv_b = "..."
- Description: See bc_uv_b for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_uv_t = "..."
- Description: See bc_uv_t for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: rayleigh_damping_factor = ... out of range
- Description: See rayleigh_damping_factor for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: rayleigh_damping_height = ... out of range [0.0, ...]
- Description: See rayleigh_damping_height for allowed values. This error may appear if the domain height in run has been changed (e.g. by reducing the number of vertical grid points) without adjusting the height at which Rayleigh damping shall start.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of statistic_regions = ... is not allowed
- Description: See statistic_regions for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: normalizing_region = ... must be >= 0 and <= ... (value of statistic_regions)
- Description: The region number given by normalizing_region must be within the range [0, statistic_regions]. Adjust normalizing_region appropriately in the namelist file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: averaging_interval = ... must be <= dt_data_output_av = ...
- Description: Either change averaging_interval or dt_data_output (or dt_data_output_av).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: averaging_interval_pr = ... must be <= dt_dopr = ...
- Description: Either change averaging_interval_pr or dt_dopr.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dt_averaging_input = ... must be < averaging_interval = ...
- Description: Either change the sampling interval (via dt_averaging_input) for averaging data, or averaging_interval.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dt_averaging_input_pr = ... must be < averaging_interval_pr = ...
- Description: Either change the sampling interval (via dt_averaging_input_pr) for averaging profile data, or averaging_interval_pr.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of more than 500 profiles requested
- Description: The total sum of output profiles given via data_output_pr and data_output_pr_user is greater than 500. Either reduce the number of output profiles, or ask the PALM developers (via the trouble-ticket system) how to extend the bounds of PALM internal arrays to allow for output of more than 500 profiles.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for humidity = .FALSE.
- Description: The listed entries are only available for humidity= .T.. Please also check values given by data_output_pr for typos (output variables that are not known by PALM).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for passive_scalar = .FALSE.
- Description: The listed entries are only available for passive_scalar= .T.. Please also check values given by data_output_pr for typos (output variables that are not known by PALM).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for bulk_cloud_model = .FALSE.
- Description: The listed entries are only available for the bulk cloud model (BCM) switched on (see bulk cloud parameters). Please also check values given by data_output_pr for typos (output variables that are not known by PALM).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for bulk_cloud_model = .FALSE. and humidity = .FALSE.
- Description: The listed entries are only available for the bulk cloud model (BCM) switched on (see bulk cloud parameters), or, if the BCM is not used, for humidity = .T.. Please also check values given by data_output_pr for typos (output variables that are not known by PALM).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = ... is not implemented for bulk_cloud_model = .FALSE. and cloud_droplets = .FALSE.
- Description: The listed entries are only available for for the bulk cloud model (BCM) switched on (see bulk cloud parameters), or if cloud_droplets = .T.. Please also check values given by data_output_pr for typos (output variables that are not known by PALM).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = w_subs is not implemented for large_scale_subsidence = .FALSE.
- Description: Setting of data_output_pr = 'w_subs' requires to set large_scale_subsidence = .T..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = s*2 is not implemented for passive_scalar = .FALSE.
- Description: Setting of data_output_pr = 's*2' requires to set passive_scalar = .T..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value for data_output_pr or data_output_pr_user = "..."
- Description: The listed value does not match the values allowed for data_output_pr or data_output_pr_user. Possible reasons may be: (a) a typo in the namelist file, (b) a user-defined variable has not been defined in
, (c) the string length of the user-defined variable exceeds the current limits (see here). For a complete list of allowed values for data_output_pr see the list of vertical profile quantities.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value for data_output_pr = "..."
- Description: The listed value does not match the values allowed for data_output_pr. This error is most likely related to a typo in the namelist file. For a complete list of allowed values for data_output_pr see the list of vertical profile quantities.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of output quantities given by data_output and data_output_user exceeds the limit of 500
- Description: The total sum of output quantities given via data_output and data_output_user is greater than 500. Either reduce the number of output quantities, or ask the PALM developers (via the trouble-ticket system) how to extend the bounds of PALM internal arrays to allow for output of more than 500 quantities.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "e" requires constant_diffusion = .FALSE.
- Description: Setting of data_output = 'e' requires to set constant_diffusion = .F., i.e. an activated (SGS-)turbulence parameterization.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires bulk_cloud_model = .TRUE.
- Description: For the output of some quantities related to clouds and humidity, e.g. the water vapor mixing ratio 'qv', the bulk cloud model must be activated. Also, humidity = '.T.' is required. In case of simulating humidity without condensation/evaporation processes, i.e. only humidity = '.T.' is set, as an example data_output = 'q' should be chosen instead of data_output = 'qv'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires a "particle_parameters" namelist in the parameter file (PARIN)
- Description: data_output = 'pc' (particle concentration) and/or data_output = 'pr' (particle radius) requires the Lagrangian particle model to be switched on via the particle parameters namelist. The same holds for settings of data_output_masks.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires humidity = .TRUE.
- Description: Assigning the listed quantity to data_output or data_output_masks requires to set humidity = .T..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "ql" requires bulk_cloud_model = .TRUE. or cloud_droplets = .TRUE.
- Description: Assigning 'ql' to data_output or data_output_masks requires activation of the bulk cloud model or to set cloud_droplets = .T..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires cloud_droplets = .TRUE.
- Description: Assigning 'ql_c', 'ql_v', 'ql_vp' to data_output requires to set cloud_droplets = .T..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "s" requires passive_scalar = .TRUE.
- Description: Assigning 's' to data_output requires to set passive_scalar = .T..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value for data_output: "..." only 2d-horizontal cross sections are allowed for this value
- Description: The listed quantity is defined as a pure two-dimensional xy-cross-section only (indicated by '*' as last character). It is not available as 3d data or xz/yz cross-section. Add string '_xy' to the respective quantity, e.g. 'ol*_xy' instead of 'ol*'. See also data_output or data_output_masks for further explanations.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of qsws* requires humidity=.TRUE.
- Description: Assigning 'qsws*' to data_output requires to set humidity = '.T.'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires land_surface = .TRUE.
- Description: Assigning the listed quantity to data_output requires the land surface model to be switched on by adding the land surface parameters namelist to the namelist file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires land_surface = .TRUE. or urban_surface = .TRUE.
- Description: Assigning the listed quantity to data_output requires the land surface model or the urban surface model to be switched on by adding the land surface parameters namelist or the urban surface parameters namelist to the namelist file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires passive_scalar = .TRUE.
- Description: Assigning the listed quantity to data_output requires to set passive_scalar = '.T.'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value for data_output or data_output_user = "..."
- Description: The listed value does not match the values allowed for data_output or data_output_user. Possible reasons may be: (a) a typo in the namelist file, (b) a user-defined variable has not been defined in
, (c) the string length of the user-defined variable exceeds the current limits (see here). For a complete list of allowed values for data_output see the list of 3d-array quantities.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value for data_output = "..."
- Description: The listed value does not match the values allowed for data_output. This error is most likely related to a typo in the namelist file. For a complete list of allowed values for data_output see the list of 3d-array quantities.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of averaged quantity "..." requires to set a non-zero averaging interval
- Description: In case of time-averaged 2d- or 3d-data output, the time average over a certain time interval must be set to a non-zero value via averaging_interval. The default of averaging_interval is 0.0, i.e. by default no averaging is applied to the output variables.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: section_xy_m must be >= .... m and <= .... m
- Description: At least one section coordinate given by section_xy_m lies outside the model domain. Coordinates must lie within the interval
. In case that vertical grid stretching is used, see the run-control file for the height of the model top.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: section_xz_m must be >= .... m and <= .... m
- Description: At least one section coordinate given by section_xz_m lies outside the model domain. Be aware that section coordinates for child domains must be given in the coordinate framework of the root domain.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: section_yz_m must be >= .... m and <= .... m
- Description: At least one section coordinate given by section_yz_m lies outside the model domain. Be aware that section coordinates for child domains must be given in the coordinate framework of the root domain.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: section_xy must be <= nz + 1 = ...
- Description: A grid index for section_xy has been specified that is larger than the top index of the vertical model domain. Adjust section_xy respectively.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: section_xz must be <= ny + 1 = ...
- Description: A grid index for section_xz has been specified that is larger than the maximum index of the horizontal model domain along y. Adjust section_xz respectively.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: section_yz must be <= nx + 1 = ...
- Description: A grid index for section_yz has been specified that is larger than the maximum index of the horizontal model domain along x. Adjust section_yz respectively.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: section_.. not defined for requested ..-cross section output
- Description: An output quantity for a xy-, xz-, or yz-cross section has been specified via data_output. This requires to specify the location of at least one corresponding cross section via section_xy, section_xz, or section_yz, too.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value: masks must be >= 0 and <= "..." (=max_masks)
- Description: Adjust masks respectively. If more than
are needed, the value formax_masks
can be changed in source filemodules.f90
. See also documentation of the user interface and data_output_masks.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value: mask_scale_x, mask_scale_y and mask_scale_z must be > 0.0
- Description: See also mask_scale_x, mask_scale_y, or mask_scale_z.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: netCDF file formats 5 (parallel netCDF 4) and 6 (parallel netCDF 4 Classic model) are currently not supported (not yet tested) for masked data. Using respective non-parallel output for masked data.
- Description: So far, parallel netCDF output is not available for masked data. If netcdf_data_format has been set to 5 or 6 for getting parallel output, for masked data it is internally reset to 3 or 4, respectively.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF: netCDF4 format requested but no cpp-directive __netcdf4 given switch back to 64-bit offset format
Description: netcdf_data_format > 2 has been set. This requires netCDF4 features, which have to be activated by setting the cpp-switch
in the configuration file (line starting with%cpp_options
). It also requires a netCDF4 library and possibly to give include- and library paths via-I
options in the configuration file (lines starting with%compiler_options
).Without the
switch, netcdf_data_format is internally reset to 2, the netCDF 64-bit offset format, where the variable-size is restricted (see netcdf_data_format).
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: netCDF: netCDF4 parallel output requested but no cpp-directive!__netcdf4_parallel given switch back to netCDF4 non-parallel output
Description: netcdf_data_format > 4 has been set. This requires netCDF4 features including parallel file support, which have to be activated by setting the cpp-switches
in the configuration file (line starting with%cpp_options
). It also requires a netCDF4 library which supports parallel I/O and possibly to give include- and library-paths via-I
options in the configuration file (lines starting with%compiler_options
).Without the
switches, netcdf_data_format is internally reset to netcdf_data_format - 2. See netcdf_data_format for further explanations about the available netCDF data formats.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: km_constant = ... < 0.0
- Description: The eddy-diffusivity
must be positive. Change the value of km_constant accordingly.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: prandtl_number = ... < 0.0
- Description: The Prandtl number
must be positive. Change the value of prandtl_number accordingly.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: constant_flux_layer is not allowed with fixed value of km
- Description: For laminar flows with a constant eddy diffusivity given via km_constant, it is required to switch off the constant flux layer via constant_flux_layer = .F..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: pt_damping_width out of range
- Description: See pt_damping_width for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: zeta_min = ... must be less than zeta_max = ...
- Description: The stability parameter \(\zeta = z_{mo}/L\), where \(z_{mo}\) is the height of the constant flux layer, and \(L\) is the Obukhov length, that is calculated during a model run can be limited to prevent reaching unrealistic values under certain circumstances. Make sure that zeta_min is smaller than zeta_max.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown random generator: random_generator = "..."
- Description: See random_generator for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: disturbance_level_b = ... must be >= ... (zu(3))
- Description: Due to technical reasons the lower disturbance level given by disturbance_level_b has to be larger than or equal
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: disturbance_level_b = ... must be <= ... (zu(nzt-2))
- Description: Due to technical reasons the lower disturbance level given by disturbance_level_b has to be smaller than or equal
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: disturbance_level_t = ... must be <= ... (zu(nzt-2))
- Description: Due to technical reasons the upper disturbance level given by disturbance_level_t has to be smaller than or equal
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: disturbance_level_t = ... must be >= disturbance_level_b = ...
- Description: Ensure that disturbance_level_t is larger than or equal disturbance_level_b to obtain at least one layer where disturbances are added.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: disturbance_level_ind_t =... must be >= disturbance_level_ind_b = ...
- Description: This error may occur when the lower and upper disturbance levels as set by disturbance_level_b and disturbance_level_t are calculated automatically, and if this results in too few grid points along the vertical direction that define the disturbance area. This area must span over at least seven vertical grid levels. An increase of the vertical number of grid points nz can solve the problem.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: inflow_disturbance_begin out of range
- Description: See inflow_disturbance_begin for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: inflow_disturbance_end out of range
- Description: See inflow_disturbance_end for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: turbulent_outflow = .T. requires bc_lr = "dirichlet/radiation"
- Description: When using the turbulent outflow method, non-cyclic boundary condition along the x direction must be used. See also turbulent_outflow.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value for outflow_source_plane: ...
- Description: See outflow_source_plane for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: damp_level_1d = ... must be >= 0.0 and <= ... (zu(nzt+1))
- Description: See damp_level_1d for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mixing_length_1d = "..." is unknown
- Description: See mixing_length_1d for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dissipation_1d = "..." is unknown
- Description: See dissipation_1d for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dissipation_1d = "as_in_3d_model" requires mixing_length_1d = "as_in_3d_model"
- Description: See dissipation_1d and mixing_length_1d for further explanations.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: both dp_external and conserve_volume_flow are .TRUE., but one of them must be .FALSE.
- Description: Simultaneous use of an external pressure gradient forcing (dp_external = .T.) and volume flow conservation (conserve_volume_flow = .T.) is not allowed. See dp_external and conserve_volume_flow for further explanations.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dp_level_b = ... is out of range [zu(nzb), zu(nzt)]
- Description: See dp_level_b for allowed values.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: dp_external is .TRUE. but dpdxy is zero, i.e. the external pressure gradient will not be applied
- Description: No external pressure gradient is used for this run. If the flow shall be driven by an external pressure gradient (i.e. dp_external = .T.), dpdxy must be given a non-zero value.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: dpdxy is nonzero but dp_external is .FALSE., i.e. the external pressure gradient will not be applied
- Description: No external pressure gradient is used for this run. If the flow shall be driven by external pressure gradient (i.e. dpdxy has been set to a non-zero value,), dp_external = .T. must be set at the same time.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown conserve_volume_flow_mode: "..."
- Description: See conserve_volume_flow_mode for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: noncyclic boundary conditions require conserve_volume_flow_mode = "initial_profiles"
- Description: See conserve_volume_flow_mode for allowed values. conserve_volume_flow_mode = 'bulk_velocity' must not be set when using non-cyclic boundary conditions.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nonzero bulk velocity requires conserve_volume_flow = .T. and conserve_volume_flow_mode = "bulk_velocity"
- Description: A nonzero bulk velocity has been set (see u_bulk, v_bulk), which requieres both conserve_volume_flow = .T., and conserve_volume_flow_mode = 'bulk_velocity'. Adjust these parameters respectively.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: roughness_length must be smaller than dz/2
- Description: See roughness_length for further details. Either decrease the roughness_length or increase the vertical grid spacing dz.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: terrain_following_mapping requires topography = "read_from_file"
- Description: See terrain_following_mapping and topography for further details.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: vertical grid stretching is not allowed for terrain_following_mapping = .TRUE.
- Description: See terrain_following_mapping and dz_stretch_level for further details.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: Output at every timestep is wanted (dt_... = 0.0). The output interval is set to the fixed timestep dt = "..." s.
- Description: Message occurs only for netcdf_data_format > 4 and if the time interval for data output (e.g. dt_do3d) has been explicitly set to 0. However, when using parallel netCDF the output time interval must be > 0. In such a case, the indicated output interval is automatically set to the value of dt, which is in turn given by dt_max at the beginning of an intitial run.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: "..." = 0.0 while using a variable timestep and parallel netCDF4 is not allowed.
- Description: When using parallel netCDF output (netcdf_data_format > 4) the number of output time levels need to be calculated at the beginning of the simulation (see e.g. PAC0185). With a variable output time interval (e.g. dt_do3d = 0.0) it would not be possible to determine how often output would be created until the end of the run. For this reason the output time interval (e.g. dt_do3d) must be given a nonzero value larger than the largest time step dt that appears during the run.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: wrong component: "..."
- Description: Internal code error in routine routine
. It can only be called for component1
, which correspond to the wind speed componentsu
. If you did not change the source code yourself please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: wrong argument: "...", expected: "..."
- Description: Internal code error in routine
which can measure the CPU-time of a specific code segment. This error occurs whencpu_log
is used again with the same id for a specific code segment (first input parameter) but with a different name describing this segment (second input parameter). If you did not change the source code yourself please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: negative time interval occured PE ... L=PAUSE "..." new=... last=...
- Description: Internal code problem. The time measurement via routine
gave a negative time interval. This error could be caused whencpu_log
is called with optionpause
before the correspondingcpu_log
has been initialised with optionstart
. If you did not change the default source code yourself please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: negative time interval occured PE ... L=STOP "..." new=... last=... isum=...
- Description: Internal code problem. The time measurement via
gave a negative time interval. This error could be caused whencpu_log
is called with optionstop
before the correspondingcpu_log
has been initialised with optionstart
or before it was continued with optioncontinue
. If you did not change the default source code yourself please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: negative time interval occured PE ... L=STOP "..." sum=... mtime=...
- Description: The time measurement via
gave a negative time interval. This error could be caused whencpu_log
is called with optionstop
before the correspondingcpu_log
has been initialised with optionstart
or before it was continued with optioncontinue
. If you did not change the default source code yourself please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown modus of time measurement: "..."
- Description: Internal error. Possible options for
, andstop
. Please refer to the description in the header ofcpulog_mod.f90
. If you did not change the default source code yourself please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown cross-section: "..."
- Description: Cross sections are only possible for xy-, xz- or yz-sections. Please check the list of output quantities given via data_output and/or data_output_user for typos. Allowed appendices are '_xy', '_xz', or '_yz' only, e.g. 'u_xy'.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: no output for xy cross-sections at t = '...' s because maximum number of output time levels is exceeded
- Description: In case of parallel netCDF output, the netCDF time dimension is limited for increasing the I/O performance. The number of time levels is calculated at the beginning of the simulation via \(\frac{end\_time - skip\_time\_do2d\_xy}{dt\_do2d\_xy}\). The respective variables can be set via end_time, skip_time_do2d_xy, and dt_do2d_xy. If this limit is exceeded, this warning is given and further output of xy-sections is stopped. This could be the case if the simulated time exceeds the given end time by the length of the given output interval. In this case, a restart run can be issued where output at the beginning is switched on.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no output for xz cross-sections at t = '...' s because maximum number of output time levels is exceeded
- Description: In case of parallel netCDF output, the netCDF time dimension is limited for increasing the I/O performance. The number of time levels is calculated at the beginning of the simulation via \(\frac{end\_time - skip\_time\_do2d\_xz}{dt\_do2d\_xz}\). The respective variables can be set via end_time, skip_time_do2d_xz, and dt_do2d_xz. If this limit is exceeded, this warning is given and further output of xz-sections is stopped. This could be the case if the simulated time exceeds the given end time by the length of the given output interval. In such a case, a restart run can be issued where output at the beginning is switched on.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no output for xz cross-sections at t = '...' s because maximum number of output time levels is exceeded
- Description: In case of parallel netCDF output, the netCDF time dimension is limited for increasing the I/O performance. The number of time levels is calculated at the beginning of the simulation via \(\frac{end\_time - skip\_time\_do2d\_yz}{dt\_do2d\_yz}\). The respective variables can be set via end_time, skip_time_do2d_yz, and dt_do2d_yz. If this limit is exceeded, this warning is given and further output of yz-sections is stopped. This could be the case if the simulated time exceeds the given end time by the length of the given output interval. In this case, a restart run can be issued where output at the beginning is switched on.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no output for 3d data at t = '...' s because maximum number of output time levels is exceeded
- Description: In case of parallel netCDF output, the netCDF time dimension is limited for increasing the I/O performance. The number of time levels is calculated at the beginning of the simulation via \(\frac{end\_time - skip\_time\_do3d}{dt\_do3d}\). The respective variables can be set via end_time, skip_time_do3d, and dt_do3d. If this limit is exceeded, this warning is given and further output of 3d data is stopped. This could be the case if the simulated time exceeds the given end time by the length of the given output interval. In this case, a restart run can be issued where output at the beginning is switched on.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no masked output available for: "..."
- Description: See the list of masked array quantities for allowed values. For user-defined masked output check also
and add the respective CASE (see the user interface description).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no spectra data available
- Description: This message occurs if the
routine is called but no spectra data was calculated through the routinecalc_spectra
. Check the spectra parameters namelist in the namelist file.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: issue while writing output: "..."
- Description: An internal error occured while trying to write the listed quantity to the netCDF output file. Please check the respective output carefully. In case that no additional output is done via user code, please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: Topography and surface-setup output requires parallel netCDF. No output file will be created.
- Description: If PALM has been compiled without parallel netCDF support, output of the topography and surface setup is omitted.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: issue while defining output: "..."
- Description: An internal error occured while trying to define the listed quantity in the netCDF output file. Please check the respective output carefully. In case that no additional output is done via user code, please report this error via the ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output = ... is not implemented for humidity = .FALSE.
- Description: The listed quantity that is given for data_output requires to set neutral = .T.. There could also be a typo in the quantities given for data_output. See the list of 3d-array quantities for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output = ... is not implemented for passive_scalar = .FALSE.
- Description: The listed quantity that is given for data_output requires to set passive_scalar = .T.. There could also be a typo in the quantities given for data_output. See the list of 3d-array quantities for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = "..." requires humidity
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: homogenize_surface_temperature = .T. is only allowed in combination with neutral = .F. and bc_pt_b = "dirichlet".
- Description: Change namelist parameters respectively.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: homogenize_surface_temperature = .T. is not allowed in combination with the land- or urban-surface model.
- Description: Change namelist settings respectively.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: initial mixing ratio exceeds the saturation mixing ratio, with rh = ...% at a height of ... m for the first time (initial run)
- Description: The initial mixing ratio in an initial run must not exceed its saturation mixing ratio by more than 2 percent. Higher values are physically unrealistic and not observed in the atmosphere. In case that cloud physics are considered, oversaturation would create strong convection leading to unpredictable model behavior. Further, oversaturated mixing ratios have implications in the land-surface model, where moisture might condense immediately at the surface, creating very high surface fluxes. Please check humidity settings, e.g. in the static driver file.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: initial mixing ratio exceeds the saturation mixing ratio, with rh = ...% at a height of ... m for the first time (restart run)
- Description: The initial mixing ratio in a restart run exceeds its saturation mixing ratio by more than 2 percent. Higher values are physically unrealistic and will not be observed in the atmosphere. In case cloud physics are considered, oversaturation would create strong convection leading to unpredictable model behavior. Further, oversaturated mixing ratios have implications in the land-surface model, where moisture might condense immediately at the surface, creating very high surface fluxes.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: Mixing ratio exceeds the saturation mixing ratio for the first time after ... s of simulated time. No further warning will be given. Please check your results carefully.
- Description: The water vapor mixing ratio exceeds its saturation value. In case condensation processes are switched-on by using the bulk-cloud model, this is usually no issue because water vapor is removed. However, in case no condensation processes are enabled, the physical setup might become unrealistic. Depending on the level of supersaturation, the buoyancy term can become unrealistic. Further, in case of the land- or urban-surface model, water vapor is partly removed at the surface due to dew formation, which can become unrealistically large, yielding to unrealistic sensible and latent surface heat fluxes, potentially even causing simulation crashes. If this warning pops-up, please check your results carefully.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no system-specific fft-call available
- Description: fft_method = 'system-specific' has been set, but no system-specific fft-library is available. This would require to activate it via preprocessor option
in the%copp_options
line of the configuration file, where<systemname>
is the respective name of the system under which it is implemented in the PALM code, and to re-compile the code. The only currently available system-specific fft-library if for GPUs, to be activated via-D__cuda_fft
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: ... = ... contains prime factor ... poor performance expected
- Description: The respective grid point number contains a non-performing prime factor. The FFTW may show poor performance. Change
to contain only prime factors of 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13. The last two factors should be contained only once. Alternatively, a multigrid-method could be used to solve the Poisson-equation (see psolver).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: preprocessor switch for fftw is missing
- Description: fft_method = 'fftw' has been set, but the fftw-code has not been activated by the corresponding cpp-preprocessor switch. Add
to the%cpp_options
line in the configuration file, touch filefft_xy.f90
via the unixtouch
command, and re-compile viapalmbuild
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: fft method "..." not available
- Description: See fft_method for availabe methods.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: flow_statistics is called two times within one timestep
- Description: Routine
computes averaged profiles and further averaged flow quantities. It is only allowed to call this routine once during a time step. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system, in case that the default source code has not been changed and no user-interface code is used.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown initializing action(s): "..."
- Description: See initializing_actions for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown initialization problem
- Description: Internal error in routine
. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system, in case that the default source code has not been changed and no user-interface code is used.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: absolute temperature < 0.0 at zu(...) = ...
- Description: In the bulk cloud model (routine
), the hydrostatic pressure profile is calculated for a neutrally stratified temperature profilet(z) = t_surface-g/c_p*z(k)
. If the height of the model domain is too large, the absolute temperature will become negative, which is not allowed. This error usually appears when both grid stretching is switched on and too many grid points along z are used. Try to reduce the number of vertical grid points nz, switch on the grid stretching at greater heights (see dz_stretch_level or reduce the grid stretching factor dz_stretch_factor.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: missing dz
- Description: dz is an obligatory parameter and must be given in the initialization parameters namelist. Add this parameter to that namelist.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dz=... <= 0.0
- Description: dz must be assigned a value larger than 0.0.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of values for dz = ... have to be the same as the number of values given for dz_stretch_level_end + 1 = ...
- Description: Please add/remove values for dz or dz_stretch_level_end.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of values for dz = ... has to be the same as or one more than the number of values for dz_stretch_level_start = ...
- Description: Please add/remove values for dz or dz_stretch_level_start.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of values for dz_stretch_level_start = ... has to be the same or one more than the number of values for dz_stretch_level_end = ...
- Description: Please add/remove values for dz_stretch_level_start or dz_stretch_level_end.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: each dz_stretch_level_end has to be ... than its corresponding value for dz_stretch_level_start ... 4*MAX(dz(n),dz(n+1)) to allow for smooth grid stretching
- Description: To allow for a smooth stretching, the distance between dz_stretch_level_start and dz_stretch_level_end has to be large enough. Please increase the stretching region appropriately.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: at least one value of ABS( dz_stretch_level_start ) is ... (dz(1) * 1.5)
- Description: The stretching region has to be defined above the first two grid points (surface layer). In case of ocean mode the stretching region muss be below the two highest grid points (sea surface). Please adjust dz_stretch_level_start accordingly.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: adjacent values of dz have equal values
- Description: Specify different values for adjacent elements of dz.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: stretch_factor_2 = ... which is responsible for exactly reaching dz = ...after a specific amount of grid levels exceeds the upper limit = ... or lower limit = ...
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: netCDF file formats 5 and 6 (with parallel I/O support) are currently not supported
- Description: A parallel output of masked data (see data_output_masks) is not yet supported. Choose a different value for netcdf_data_format.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of output quantitities given by data_output_mask and data_output_mask_user exceeds the limit of 100
- Description: Check data_output_masks and data_output_masks_user and reduce the number of output quantities.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires ... = .TRUE.
- Description: The listed setting is required for the output of some quantities related to clouds and humidity.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires ocean mode
- Description: The listed output quantity requires the ocean mode to be switched on by adding an ocean parameters namelist to the namelist file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value for data_output_masks or data_output_masks_user: "..."
- Description: See list of masked-array quantities for allowed values.
Possible reasons are: (a) a typo in the parameter file related to masked data output, (b) a user-defined variable has not been defined in
, (c) the string length of the user-defined variable exceeds the current limits (see here).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value for data_output_masks: "..."
- Description: This error is most likely related to a typo. See list of masked-array quantities for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: values <= 0 in mask_k_over_surface, index ... in mask ...
- Description: Terrain-following masked data output is only allowed for grid points above the terrain. This means that mask_k_over_surface must be >= 1. Values < 1 are not allowed.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: "..." in mask "..." along dimension "..." exceeds "..." = "..."
- Description: The masked data output exceeds the model domain in x-, y- or z- direction. See masked data output and mask_x, mask_y, or maks_z for further explanations.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mask_loop(...,...,1)=... and/or mask_loop(...,...,2)=... exceed (...+1)*.../mask_scale(...)=...
- Description: The looped output mask exeeds the model domain in x- or y-direction. Check mask_x_loop or mask_y_loop, and mask_scale_x or mask_scale_y.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mask_loop(...,...,1)=... and/or mask_loop(...,...,2)="..." exceed zu(nz+1)/mask_scale(...)=...
- Description: The looped output mask exeeds the model domain in z-direction. Check mask_z_loop and mask_scale_z.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: mask_loop(...,3,2)=... exceeds dz_stretch_level=... or dz_stretch_level_ground=....
- Description: Vertical mask locations will not match the desired heights within the stretching region. Recommendation: use
instead ofmask_loop
, e.g. mask_x instead of mask_x_loop.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: psolver = "poisfft_sm" does not work for less than 4 PEs
- Description: Choose a larger number of cores via
or set e.g. psolver = 'poisfft'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: psolver = "poisfft_sm" does not allow setting of npex and/or npey
- Description: Remove npex and npey from the runtime-parameters namelist.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of PEs of the prescribed topology (...) does not match the number of PEs available to the job (...)
- Description: In case that the number of PEs along the x- and y-direction of the virtual processor grid is set via npex and npey, the product npex * npey has to exactly match the total number of processors which is assigned by
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: both values of "npex" and "npey" must be given in the namelist parameter file
- Description: In case that only one number of processors along x- or y- direction (npex or npey) is set in the runtime-parameters namelist, the corresponding number of processors has to be set, too.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mismatch in PE-id: preliminary is "..." comm2d-ID is "..."
- Description: Internal error. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: y_shift /= 0 is only allowed for multigrid pressure solvers
- Description: y_shift defines a shift of data when passing cyclic boundaries, which makes the data then not truly cyclic anymore. The fft pressure solver cannot deal with this boundary condition. Set psolver = 'multigrid'. Also see y_shift.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: y_shift /= 0 is only allowed for cyclic boundary conditions in both directions or with turbulent_inflow_method = "recycle_..."
- Description: y_shift defines a shift in the cyclic boundary conditions. It can therefore only be used with cyclic boundary conditions or with the turbulence recycling method. See also y_shift.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: y_shift requires that subdomains are uniform along y-direction
- Description: Please ensure that the division of the number of grid points along the y-direction (given by ny+1) by the number of processors along the y-direction is without rest, for example by setting the number of PEs in y-direction manually (see npey) or by changing ny. It might also be the case that you havn't been aware that ny+1 is the total number of gridpoints along the y-direction instead of just ny.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: multigrid-solver does not allow to use non-uniform subdomains
- Description: Please ensure that the division of the number of grid points along the x-direction (given by nx+1) by the number of processors along the x-direction is without rest, for example by setting the number of PEs in x-direction manually (see npex) or by changing nx. It might also be the case that you havn't been aware that nx+1 is the total number of gridpoints along the x-direction instead of just nx. The same condition must hold for the ratio ny+1 / npey.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of subdomain grid points along ... (...) is smaller than the number of ghost points (...)
- Description: In order to allow parallelization, the total computational domain is split into subdomains along
. The number of subdomains equals the number of cores used for the run. Ghost grid layers are added to the subdomains. The number of grid points alongx
in a subdomain must not be smaller than the number of ghost layers. You may either increase the total number of grid points along the listed direction or reduce the number of cores used for the run.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: optimized multigrid method requires nz to be even
- Description: psolver = 'multigrid' requires nz to have an even value. Change nz respectively, or choose psolver = 'multigrid_noopt' (but be aware that with an uneven value of nz the multigrid solver can only use one grid level, so you will have no multi grid levels at all and hence convergence of the solver will be very poor!).
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: no grid coarsening possible, multigrid approach effectively reduces to a Gauss-Seidel scheme
- Description: The convergence of the pressure solver might be insufficient and the simulation may become unstable. Try to adjust the number of subdomain grid points in a way that each of (nx+1)/npex, (ny+1)/npey, and nz contain power-of-two (2n) factors with at least n = 2 or larger. Be aware that you can change both, the total number of gridpoints of the total domain, and/or the number of PEs. Alternatively, in case that you cannot change your grid or virtual processor grid, you may try to increase the number of Gauss-Seidel iterations via ngsrb to improve convergence, but this approach may have only limited effects.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mg_switch_to_pe0_level out of range and reset to 0
- Description: mg_switch_to_pe0_level has been set out of range. It is automatically reset to 0, so that the gathering level is determined automatically (it is displayed in file RUN_CONTROL). See mg_switch_to_pe0_level for details.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: multigrid gather/scatter impossible in non parallel mode
- Description: You are using the multigrid-solver (psolver = 'multigrid') and are running PALM in non-parallel mode (i.e. on a single processor core), but you have set a multigrid level via mg_switch_to_pe0_level from where on data shall be collected on core 0 in order to allow for a further coarsening of the grid. Remove this parameter from the namelist or set it to -1 to switch off collection.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: grid coarsening on subdomain level cannot be performed
Description: The multigrid pressure solver (psolver = 'multigrid') halves the number of grid points in each direction to get coarser grid levels. This is done for the subdomain grid on each PE until one of the directions cannot be divided by 2 without rest. After this is the case, the coarsest grid level of each subdomain are gathered on each PE for further coarsening. Before gathering, the coarsening must be done for the subdomain at least one time. This error messages appears for example with the following combination:
nx = 60, ny = 60, nz = 60, npex = 4, npey = 2
With this combination, the subdomain on each PE has the size
= 15,ny_s
= 30,nz_s
= 60. The number of grid points in the x-direction of the subdomain cannot be divided by 2 and no coarsening is possible for the subdomains in this example. To avoid this error ensure that the number of grid points on the subdomain of an PE in each direction can be divided by 2 without rest at least one time. Therefore, vary the number of grid points for the direction which does not fit by changing nx, ny, or nz, or adjust the number of processors by modifying npex or npey in order to get other subdomain sizes.For the example given above, the error can be avoided e.g. by setting nx = 64, which leads to a subdomain of
= 16,ny_s
= 30,nz_s
= 60. All numbers are now divisible by 2 without rest, and the first coarser grid level on the subdomain then consists of (8, 15, 30) grid points along (x, y, z).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: more than 10 multigrid levels
- Description: The computational grid (given by nx+1, ny+1, nz) allows for more than 10 coarsening levels for the selected multigrid Poisson-solver (psolver = 'multigrid'), which cannot be handled. This may happen for very large grids, where the grid point numbers along
are given by 2n with n > 10. The smallest grid which may cause this error would have 20483 points. However, depending on the chosen domain decomposition, much larger grids might be possible. To circumvent this problem, change the subdomain size by reducing the total number of grid points or increase the number of cores for this run. Setting mg_switch_to_pe0_level = -1 may also solve the problem.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: reading fails on line ... in namelist "...": ...
Description: The namelist file (PARIN) contains an error in the given line. Most likely the error is caused by a typo or an outdated steering parameter.
NOTE: In case of a missing prime, e.g.
var = 'string
instead ofvar = 'string'
the error may be located somewhere before the line that is indicated by the line number in the error message.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: simulation has been stopped since timestep has exceeded the lower limit dt_1d = ... s
- Description: The time step of the 1D model is determined according to the diffusion criterion to assure a stable numerical solution. This error message means that the required minimum time step is several orders of magnitude smaller than given by dt_max_1d. The error message may indicate unrealistic settings of e.g. boundary conditions or other namelist parameters. Please also check if this error appears if you run without user code.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: multiple calls to set_reference_date_time detected
- Description: Routine
can only be called once per program execution. Please check the user code for any additional calls to this routine and remove them. If no user code is used, please contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no reference date-time defined
- Description: Routine
is either called without specifying any reference time (neither in the call itself nor viaset_reference_date_time
). Please check the user code for any calls toget_date_time
. If no user code is used, please contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: error while converting date-time string "..."
- Description: The date-time information given in origin_date_time is given in a wrong format. See origin_date_time for the allowed format.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: date-time values out of bounds: "..." is out of bounds date-time string: "..."
- Description: The date-time information given in origin_date_time has invalid values for the specified date or time component. See origin_date_time for the allowed format.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: Local file ENVPAR not found. Some variables for steering may not be properly set.
- Description: Some model steering parameters are passed to PALM through a namelist
which is stored in local fileENVPAR
. Usually, this file is automatically generated bypalmrun
. The error may appear if (1)palmrun
has not been used to execute PALM, (2) an old version ofpalmrun
is used that is not compatible with the used model version (or vice versa), or (3) the default version ofpalmrun
has been modified.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: Errors in local file ENVPAR within line: ... Some variables for steering may not be properly set.
- Description: The namelist
expects certain model steering parameters (see source could fileparin.f90
for variables belonging to that namelist). Some of these parameters have not been properly set or are missing entirely. The error may appear if (1)palmrun
has not been used to execute PALM, (2) an old version ofpalmrun
is used that is not compatible with the used model version (or vice versa), or (3) the default version ofpalmrun
has been modified.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: No envpar-NAMELIST found in local file ENVPAR. Some variables for steering may not be properly set.
- Description: Some model steering parameters are passed to PALM through a namelist
which is stored in local fileENVPAR
. However, the file does not contain this namelist. The error may appear if (1)palmrun
has not been used to execute PALM, (2) an old version ofpalmrun
is used that is not compatible with the used model version (or vice versa), or (3) the default version ofpalmrun
has been modified.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no &initialization_parameters namelist found
- Description: The namelist file (file
, local filename PARIN) must contain an&initialization_parameters
namelist. Parameters given in this namelist are required for model steering. One possible error might be a typo in the namelist name, e.g.&inialization_parameters
instead of&initialization_parameters
, or a missing&
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: initializing_actions = "..." has been changed to "..." in child domain
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_lr = "..."
- Description: See bc_lr for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_ns = "..."
- Description: See bs_ns for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: bc_lr = "..." and bc_ns = "..." are not allowed to be set at the same time
- Description: Dirichlet/radiation boundary conditions are only allowed to be set along
or* alongy
. Cyclic conditions must be set along the respective other direction. To set non-cyclic conditions alongx
requires to use the offline-nesting feature.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no value or wrong value given for nx: nx=...
- Description: See nx.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no value or wrong value given for ny: ny=...
- Description: See ny for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no value or wrong value given for nz: nz=...
- Description: See nz for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nz < 14
- Description: Due to an internal restriction, more than 13 vertical grid levels are required to use. Increase nz appropriately.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no sufficient convergence within 1000 cycles
Description: Still after 1000 cycles of the iterative multigrid-Poisson-solver (see psolver = 'multigrid') the residual (remaining divergence of the flow field) is larger than the residual limit given by residual_limit. Try to increase the residual limit, or limit the number of multigrid cycles (see mg_cycles). In any case, carefully check if the divergence of the velocity field is sufficiently reduced by the multigrid solver. This can be done by comparing the divergence before and after the call of the multigrid solver, which is printed in the
file (local filename RUN_CONTROL).If this error appears during the initial phase of a run (before the first timestep), the number of subdomain gridpoints along x/y/z probably do not allow sufficient coarsening of the grid. The number of gridpoints should allow for a division by two (without rest) at least 2-3 times (see also PAC0245).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: incompatible integer arithmetic: "..."
- Description: This error message appears if the compiler integer arithmetic is not compatible with the assumptions made for the parallel random number generator. If this is the case the internal checks, namely that the kind value
is in fact a 32-bit integer with the usual properties that we expect it to have (under negation and wrap-around addition), fail. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: problem in attempt to allocate memory
- Description: This error message appears if the parallel random number generator is not able to allocate sufficient memory. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: version mismatch concerning binary_version_global: version on file = "..." version in program = "..."
- Description: The precursor run was carried out with a different PALM version than the main run. Repeat the precurser with the current version used for the main run, or carry out the main run with the same version as the precursor.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: numprocs not found in data from prior run on PE ...
- Description: Number of processors are not correctly written to or read from the restart file. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: hor_index_bounds not found in data from prior run on PE ...
- Description: Array containing the horizontal index bounds of each processor are not correctly written to or read from the restart file. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nz not found in data from prior run on PE ...
- Description: Vertical number of gridpoints are not correctly written to or read from the restart file. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: max_pr_user not found in data from prior run on PE ...
- Description: Number of user-defined profiles (must not change within a job chain) are not correctly written to or read from the restart file. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: statistic_regions not found in data from prior run on PE ...
- Description: Number of statistic regions are not correctly written to or read from the restart file. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown variable named "..." found in ... data from prior run on PE ...
Description: During a previous run of a job chain, a variable was written to the restart file
(local filename BINOUT), that is not recognized while reading the restart data.Note that user variables have to be output to the restart file in routines
user_wrd global
, where the standard output is done). They have to be read accordingly inuser_rrd_global
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mismatch concerning number of gridpoints along z: nz on file = "..." nz from run = "..."
- Description: The main run must have the same number of grid points in z-direction as the precursor run. x- and y-directions may differ. See documentation of turbulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: max_pr_user not found in restart data file
- Description: Variable
is necessary for the main run to continue. This will happen if the initialization parameter namelist has been altered between precursor and main run. See documentation of turbulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs. Also check if data_output_pr_user has been changed between precursor and main run.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: number of user profiles on restart data file differs from the current run: max_pr_user on file = "..." max_pr_user from run = "..."
- Description: Message is given in case the number of user defined profiles (see data_output_pr_user) has been changed from precursor to main run. See also documentation of turbulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: statistic_regions not found in restart data file
- Description: Parameter statistic_regions is necessary for the main run to continue. The error will appear if the initialization parameter namelist has been altered between precursor and main run. See also documentation of turbulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: statistic regions on restart data file differ from the current run: statistic regions on file = "..." statistic regions from run = "..." statistic data may be lost!'
- Description: The problem appears in case statistic_regions has been changed from precursor to main run. See also documentation of turbulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: Inflow profiles not temporally averaged. Averaging will be done now using ... samples.
- Description: turbulent_inflow_method = 'recycle_turbulent_fluctuation' requires time averaged inflow profiles. This warning occurs if (skip_time_dopr + dt_dopr) is not an integral divisor of end_time (all three specified for the precursor run), or if (skip_time_dopr + dt_dopr) is larger than end_time.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal setting of ... = "cyclic" in the prerun
- Description: In case of initializing_actions = 'cyclic_fill' set in the main run, the precursor run must use cyclic boundary conditions along
. Check settings of bc_lr and bc_ns in the precursor namelist file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: momentum_advec = "..." of the restart run differs from momentum_advec = "..." of the initial run
- Description: The setting of momentum_advec in the precursor run and the main run must be the same.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: setting of neutral in pre-run differs from setting in main run
- Description: The setting of neutral in the precursor run and the main run must be the same.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: scalar_advec = "..." of the restart run differs from scalar_advec = "..." of the initial run
- Description: The setting of scalar_advec in the precursor run and the main run must be the same.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data from subdomain of previous run mapped more than 1000 times
- Description: initializing_actions = 'cyclic_fill' is used for the main run. The model domain of the precursor run was much smaller than that of the main run. It requires to be mapped more than 1000 times in one direction, which is beyond the technical limit. Try a smaller main run domain or a larger precursor.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: number of PEs or virtual PE-grid changed in restart run
- Description: Either the model domain of the precursor run is smaller than that of the main run and has been copied one or multiple times, or the number of processors has been changed during restart runs. This informative message is only printed out for PE0 but is also valid for the other processors. Set debug_output = .T. to see from which files the respective PEs will read.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: version mismatch concerning binary_version_local: version on file = "..." version in program = "..."
- Description: The precursor run was carried out with a different PALM version than the main run. Repeat the precurser with the current version or carry out the main run with the same version as the precursor.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: problem with index bound nxl on restart file "..." nxl = ... but it should be = ... from the index bound information array
- Description: The processor grid was changed between this run and the previous run of a job chain. See documentation of turbulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: problem with index bound nxr on restart file "..." nxr = ... but it should be = ... from the index bound information array
- Description: The processor grid was changed between this run and the previous run of a job chain. See documentation of turbulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: problem with index bound nys on restart file "..." nys = ... but it should be = ... from the index bound information array
- Description: The processor grid was changed between this run and the previous run of a job chain. See documentation of turbulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: problem with index bound nyn on restart file "..." nyn = ... but it should be = ... from the index bound information array
- Description: The processor grid was changed between this run and the previous run of a job chain. See documentation of turbulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mismatch between actual data and data from prior run on PE ... nzb on file = ... nzb = ...
- Description: The vertical extent of the model domain must be the same in precursor and main run. In this case, there is a mismatch in the respective topography of both runs. See documentation of turbulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mismatch between actual data and data from prior run on PE ... nzt on file = ... nzt = ...
- Description: The vertical extent of the model domain must be the same in precursor and main run. In this case, there is a mismatch in the respective topography of both runs. See documentation of turbulent inflow for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal action "..." for opening restart files
- Description: Internal error. Only actions
are allowed. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: error opening restart file "..." for reading with MPI-IO
- Description: Check if activation string
has been given via palmrun option-a
. If restart data of the previous run have been generated with restart_data_format = 'fortran_binary', set restart_data_format_input = 'fortran_binary' for this run.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: error opening restart file "..." for writing with MPI-IO
- Description: Check the configuration file (
) for any lines containingIC: mkdir BINOUT
, and remove them. There also might be a problem with the folder that has been set via%fast_io_catalog
in the configuration file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: error opening restart file for posix I/O
- Description: A serial run (on one core) was unable to open the restart file for reading or writing. In case of reading check your job log if the restart file has been copied to the temporary working directory before execution of PALM.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: "..." not found in restart file.
- Description: The indicated variable was not found in the restart file. If read/write of variables from/to the restart file has been added in the user-interface, please check that input- and output variables exactly match.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: 2d-REAL array "..." to be written to/read from restart file is defined with illegal dimensions
- Description: This problem may appear in the user-interface, if read/write 2d-REAL arrays from/to the restart file is done without ghost boundaries. 2d-REAL arrays in restart files must contain ghost boundaries.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: maximum number of 2d/3d-array entries in restart file header exceeded
- Description: Internal error. Please contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: 2d-INTEGER(*8) array "..." to be read from restart file is defined with illegal dimensions
- Description: This problem may appear in the user-interface, if read/write 2d-INTEGER arrays from/to the restart file with ghost boundaries. 2d-INTEGER arrays in restart files must contain ghost boundaries.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: 3rd dimension of array "..." is larger than number of domain height levels: ... > ..., writing impossible
- Description: Internal error. Writing to restart file via MPI-IO (restart_data_format = 'mpi' or 'mpi_shared_memory') is not possible. If no user-interface is used, inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system. If a user-interface is used, the 3-D array that is tried to be written is too large. It must not contain more entries in the 3rd dimension as given by nz (which defines the domain height of the simulation).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: prerun data is not allowed to contain soil information
- Description: In case of initializing_actions = 'cyclic_fill', it is not allowed to use the land surface model for the prerun.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: 3rd dimension of array "..." is larger than number of domain height levels: ... > ..., reading impossible
- Description: Internal error. Reading from restart file via MPI-IO (restart_data_format = 'mpi' or 'mpi_shared_memory') is not possible. If no user-interface is used, inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system. If a user-interface is used, the 3-D array that is tried to be read is too large. It must not contain more entries in the 3rd dimension as given by nz (which defines the domain height of the simulation).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of surface elements in ... does not match ... ... ... ... ... ...
- Description: Internal error. Please contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: psolver = "poisfft_sm" requires the number of PEs per node to be a multiple of 4 but this run uses ... PEs per node'
- Description: Take care that the total number of cores assigned via
is a multiple of the assigned tasks (cores) per node assigned viapalmrun
. Furthermore, the tasks per node must be a multiple of 4. Alternatively, set psolver = 'poisfft'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: cannot create communicator for shared memory Poisson-FFT-solver
- Description: Please inform the PALM developers via the trouble-ticket system, or choose
psolver = 'poisfft'
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: calculated PE grid topology ratio npex/npey > 8 may result in poor performance npex = ..., npey = ...
- Description: Try to use a less extreme grid point ratio nx / ny, or set psolver = 'poisfft'.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: no virtual PE grid with sufficient performance can be generated
- Description: Either the total number of cores is too large, or the number of cores per node is too small. With the given settings, the run may show poor performance. Try to adjust
, or set psolver = 'poisfft'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: shared memory virtual layout error shared rank / myidy: .../..., node rank / myidx: .../...
- Description: Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system, or set psolver = 'poisfft'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: averaging_interval_sp = ... must be <= dt_dosp = ...
- Description: The averaging_interval_sp for output of spectra data must be smaller or equal to the output interval given by dt_dosp. See also averaging_interval_sp and dt_dosp.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: non-cyclic lateral boundaries along ... do not allow calculation of spectra along ...
- Description: Non-cyclic horizontal boundary conditions violate the assumption made for the spectra calculation via FFT that data are periodic along the respective direction. See also data_output_sp.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: calculation of spectra in non parallel mode is not available
- Description: Switch from serial to parallel mode.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: applying large scale vertical motion is not allowed for ocean mode
- Description: Large scale subsidence is only reasonable and implemented for atmospheric runs. The setting of subs_vertical_gradient and subs_vertical_gradient_level is not available for the ocean mode.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: surface_coupler_buffer_handling: illegal action ...
- Description: Internal error. Please contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unclassified surface element at grid point (i,j,k) = (...,...,...)
- Description: Input data is not defined consistently. One reason for this could be that input data for land-surfaces and buildings are provided in the static driver, but one of the energy-balance models for buildings or land-surfaces is disabled. Please contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of gridpoints along x or/and y contain illegal factors only factors 2, 3, 5 are allowed
- Description: In case of fft_method = 'temperton-algorithm', the number of horizontal grid points (nx+1, ny+1) must be composed of prime factors 2,3 and 5. Higher prime factors such as 7 are not allowed. Please ensure that these restrictions are fulfilled or set fft_method = 'fftw' or 'singleton-algorithm'.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: Time step has reached minimum limit. dt = ... s Simulation is terminated. old_dt = ... s dt_u = ... s dt_v = ... s dt_w = ... s dt_diff = ... s u_max = ... m/s k=... j=... i=... v_max = ... m/s k=... j=... i=... w_max = ... m/s k=... j=... i=...
Description: The time step is determined according to the CFL criterion to assure a stable numerical solution. This message means that the required minimum time step, determined from the three velocity components, is several orders of magnitude smaller than dt_max, or, in other words, that at least one of the velocity components got too large.
Important: Due to the large number of complex reasons it should be noted that the following list is not complete, but it is intended to give general hints how to proceed in case of this error message. There are various reasons for this message to appear. In general, it just means that the simulation became unstable.
First, check for an unrealistic value of dt_max in the namelist file. Setups with very small grid spacings may require to reduce dt_max. The error message may also indicate unrealistic settings of e.g. boundary conditions or other namelist parameters. Please also check if this error appears if you run without user interface code. In case the land surface model or the urban surface model is employed, surface temperatures may have become unstable during the time-integration. One known issue is e.g. the presence of metal surfaces
pavement_type = 7
, where the integration of surface tempertures can become unstable, producing unrealistically high or low surface sensible heat fluxes. Please check for possibly mis-represented settings in your static input file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: wrong setting topography = "..."
- Description: If topography information is provided via netCDF or ASCII input file, topography = 'read_from_file' is required.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: inconsistent building parameters: index_left_bwall=... index_right_bwall=... index_south_bwall=... index_north_bwall=... nx=... ny=...'
- Description: The single building setup (topography = 'single_building') yields a too narrow building, or the building walls are positioned outside of the model domain. Please check the setting of the building parameters (e.g. building_wall_left, building_length_x, etc.).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no street canyon width given
- Description: In case of topography = 'single_street_canyon', a canyon width must be set, too, by either specifying canyon_width_x or canyon_width_y.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: inconsistent canyon parameters: index_left_cwall=... index_right_cwall=... ngp_cx=... ch=... nx=... ny=...
- Description: The street canyon setup (topography = 'single_street_canyon') yields a too narrow canyon, or the canyon walls are positioned outside the model domain. Please check the setting of the canyon parameters canyon_wall_left and canyon_width_x.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: inconsistent canyon parameters: index_south_cwall=... index_north_cwall=... ngp_cy=... ch=... nx=... ny=...
- Description: The street canyon setup (topography = 'single_street_canyon') yields a too narrow canyon, or the canyon walls are positioned outside the model domain. Please check the setting of the canyon parameters canyon_wall_south, canyon_width_y.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: inconsistent canyon parameters: street canyon can only be oriented either in x- or in y-direction
- Description: canyon_width_x and canyon_width_y must not be set at the same time.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no tunnel width is given
- Description: topography = 'tunnel' requires to set, tunnel_width_x or tunnel_width_y.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: inconsistent tunnel parameters tunnel_width_x / tunnel_width_y
- Description: tunnel_width_x and tunnel_width_y must not be set at the same time.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: tunnel_width_x too small
- Description: ( tunnel_width_x - 2 * tunnel_wall_depth ) > 2 * dx is required.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: tunnel_width_y too small
- Description: ( tunnel_width_y - 2 * tunnel_wall_depth ) > 2 * dy is required.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: tunnel_width_x too large
- Description: tunnel_width_x <= ( (nx+1) * dx ) is required.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: tunnel_width_y too large
- Description: tunnel_width_y <= ( (ny+1) * dy ) is required.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: The value for "topography_grid_convention" is not set. Its default value is only valid for "topography" = "single_building", "tunnel" "single_street_canyon" or "read_from_file" Choose "cell_edge" or "cell_center".
- Description: See topography_grid_convention for details.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value for topography_grid_convention: "..."
- Description: See topography_grid_convention for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: static driver: horizontal dimension in ...-direction (=...) does not match the respective model dimension (=...)
- Description: adjust either the dimension in the static driver file, or the respective grid dimension in the namelist.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: static driver: horizontal grid spacing in x- and/or y-direction do not match the respective model dimension
- Description: Grid spacings are allowed to differ by only 0.001 * dx (dy).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: static driver: wrong netCDF attribute lod (=...) for buildings_2d
- Description: Only LoD = 1 is allowed.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: static driver: too much data points (=...) along the vertical coordinate for 3d building data (maximum allowed=...)
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: static driver: vertical coordinate do not match numeric grid at z(', k, ') for 3d building data
- Description: The z-dimension in the static driver needs to match with the vertical numerical grid of the scalar grid points (center of the grid volume). The vertical grid for 3D buildings starts at the surface, i.e. at z=0.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: static driver: wrong netCDF attribute lod (=...) for buildings_3d
- Description: Only LoD = 2 is allowed.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: file [../iofiles#TOPOGRAPHY_DATA TOPOGRAPHY_DATA] does not exist
- Description: Make sure that the topography data is available in the job folder (e.g.
) and named correctly (<run-id>_topo
). Carefully check the messages in the terminal output / job protocol file that follows line*** providing INPUT-files:
. If there is no line like>>> INPUT: /... to TOPOGRAPHY_DATA
, the topography file hasn't been provided.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: error reading line ... of file TOPOGRAPHY_DATA...
- Description: The ASCII topography file contains illegal characters. Check the respective line given by the error message. See TOPOGRAPHY_DATA for a detailed format description.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: end of line or file detected for file TOPOGRAPHY_DATA... at line ...
- Description: The ASCII topography file does not contain enough data. Check the respective line given in the error message. Possible reasons: a) The number of columns (
) is less than nx+1. b) The number of rows (nrows
) is less than ny+1. Solution: Make sure thatncols
and thatnrows
. See TOPOGRAPHY_DATA for a detailed format description.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: static driver: building ID is missing
- Description: If building heigths are prescribed in the static driver, an ID is required, too.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: static driver: fill value for variable zt found
- Description: The netCDF variable
in the static driver is not allowed to have any_FillValue
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: topography was filtered: ... hole(s) resolved by only one grid point were filled during initialization
- Description: The provided topography has been internally filtered by filling single grid points which are completely surrounded by walls. Such holes in the topography are suspected to possibly cause a velocity blow-up. Moreover, continuity equation on a discrete grid cannot be fulfilled within such holes.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: ... narrow cavities of less than ... horizontal grid points were filled during initialization
- Description: This is an informative message to make the user aware that narrow cavities that are only badly resolved by the numerical grid have been filtered. The final topography used in the simulation can be checked in the
output file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nzb_local values are outside the model domain MINVAL( nzb_local ) = ... MAXVAL( nzb_local ) = ...
- Description: Internal error. It occurs during grid consistency checks of the index arrays when using non-flat topography. Please contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nz not found in restart data file
- Description: Variable containing the vertical number of grid points is not correctly written to or read from the restart file. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mpi_shared_memory is not implemented for particle I/O
- Description: For using the Lagrangian particle model, restart_data_format = 'mpi_shared_memory' or restart_data_format_output = 'mpi_shared_memory' is not allowed. Use 'mpi' instead.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: spinup_time > 0.0 is not allowed when both the land- and urban-surface model are switched-off
- Description: spinup_time > 0.0 is only allowed when at least one of the land surface parameters namelist or the urban surface parameters namelist is present and the respective module is switched-on.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dt_averaging_input_pr = ... must be < averaging_interval_pr = ...
- Description: Either change the sampling interval (via dt_averaging_input_pr) for averaging profile and spectra data, or averaging_interval_sp.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: outflow_damping_width out of range
- Description: See outflow_damping_width for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: given lateral boundary condition(s) not allowed for outflow damping
- Description: Allowed settings for lateral boundary conditions are bc_lr = 'dirichlet/radiation' or 'radiation/dirichlet', and bc_ns = 'dirichlet/radiation' or 'radiation/dirichlet'. See also outflow_damping_factor.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: topography height is not zero at the inflow and/or outflow boundary
- Description: See outflow_damping_factor.
Plant Canopy Model#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires setting of parameter cthf /= 0.0
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: time averaging of a static quantity ("...") is not provided
- Description: Remove this quantity from the list of output quantities given via data_output, or just remove the appendix '_av' from the respective string. Time averaging of static quantities is not provided, because these quantities do not change in time.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: plant_canopy = .TRUE. is not allowed in the ocean
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: plant_canopy = .TRUE. requires a non-zero drag coefficient, given value is canopy_drag_coeff = 0.0
- Description: When simulating a plant canopy, a non-zero canopy_drag_coeff. For a zero value, there would be no effect pf the plant canopy on the flow.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: using the beta function for the construction of the leaf area density profile requires both alpha_lad and beta_lad to be /= 9999999.9
- Description: If the lad (leaf area density) profile of a vegetation canopy is to be constructed using a beta distribution, parameters alpha_lad and beta_lad must be set, and lai_beta must be given a non-zero value.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: using the beta function for the construction of the leaf area density profile requires a non-zero lai_beta, but given value is lai_beta = 0.0
- Description: If the lad (leaf area density) profile of a vegetation canopy is to be constructed using a beta distribution, parameters alpha_lad and beta_lad must be set, and lai_beta must be given a non-zero value.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: simultaneous setting of alpha_lad /= 9999999.9 combined with beta_lad /= 9999999.9 and lad_surface /= 0.0 is not possible, use either vertical gradients or the beta function for the construction of the leaf area density profile
- Description: The lad (leaf area density) profile of a vegetation canopy can be either constructed with a beta function by prescribing parameters alpha_lad, beta_lad, and lai_beta, or from piecewise linear segments by prescribing lad_surface, lad_vertical_gradient, and lad_vertical_gradient_level.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: plant_canopy = .TRUE. requires cloud_scheme /= seifert_beheng
- Description: The plant canopy model has been switched on. See cloud_scheme for alternative schemes.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Reading canopy data - too much data points along the vertical coordinate.
- Description: The size of the vertical canopy grid on the static input file exceeds the vertical model domain size.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Reading canopy data - vertical coordinate do not match numeric grid at zlad(k= ...).
- Description: The values of
differ from the vertical numeric grid.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Reading canopy data - vertical dimension "zlad" missing.
- Description:
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: LAD/BAD profile is omitted at building grid points which have been artificially created by the topography filtering
- Description: Due to numerical reasons one-grid point cavities in a given topography are automatically filtered, i.e. replaced by a building with height based on the surrounding buildings. If resolved-scale vegetation has been defined for the original non-building point via LAD and/or BAD profile, these profiles are omitted.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Plant-canopy model is switched-on but no plant canopy is present in the model domain.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Local vegetation height on top of topography exceeds height of model domain.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Incorrect type of plant canopy. Allowed values 0 <= pctype <= 10, but pctype is ...
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Unknown record type in file PLANT_CANOPY_DATA_3D: "..."
- Description: Mis-configured ASCII file PLANT_CANOPY_DATA_3D.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: error opening file PLANT_CANOPY_DATA_3D
- Description: ASCII file PLANT_CANOPY_DATA_3D is probably missing.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: error reading file PLANT_CANOPY_DATA_3D
- Description: Mis-configured ASCII file PLANT_CANOPY_DATA_3D.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: wrong component: ...
- Description: This message is generated by the procedure
of the plant canopy model, which calculates drag for velocity components and scalar quantities. The calculated components are:u
(1-7). The subroutine is only called for these 7 quantities. The error means that the routine is probably called from the user-interface for a non-defined component. Either adjust the user-interface, or routinespcm_tendency
in fileplant_canopy_model_mod.f90
. If no user-interface is used, contact the PALM devekopers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
PALM Model Coupler Interface#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nesting-setup requires different number of MPI procs (...) than provided (...)
Description: The total number of MPI processes for all nested domains given in the &nesting_parameters namelist via domain_layouts is larger than the number of MPI processes that has been assigned via
. Either provide more cores via option-X
or decrease the number of MPI processes via domain_layouts.Attention: For hybrid OpenMP/MPI-runs the number of MPI processes allowed for the run is given by
divided by the number of threads per MPI-task, as set viapalmrun
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: errors in &nesting_parameters
- Description: See &nesting_parameters namelist for allowed parameters and values.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: At least one dimension of lower left corner of one domain is not 0. All lower left corners were set to (0,0).
- Description: In case of nesting_mode = 'vertical_only' (pure one-dimensional nesting in vertical direction), all domains must have the lower left corner at
. If declared differently via domain_layouts, the corners are automatically set to(0,0)
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: parent buffer too small ...
- Description: Internal error within the PALM model coupler. Please contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal nesting boundary condition: ...
- Description: See nesting_bounds for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal nesting mode: ...
- Description: See nesting_mode for allowed value.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal nesting datatransfer mode: ...
- Description: See nesting_datatransfer_mode for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: combination of nesting and atmosphere-ocean coupling is no allowed
- Description: Using nesting in coupled atmosphere-ocean runs is not available.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nested child (id: ..) domain boundaries along ... do not match the respective parent boundaries
- Description: nesting_bounds has been chosen either 'cyclic_along_x', 'cyclic_along_y', or 'vertical_only', but the child does not exactly match the parent size along the respective direction(s). Respectively adjust the child domain size via domain_layouts.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nx+1 in ocean is not divisible by nx+1 in atmosphere without remainder
- Description: For atmosphere-ocean coupling, a smaller grid size in x-direction can be chosen for the ocean, so that the ocean has more grid points along x than the atmosphere. In that case, data must be interpolated from the atmosphere to the ocean grid. Therefore, it must be ensured that each atmosphere grid interval contains the same number of ocean gridpoints. This is ensured only if condition \((nx_o + 1) - INT \left( \frac{nx_o + 1}{nx_a + 1} \right) * (nx_a + 1) = 0\) holds, where \(nx_o, nx_a\) are the number of grid points along \(x\) for the ocean and atmosphere model, respectively. This requires that \(nx_o+1\) is a multiple of \(nx_a+1\). Set nx for the atmosphere and ocean model respectively.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: ny+1 in ocean is not divisible by ny+1 in atmosphere without remainder
- Description: For atmosphere-ocean coupling, a smaller grid size in y-direction can be chosen for the ocean, so that the ocean has more grid points along y than the atmosphere. In that case, data must be interpolated from the atmosphere to the ocean grid. Therefore, it must be ensured that each atmosphere grid interval contains the same number of ocean gridpoints. This is ensured only if condition \((ny_o + 1) - INT \left( \frac{ny_o + 1}{ny_a + 1} \right) * (ny_a + 1) = 0\) holds, where \(ny_o, ny_a\) are the number of grid points along \(y\) for the ocean and atmosphere model, respectively. This requires that \(ny_o+1\) is a multiple of \(ny_a+1\). Set ny for the atmosphere and ocean model respectively.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nested child domain does not fit into its parent domain, ... edge is either too close or outside its parent ... edge'
- Description: A nest domain does not completely fit in its parent domain, or in case of nesting_bounds = 'vertical_only' the horizontal boundaries of a nest domain do not exactly match the horizontal boundaries of its parent domain. In 3D-nesting mode, the vertical extent of the child must be smaller than that of the parent domain.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nested parallel child domains (ids: ... and ...) overlap
- Description: Two or more parallel nest domains overlap each other in space. Parallel nest domains must never overlap. Respective child ids that violate this condition are given in the error message. Adjust the nest coordinates via domain_layouts.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Child domain too narrow [or shallow] for anterpolation in ...-direction
- Description: In case of nesting_mode = 'two-way', the child domain must cover a sufficient number of parent-grid cells in all directions. Otherwise anterpolation is not possible. The absolute minimum number of parent grid cells covered in x- and y-directions is ( 3 + 2 * anterpolation_buffer_width ), and ( 2 + anterpolation_buffer_width ) in z-direction. Adjust the child domain size respectively. Note, that child domains are recommended to cover much larger number of parent-grid cells.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: anterpolation_buffer_width value too high, reset to 0
- Description: In case of a marginally small child domain and nesting_mode = 'two-way' (see PMC0014), anterpolation_buffer_width is set to 0 (the default value is 2) so that the minimum criteria (see PMC0014) for the child domain size in terms of the number of parent-grid cells covered are satisfied. Note, that child domains are recommended to cover much larger number of parent-grid cells.
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: anterpolation_buffer_width value too high, reset to the default value 2
- Description: In case of too wide anterpolation buffer and nesting_mode = 'two-way', anterpolation_buffer_width is reset to its default value of 2, so that the minimum criteria (see PMC0014) for the child domain size in terms of the number of parent-grid cells covered are satisfied. Note, that child domains are recommended to cover much larger number of parent-grid cells.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nested child domain ... must match its parent grid lines
- Description: Nested child domain lower left corner (x,y) / upper right corner (x,y) / top (z) coordinates must match the parent grid lines, i.e. they must be integer divisible by the parent grid spacings in the respective coordinate direction. Respectively adjust the child domain size via domain_layouts and/or ensure that the parent grid spacings (nx, ny, nz) are multiples of the respective child grid spacings.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nesting grid-spacing ratio ( ... / ... ) must have an integer value ...
- Description: Ensure that the parent grid spacings (nx, ny, nz) are multiples of the respective child grid spacings. This also implies that vertical grid stretching is not allowed in nested runs except in the root domain above the top level of the highest nest-domain.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: child subdomain width in ...-direction must not be smaller than its parent grid ... . Change the PE-grid setting (npex, npey) to satisfy this requirement.
- Description: In nested runs the child domain decomposition must be such that the subdomain size is never smaller than the parent grid-spacing in the respective direction. Decrease the number of cores assigned for the child via domain_layouts.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: pointer for array "..." can't be associated for ... domain
- Description: Internal error, related to the PALM model coupler, which is responsible for data exchange in nested runs. In case that the default code in
has not been modified, contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: mismatch between root model and child settings: ...(root) = ... ...(child) = ... child value is set to root value
- Description: The displayed parameter has been assigned different values for the root domain and a child domain (the id of the child domain is listed in the first line of the message), but it must have the same value for all domains. The child domain value is automatically set to the one given for the root domain. In order to get rid of this warning message, adjust the parameter in the respective namelist file of the child (or root) domain.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: mismatch between root model and child settings: homogenize_surface_temperature must be set the same for all models. child value is set to root value.
- Description: Set homogenize_surface_temperature to the same value for the root model and all childs. See also PMC0021.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dt_coupling is required to be set in atmosphere runtime parameters namelist
- Description: In case of runs with coupled atmosphere-ocean the temporal interval for the data exchange dt_coupling must be set.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dt_coupling < 0.0 is not allowed
- Description: In case of runs with coupled atmosphere-ocean the temporal interval for the data exchange dt_coupling must be >= 0.0 and equal in both models.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mismatch between atmosphere and ocean model: dt_coupling (atmosphere) = "..." dt_coupling (ocean) = "..." ocean value is set to atmosphere value
- Description: In case of runs with coupled atmosphere-ocean the temporal interval for the data exchange dt_coupling must be given the same value in both models.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mismatch between atmosphere and ocean model: time from reference point (atmosphere) = ... time_from reference point (ocean) = ...
- Description: In case of runs with coupled atmosphere-ocean the simulated time from the reference point is stored internally in variable
. In coupled runs this variable is required to have the same value in atmosphere and ocean model. A possible reason for this error is if precursor runs for atmosphere and ocean are used with different startup times. See coupled atmosphere-ocean runs for a detailed description of the setup for precursor runs.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: ... in atmosphere is smaller than ... in ocean
- Description: Coupled atmosphere ocean runs allow to use different grid resolutions in atmosphere and ocean. It is, however, not allowed to use a finer grid resolution in the atmosphere than in the ocean. Change the indicated grid spacing respectively.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: RMA window too small on ...
- Description: If particles pass the borders between the child and parent domain they will be exchanged using MPI windows (MPI window = memory that is allocated to be accessed by remote processes for one sided communication). Within this process it could happen that the size of the windows is too small due to a very large number of particles that need to be transferred between the domains. Either choose a smaller amount of particles or change the internal limit of
from 100000 to a higher value.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: particle outside parent bounds: ... ...
- Description: Internal error. Please inform the PALM developers, e.g. via submitting a trouble ticket.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no child defined
- Description: For a nested setup, at least one child domain has to be defined via domain_layouts.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: heigth of child bottom boundary (... m) must not lie below the bottom boundary of the respective parent (... m)
- Description: This message may arise in case of elevated childs. Change the domain_layouts respectively.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: deprecated format for domain_layouts is used
- Description: From release 23.10 on, the nesting-parameter domain_layouts requires seven values for each parent/child. The 7th value defines the vertical shift of the child. Change your
namelist respectively. See domain_layouts for further information.
Radiation Model#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires radiation = .TRUE.
- Description: #The requested output quantity is only available when the radiation module is switched on.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of ... requires radiation = .TRUE. and radiation_scheme = "rrtmg"
- Description: The requested output quantity is only available with radiation scheme = 'rrtmg'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of ... requires radiation = .TRUE. and radiation_scheme = "rrtmg" or radiation_scheme = "tenstream"
- Description: The requested output quantity is only available with radiation scheme = 'rrtmg' or 'tenstream'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value for data_output: "..." only 2d-horizontal cross sections are allowed for this value
- Description: The listed quantities are pure two-dimensional xy-cross-sections. They are not available as 3d data or xz/yz cross-sections. Note that these quantities are always marked by an asterisk as last character. See also data_output.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Output of surface radiation cross sections of: "..." is not allowed in radiation-only mode.
- Description: The listed quantities are pure two-dimensional xy-cross-sections and not available in radiation-only mode.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires mrt_nlevels > 0
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: output of "..." requires rtm_mrt_sw = .TRUE.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = ... is not available for radiation = .FALSE. or radiation_scheme = ...
- Description: The desired output is not available for radiation_scheme = 'clear-sky' or 'rrtmg'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: data_output_pr = "..." is not avalable for radiation = .FALSE. or radiation_scheme /= "rrtmg"
- Description: Radiative heating rates are only available when using the full RRTMG radiation scheme.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: time averaging of a static quantity "..." is not provided
- Description: Remove this quantity from the list of output quantities as given by data_output, or just remove the '_av' from the respective string. Time averaging of static quantities is not provided, because these quantities do not change in time.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Usage of radiation module is only allowed if land-surface and/or urban-surface model is applied or if "radiation_only = .T.".
- Description: Either the namelist
has to be set in the<run-id>_p3d
file or &urban_surface_parameters (or both) to avoid this error. Alternatively, set radiation_only = .T..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Usage of radiation model in radiation-only mode in combination with an energy-balance model (LSM/USM) is not allowed.
- Description: Either deactivate LSM and USM or set radiation_only = .F..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Usage of radiation model in radiation-only mode in combination with "radiation_interactions_on = .T." is not allowed.
- Description: Set one of the parameters radiation_interactions_on or radiation_only to .F..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Usage of radiation model in radiation-only mode is only allowed in combination with "radiation_scheme = rrtmg."
- Description: Either set radiation_only = .F. or set radiation_scheme = 'rrtmg'.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown radiation_scheme = ...
- Description: See radiation_scheme for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: radiation_scheme = "rrtmg" requires compilation of PALM with pre-processor directive -D_rrtmg
- Description: In order to use the RRTMG scheme, the radiation code must be installed as external (shared or static) library and PALM must be compiled with preprocessor option
in the%cpp_options
line of the configuration file (.palm.config
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: radiation_scheme = "rrtmg" requires the use of NetCDF (preprocessor directive -D_netcdf'
- Description: The RRTMG library reads atmospheric profiles unsing NetCDF by default. Therefore NetCDf must be activated with
listed in the%cpp_options
line of the configuration file (.palm.config
) when using RRTMG.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: radiation_scheme = "tenstream" requires compilation of PALM with pre-processor directive -D__tenstream
- Description: The tenstream radiation scheme requires
listed in the%cpp_options
line of the configuration file (.palm.config
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: radiation_scheme = "clear-sky" in combination with albedo_type = 0 requires setting of albedo /= 9999999.9
- Description: The choice of a user-defined albedo requires manual setting of the albedo as there is no default value set. See radiation_scheme.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: radiation_scheme = "rrtmg" in combination with albedo_type = 0 requires setting of albedo_lw_dif /= 9999999.9, albedo_lw_dir /= 9999999.9, albedo_sw_dif /= 9999999.9 and albedo_sw_dir /= 9999999.9
- Description: The choice of a user-defined albedo requires manual setting of all four albedos for direct/diffuse longwave/shortwave radiation as there is no default value set. See radiation_scheme.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Dimension size of static input variable albedo_pars is ... . Dimension size of ... is required.
- Description: Please see the PALM input data standard for requirements.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: surface reflections can only be used together with raytrace_mpi_rma or when no parallelization is applied.
- Description: You try to use the angular discretization without setting raytrace_mpi_rma = .T. or without running in parallel mode (using more than one core. Please set raytrace_mpi_rma = .T. and make sure that you run the model in parallel mode.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: raytrace_mpi_rma = .T. not allowed in serial mode
- Description: You have compiled the PALM code for serial mode, i.e. without setting the preprocessor switch
-D __parallel
in the configuration file. Radiation calculations for the urban environment with ray tracing using one-sided MPI communication only works for the parallel mode. Either set the switch-D __parallel
in your config file, or set raytrace_mpi_rma = .F..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: average_radiation = .T. with radiation_scheme = "rrtmg"/"tenstream" in combination with cloud_droplets = .T. is not implemented
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dt_radiation must be > 0.0
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Too coarse angular discretization settings: raytrace_discrete_elevs < 4 and/or raytrace_discrete_elevs < 8
- Description: You have used coarse angular discretization settings which will result in inaccurate radiation fluxes.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: Relatively coarse angular discretization settings are set: raytrace_discrete_elevs < 9 and/or raytrace_discrete_elevs < 18
- Description: You have used coarse angular discretization settings which will result in inaccurate radiation fluxes.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Invalid ts_icollapse value. ts_icollapse should be either -1 (collapse atmosphere above the dynamic domain) or 1 (no collapse)
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: The tenstream radiation scheme does not support the biometeorology, which requires RTM. Please use different radiation scheme, e.g. RRTMG.
- Description:
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: radiation_interactions_on is set to .FALSE. although vertical surfaces and/or trees exist. The model will run without RTM (no shadows, no radiation reflections)
- Description: Set radiation_interactions_on = .T. to get more realistic results.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: The current raytracing algorithm in the Radiative Transfer Model does NOT support explicitly cyclic boundary conditions. Surface radiation fluxes near the boundaries should be evaluated in this view point.
- Description: Be careful near the lateral boundaries with respect to the surface energy balance terms.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Input file RRTMG_LW for rrtmg model missing. Please provide ..._rlw file in the INPUT directory.
- Description: You have switched on the RRTMG radiation model, but missed to provide the respective input file in your input folder.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Input file RRTMG_SW for rrtmg model missing. Please provide ..._rsw file in the INPUT directory.
- Description: You have switched on the RRTMG radiation model, but missed to provide the respective input file in your input folder.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: In case of external radiation forcing a dynamic input file for the root domain is needed.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: "..." has no valid lod attribute
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: In case of external radiation forcing both, rad_sw_in and rad_lw_in are required.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: In case of external radiation forcing dimension time_rad is required.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: External radiation forcing does not cover the entire simulation time.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: External radiation forcing: rad_sw_in must not contain any fill values.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: External radiation forcing: rad_lw_in must not contain any fill values.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: External radiation forcing: rad_sw_in_dif must not contain any fill values.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: External radiation with lod = 2 is currently not possible with average_radiation = .T..
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: External radiation input should have the same lod.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Surface albedo for diffuse/direct long-/shortwave are different. To continue using the broadband albedo please set use_broadband_albedo to TRUE.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: variable albedo is not implemented for tenstream
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: undefined ... surface, not urban/land
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Finding boarder surface id at i,j,k= ... ... ... for surface type ... failed.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Finding boarder surface id at i,j,k= ... ... ... failed.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: tenstream is not supported yet when humidity is false
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: The lowest level where vertical stretching is applied have to be greater than ...
- Description: The radiation model does not consider a stretched grid. The assumption of a uniform grid is necessary in parts below the top layer of urban surface (index height nzut). Please adjust dz_stretch_level_start accordingly.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: the surface type ... is not supported for calculating SVF
- Description: Internal error. Allowed surface types are 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Their meaning can be identified in
. Please contact the PALM developers, e.g. by the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: A different number of processors between the run that has written the svf data and the one that will read it is not allowed.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Version of binary SVF file "..." does not match the version of model "..."
- Description: This error occurs when radiation data from the file SVFIN is read and the precursor run was carried out with a different svf binary version than the main run. Repeat the precurser with the current version or carry out the main run with the same version as the precursor. The svf binary version number which is required for the main run can be checked in file
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: wrong number of SVF or CSF
- Description: This error can happen if svf data is read from file SVFIN (e.g. during manual restarts). The local number of sky view factors and canopy sink factors for calculating surface reflection of radiation has to be the same between the precursor run and the main run. Be sure that you create the svf binary data with the same version as the version of the main run.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nsurfl from SVF file does not match calculated nsurfl from radiation_interaction_init
- Description: Number of all local surface elements in sky-view factor file (SVFIN) does not match the calculated number of local surface elements. Be sure that you created the svf binary data with the same version as the version of the main run and that you did not introduce further surfaces in the meantime. Otherwise, contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: npcbl from SVF file does not match calculated npcbl from radiation_interaction_init
- Description: The number of the local plant canopy gridboxes in SVFIN does not match the one which is calculated during model initialization. Be sure that you created the svf binary data with the same version as the version of the main run. Otherwise, contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: ndsidir from SVF file does not match calculated ndsidir from radiation_presimulate_solar_pos
- Description: The number of apparent solar directions in SVFIN does not match the one which is calculated during model initialization. Be sure that you created the svf binary data with the same version as the version of the main run. Otherwise, contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: nmrtbl from SVF file does not match calculated nmrtbl from radiation_interaction_init
- Description: The number of apparent solar directions in SVFIN does not match the one which is calculated during model initialization. Be sure that you created the svf binary data with the same version as the version of the main run. Otherwise, contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: virtual PE grid has changed between previous and current run. npex_prev = ..., npey_prev = ..., npex_new = ..., npey_new = ..., svf will be re-calculated'
- Description: Reading sky view factors from file (created by a previous run) is only possible if the previous run has used the same virtual PE grid as the current run. This is not the case here, and so the sky view factors are re-calculated (which requires some computational resources).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: total number of grid points along x and y in file SVFIN do not match current run. nx_on_file = ..., ny_on_file = ..., nx = ..., ny = ...
- Description: Your sky view factor input file (SVFIN) contains data for a computational grid with gridpoint numbers nx and/or ny different from your current run. This is not allowed.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of sky view factor values for .... = .... > 2^*^*31-1
- Description: The number of sky view factor values for the given variable exceeds the mentioned upper limit. This may happen in case of a computation grid with extrem number of gridpoints and/or very complex 3D-topography. Please contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: issue in sorting canopy sink factors: ... does not match its pre-calculated number ...
- Description: The number of plant-canopy sink factors after sorting does not match its pre-calculated number, indicating a bug within the code. Please contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: radiation_only = .T. requires explicit setting of albedo_type
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: salsa = .TRUE. is not allowed with humidity = .F.
- Description: Applying the salsa module requires running PALM in humid mode. See humidity.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_aer_b = "..."
- Description: See bc_aer_b for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_aer_t = "..."
- Description: See bc_aer_t for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown nj3 (must be 1-3)
- Description: See nj3 for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: salsa_emission_mode /= "no_emission" requires bc_aer_b "Neumann"
- Description: If aerosol surface emissions are given, a Neumann boundary condition should be set at the bottom. See [bc_aer_b](../Namelists/#salsa_parameters--bc_aer_b ].
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_aer_l = "..."
- Description: See bc_aer_l for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_aer_r = "..."
- Description: See bc_aer_r for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_aer_n = "..."
- Description: See bc_aer_n for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown boundary condition: bc_aer_s = "..."
- Description: See bc_aer_s for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: boundary conditions bc_aer_l and bc_aer_r must both be cyclic or non-cyclic
- Description: See descriptions for bc_aer_l and bc_aer_r.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: boundary conditions bc_aer_n and bc_aer_s must both be cyclic or non-cyclic
- Description: See descriptions for bc_aer_n and bc_aer_s.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown aerosol species/component(s) given in the initialization
- Description: Unknown chemical components included in the parameter file. See listspec for allowed components.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: SALSA is run together with chemistry but not all gaseous components are provided by kpp (H2SO4, HNO3, NH3, OCNV, OCSC)
- Description: Some gaseous compound(s) needed in the aerosol module SALSA are missing from the chemical mechanism applied. Check the
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: vertical dimension of the number of aerosol chemical components = ... in the dynamic driver does not match the number of model grid points = ...
- Description: dimensions in dynamic input file must match the dimension of model grid points for the respective variable.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: missing "..." in dynamic driver
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: none of the aerosol chemical components in the dynamic driver correspond to ones applied in SALSA
- Description: If the initial aerosol concentrations are read from the dynamic input file (isdtyp = 1), the chemical composition must include at least one chemical component applied in the model.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: currently only lod=1 accepted for init_atmosphere_aerosol
- Description: Initialization of the aerosol module via dynamic input file is only allowed with profiles (LOD=1).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of size bins in init_atmosphere_aerosol does not match with that applied in the model set-up
- Description: The number of aerosol size bins in the dynamic driver does not correspond to the size distribution information given in the parameter file. See nbin and reglim, and appropriately correct the discrepancy.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mean diameters of the aerosol size bins in the dynamic driver do not match with the sectional representation of the model.
- Description: The mean diameters of the aerosol size bins in the dynamic driver does not correspond to the size distribution information given in the parameter file. See nbin and reglim, and appropriately correct the discrepancy.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: error in initialising mass fractions of chemical components
- Description: The chemical composition in the dynamic input file does not overlap with the one applied in the model. See listspec for allowed components. Check that all chemical components are included in parameter file!
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: input file ... for SALSA is missing
- Description: SALSA requires the dynamic driver file PIDS_DYNAMIC.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: initial_aerosol_type = 1 but preprocessor directive __netcdf is not used in compiling
- Description: isdtyp = 1 is set, but netCDF-code has not been activated by the corresponding cpp-preprocessor switch. Add
to the%cpp_options
line in the configuration file and re-compile viapalmbuild
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: init_gaes_type = 1 but preprocessor directive __netcdf is not used in compiling
- Description: igctyp = 1 is set, but netCDF-code has not been activated by the corresponding cpp-preprocessor switch. Add
to the%cpp_options
line in the configuration file and re-compile viapalmbuild
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: either OC or SO4 must be active for aerosol region 1a
- Description: Either organic carbon (OC) or sulphates (SO4) have to be included as aerosol chemical components via listspec.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: depo_pcm_type not set correctly
- Description: See depo_pcm_type for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no vegetation type defined
- Description: The land surface model is applied, but vegetation type needed for the dry deposition is not defined. Check the static input file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no pavement type defined
- Description: The land surface model is applied, but pavement type needed for the dry deposition is not defined. Check the static input file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no water type defined
- Description: The land surface model is applied, but water type needed for the dry deposition is not defined. Check the static input file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: subrange 1: no convergence
- Description: The solution of the equilibrium subroutine does not converge for the subrange 1. This might be due to some error in initialising the aerosol mass concentrations.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: subrange 2: no convergence
- Description: The solution of the equilibrium subroutine does not converge for the subrange 2. This might be due to some error in initialising the aerosol mass concentrations.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: invalid input value: ptemp
- Description: Air temperature given to the subroutine for ternary nucleation
is not within the allowed temperature range of 240-300 K.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: invalid input value: prh
- Description: Relative humidity given to the subroutine for ternary nucleation (
) is not within the allowed humidity range of 5-95%.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: invalid input value: pc_sa
- Description: Number concentration of gaseous sulphuric acid given to the subroutine for ternary nucleation (
) is not within the allowed range of 1e4-1e9 cm-3.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: invalid input value: pc_nh3
- Description: Mixing ratio of gaseous ammonia given to the subroutine for ternary nucleation
is not within the allowed range of 0.1-100 ppt.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: invalid output value: nucleation rate > 106 1/cm3s
- Description: Calculated nucleation rate in the subroutine for ternary nucleation
exceeds 1e6 cm-3s-1.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: error: zvfrac < 0
- Description: When updating the aerosol size distribution after aerosol processes, the volume fraction of aerosols to be moved to the larger bin has gone negative.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: erosol bin update not converged
- Description: When updating the aerosol size distribution after aerosol processes, the solution does not converge.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: error in itype
- Description: The input parameter in bin_mixrat is falsely set. Review the code.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: salsa_emission_mode = "parameterized", but the street_type data is missing
- Description: When salsa_emission_mode = 'parameterized', the variable
must be provided in the static driver file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: input file ... for SALSA missing
- Description: Emission information for the aerosol particles has been set to be read from a netCDF input file via salsa_emission_mode = 'read_from_file'), but the file PIDS_SALSA is missing.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: missing "composition_name" in ...
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: None of the aerosol chemical components in ... correspond to the ones applied in SALSA.
- Description: If the aerosol emissions are read from
(salsa_emission_mode = 'read_from_file'), the chemical composition must include at least one chemical component applied in the model.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: missing "emission_mass_fracs" in ...
- Description: Variable
is missing from file<run_identifier>_salsa
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown unit for aerosol emissions: ... (lod1)
Description: Aerosol emission values given in the NetCDF input file
are incorrect when lod=1 is applied.Aerosol emissions are given as total particulate mass concentrations per emission category and should be given in units: kg/m2/yr or g/m2/yr.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: missing "emission_category_name" in ...
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: none of the emission categories in ... match with the ones in the model
- Description: Emission categories in
do not match with ones applied in the model ('traffic exhaust', 'road dust', 'wood combustion', 'other').
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: emission_time_factors should be given for each nhoursyear OR nmonthdayhour
- Description: Emission time factors for aerosol emissions (LOD=1) are not given or they are not correctly named in
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown unit for aerosol emissions: ...
Description: Aerosol emission values given in the netCDF input file
are incorrect when lod=2 is applied.Aerosol emissions are given as number emission per aersol size bin and should be given in units: #/m2/s.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: the number of size bins in aerosol input data does not match with that applied in the model set-up
- Description: The number of aerosol size bins in
does not correspond to the size distribution information given in the namelist file. See nbin and reglim, and appropriately correct the discrepancy.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mean diameters of the aerosol size bins in ... do not mmatch with the ones in the model
- Description: The mean diameters of the aerosol size bins in
does not correspond to the size distribution information given in the parameter file. See nbin and reglim, and appropriately correct the discrepancy.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: missing "time" in ...
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: end_time of the simulation exceeds the time dimension in the salsa input file
- Description: Time dimension in
must cover the entire simulation time.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: missing "emission_numnber_fracs" in ...
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown lod for aerosol_emission_values
- Description: The level of detail (LOD) for aerosol_emission_values in
should be either 1 or 2.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: salsa_emission_mode = "read_from_file", but preprocessor directive __netcdf is not used in compiling
- Description: salsa_emission_mode = 'read_from_file' has been set, but netCDF has not been activated by the corresponding cpp-preprocessor switch. Add
to the%cpp_options
line in the configuration file and re-compile viapalmbuild
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown salsa_emission_mode: ...
- Description: The parameter (../Namelists/#salsa_parameters--salsa_emission_mode salsa_emission_mode] is not correctly set.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: input file ... missing
- Description: Emission information for SALSA is set to be read from a netCDF input file (salsa_emission_mode = 'read_from_file'), but the file
is missing. The chemistry module is not applied and therefore gaseous emissions are read in withinsalsa_mod.f90
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: emission_time_factors should be given for each nhoursyear OR nmonthdayhour
- Description: Emission time factors for gaseous emissions (LOD=1) are not given or they are not correctly named in
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown lod for emission_values
- Description: The level of detail (LOD) for emission_values (gaseous emissions) in
should be either 1 or 2.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: salsa_emission_mode = "read_from_file", but preprocessor directive __netcdf is not used in compiling
- Description: salsa_emission_mode = 'read_from_file' has been set, but netCDF-code has not been activated by the corresponding cpp-preprocessor switch. Add
to the%cpp_options
line in the configuration file and re-compile viapalmbuild
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown unit for gas emissions: ...
Description: Unknown units applied for the gaseous emissions in the netCDF input file
.Units should be: #/m2/s or g/m2/s or ppm/m2/s or mumol/m2/s or kg/m2/yr or g/m2/yr.
Note that gases are not imported to SALSA from the chemistry module since the chemistry module is not applied!
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: to output s_H2O/s_H2O_av requires that advect_particle_water = .T.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: gases are imported from the chemistry module and thus output of "..." is not allowed
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: incorrect component name "..." given
- Description: See listspec for allowed components.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: end_time of the simulation exceeds the time dimension in the dynamic input file
- Description: Time dimension in
must cover the entire simulation time.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: offline nesting: time dimension must start at time_utc_init
- Description: Time dimension in
must start at the start of the simulation in time utc. For example, for a simulation starting at 7 am in UTC+3 time, this is 14400.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: none of the aerosol chemical components in ... correspond to ones applied in SALSA
- Description: None of the chemical components given in
correspond to the ones applied in SALSA. Please check the file and spelling.
Surface Data Output#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: Output of surface data is not given at t= .... s because the maximum number of output time levels is exceeded.
- Description: See e.g. PAC0185 for further explanations.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: No output file type selected for surface-data output. Set at least either "to_vtk" or "to_netcdf" to .TRUE.
- Description: Surface-data output was requested without specifying a file type to store the data in. When requesting surface-data output, either to_vtk or to_netcdf or both must be set .T..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: averaging_interval_surf = ... must be <= dt_dosurf_av = ...
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: to_netcdf = .True. requires parallel netCDF
- Description: Surface output with netCDF requires parallel netCDF. Set preprocssor option
in the%cpp_options
line in the configuration file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: "..." = 0.0 while using a variable timestep and parallel netCDF4 is not allowed.
- Description: When using parallel netCDF output (netcdf_data_format > 4) the number of output time levels must be calculated at the beginning of the simulation (see e.g. PAC0185). dt_dosurf or dt_dosurf_av = 0.0 together with a variable model time step [dt][../Namelists/#initialization_parameters--dt) do not allow to determine at how many output time levels output is done. Either choose a fixed [dt][../Namelists/#initialization_parameters--dt), or give dt_dosurf) a nonzero value larger than the largest time step dt that appears during the run.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: The variable .... is defined more than once. Duplications are removed.
- Description: Duplicate entries in the list given via data_output_surf are removed. Please avoid assigning variables multiple times in your output lists.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: "..." is not yet implemented in the surface output
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: "..." requires the indoor model
- Description: Switch on the indoor model or remove the respective variable from namelist parameter data_output_surf.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: "..." is not part of the surface output
- Description:
Synthetic Turbulence Generator#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: synthetic turbulence generator is required if offline nesting is applied and PALM operates in LES mode
- Description: In order to trigger turbulence, synthetic turbulence need to be imposed at the lateral boundaries, else very larger adjustment zones in the order of O(10 km) are required.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: synthetic turbulence generator is required when nesting is applied and parent operates in RANS-mode but current child in LES mode
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: using synthetic turbulence generator not allowed in ... nesting
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: using synthetic turbulence generator requires initializing_actions = "set_constant_profiles" or "read_restart_data", if not offline nesting is applied
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: using synthetic turbulence generator requires bc_lr = "dirichlet/radiation", if not offline nesting is applied
- Description: The synthetic turbulence generator requires a non-cyclic boundary condition along
direction with an inflow at the left domain boundary.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: using synthetic turbulence generator requires bc_ns = "cyclic", if not offline nesting is applied
- Description: The synthetic turbulence generator only supports non-cyclic boundary conditions at the left/right boundary. In north/south direction, cyclic boundary conditions must be set.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: input file "..." for synthetic turbulence generator is missing
- Description: Using the synthetic turbulence generator in idealized setups (no mesoscale nesting or self nesting), requires a STG_PROFILES file to have proper information about turbulent length and time scales, as well as Reynolds stress components. Please provide the respective turbulence data (derived from a precursor simulation or observations).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: boundary_layer_depth = ... <= 0.0
- Description: For using parametrized turbulence (no STG_PROFILES file given) in a neutral simulation, the boundary-layer depth set via boundary_layer_depth must be > 0.0.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: using synthetic turbulence generator in combination with turbulent_inflow = .T. is not allowed
- Description: A turbulent inflow can only be generated by either the synthetic turbulence generator or the turbulence recycling method. Using both at the same time is impossible.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: using synthetic turbulence generator requires random_generator = "random-parallel"
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: compute_velocity_seeds_local = .FALSE. requires ratios nz / npex and nz / npey to be >= 1
- Description: To distribute the computation of velocity seeds among the cores, each core computes velocity seeds for a dedicated range along the vertical direction. However, if the ratio of vertical grid points to the number of cores along the x- or y-direction is less than 1, the algorithm to distribute the workload does not work anymore. In order to avoid this, set compute_velocity_seeds_local = .TRUE., or alternatively, try to change the domain decomposition via the parameters npex and npey so that the ratios nz / npex and nz / npey are larger than 1.
Turbulence Closure#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown turbulence closure: "..."
- Description: See turbulence_closure for allowd values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: turbulent inflow/outflow is not yet implemented for RANS mode
- Description: A turbulent inflow or turbulent_outflow = .T. is not allowed in RANS mode (see turbulence_closure how to switch between LES/RANS mode).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: grid anisotropy exceeds threshold starting from height level k = ...
- Description: The grid-dependent mixing length
( \(= \delta = (\delta x \delta y \delta z)^{1/3}\) ) becomes larger than 2.7 * dx or 2.7 * dy starting from the reported height levelk
. Although the model will not abort due to this warning, the chosen grid setup might lead to poor results. The reason for this is an unfavourable choise of grid anisotropy. To avoid this, make sure that the values of dx, dy, and dz do not differ too much from each other. In case of grid stretching, settings of dz_stretch_level and/or dz_stretch_factor should be changed to ensure a smaller difference betweendz(k)
at the reported height level.
Turbulent Inflow#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown turbulent inflow method: ...
- Description: See turbulent_inflow_method for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: turbulent inflow is not allowed in combination with mesoscale nesting
- Description: Turbulent inflow does not allow to give a &offline_nesting_parameters namelist in the namelist file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: turbulent_inflow_method = "..." is not allowed in nested child domains
- Description: The listed turbulent inflow method is not allowed to be used in a nested child domain.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: turbulent_inflow_method = "..." requires a Dirichlet condition at the inflow boundary
- Description: In case of turbulent inflow the turbulence signal is added to a time-constant horizontal mean wind profile at the left inflow boundary at each timestep. The use of a time-constant mean wind profile requires a Dirichlet boundary condition at the left inflow boundary. For see non-cyclic boundary conditions as well as turbulent inflow for further information.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: turbulent_inflow_method = "..." is not allowed in combination with the synthetic turbulence generator.
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: turbulence recycling requires initializing_actions = 'cyclic_fill' or initializing_actions = 'read_restart_data'
- Description: Using a turbulent inflow requires that the 3d arrays have to be initialized by cyclically mapped data from a prerun or by restart data. Set initializing_actions appropriately and follow the turbulent inflow instructions.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: illegal value for recycling_width: ...
- Description: See recycling_width for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: turbulent_inflow_method = "..." requires a dynamic input file
- Description: In this case, inflow boundary data is read from the dynamic input file, but this file is missing. The inflow boundary data can be inferred from a precursor simulation and processed to a dynamic input file using the pyhton tool
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: turbulent_inflow_method = "read_from_file" not allowed in combination with turbulent_outflow = .T.
- Description: turbulent_inflow_method = 'read_from_file' requires a mass-flux correction method applied to the outflow boundary, which conflicts with turbulent_outflow = .T.. Set turbulent_outflow = .F..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: inflow_damping_height must be explicitly specified because the inversion height calculated by the prerun is zero
- Description: See inflow_damping_height.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: turbulent_inflow_method = "..." - dimension(s): "..." not found in dynamic driver'
- Description: The expected dimensions in the dynamic driver are not defined properly. Please use the pre-processor tool
to create the dynamic driver.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: turbulent_inflow_method = "..." - variable(s): "..." not found in dynamic driver'
- Description: The expected variables in the dynamic driver are not defined properly. Please use the pre-processor tool
to create the dynamic driver.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of y-grid points in dynamic driver does not match the number of numeric grid points
- Description: The y-dimension of the input variables for the read-from-file inflow method does not match the number of numeric grid points on the staggered grid.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of zu-grid points in dynamic driver does not match the number of numeric grid points
- Description: The zu-dimension of the input varialbes for the read-from-file inflow method does not match the number of numeric grid points on the staggered grid.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: number of zw-grid points in dynamic driver does not match the number of numeric grid points
- Description: The zw-dimension of the input varialbes for the read-from-file inflow method does not match the number of numeric grid points on the staggered grid.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dynamic driver provides too few time levels for turbulent inflow: ... is less than ...'
- Description: For the read-from-file inflow method, the covered time interval of the inflow boundary data in the dynamic input file needs to be larger/equal the simulation time (end_time - spinup_time).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dimension "time_inflow" in dynamic driver must start at 0.0s
- Description: For turbulent_inflow_method = 'read_from_file' the time dimension must start at 0.0.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dimension "time_inflow" in dynamic driver contains _FillValues
- Description: Fill values are not allowed in the time dimension.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: input_block_size must be smaller or equal than 2 x the subdomain size in x-direction, which is: nxr - nxl + 1, and larger or equal than 2'
- Description: For turbulent_inflow_method = 'read_from_file', the input block size (see input_block_size) of the boundary data can be customized to allow input of multiple timesteps at once to avoid netCDF IO every timestep. In order to limit the input size to avoid any memory exceedance, the size of input boundary data is limited to a maximum of two three-dimensional arrays. Try to change the domain-decomposition along the x-dimension e.g. via npex.
Urban Surface Model#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: urban surface model requires setting of bc_pt_b = "dirichlet" and bc_q_b = "dirichlet"
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: urban surface model requires constant_flux_layer = .TRUE.
- Description: The USM requires to use a constant flux layer via constant_flux_layer = .T..
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: urban surface model requires the radiation model to be switched on
- Description: The USM requires to use a radiation model activated via the &radiation_parameters namelist in the namelist file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: topography /= "flat" is required when using the urban surface model
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: building_type = ... is out of the valid range
- Description: between 1 and 7
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: building_type = ... is out of the valid range at (i,j) = (...,...)
- Description: between 1 and 7
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dimension size of static input variable building_pars is ... dimension size of ... is required
- Description: For requirements, please check the input data standard tables.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: invalid wall layer configuration found: dz_wall_center(k=...) <= 0.0
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: invalid window layer configuration found: dz_window_center(k=...) <= 0.0
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: invalid green layer configuration found: dz_green_center(k=...) <= 0.0
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: relative material fractions do not sum-up to one at some surfaces
- Description: If building_pars is specified within a static input file, all parameters indicating the relative fraction of wall / window / green surfaces must be given and sum up to 1. This requirement is violated. Check and correct the static driver respectively.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: ... exceeds 0.5 * surface-layer height at ... surface grid point (i,j) = (...,...)
Description: Monin-Obukhov similarity is assumed between the surface and the first computational grid point normal to the surface. Because of the staggered grid, the distance between these two points is half of the grid spacing in the respective direction, i.e. \(dz/2\) in vertical direction. The height \(z = dz/2\) defines the top of the (analytical) logarithmic layer \(z_{mo}\) (the surface layer height). Functions like \(ln(z_{mo}/z_0)\), where \(z_0\) is the roughness length, are used to calculate characteristic surface layer variables like \(u_*\) or \(\theta_*\). This mathematically requires that \(z_{mo} > z_0\), or in other words, that \(z_0 < dz/2\). In case you have run into this error, you either need to reduce the roughness length \(z_0\) (via namelist parameter roughness_length or in the static driver) or enlarge the grid spacing \(dz\). Same holds for roughness length \(z_{0h}\) for temperature and \(z_{0q}\) for moisture.
Attention: This message is given only once (for the first grid point where the exceedance has been detected). Be aware that there might be more grid points where \(z_0\) exceeds the surface-layer height.
In case of water surfaces \(z_0\) is automatically calculated each time step via the Charnock relation and respectively checked. No information about grid point location(s) is given for that case. More than one location may have been detected.
Set allow_roughness_limitation = .T. in order to allow for an automatic limitation of \(z_0\) to a maximum value of \(0.5 * z_{mo}\), which is equivalent to \(0.25 * dz\).
- LogLevel: INFO
- Message: ... exceeds 0.5 * surface-layer height at ... surface(s) and is limited to that height
- Description: See USM0012 for detailed explanation.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: green fractions exceed wall fractions at some surfaces
- Description: If building_pars is specified within a static input file, the green fraction of surfaces must not exceed the corresponding wall fraction of surfaces, except if the wall fraction is zero. This requirement is violated. Check and correct the static driver respectively.
User Interface#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: current user-interface revision "..." does not match the required revision "..."
- Description: You are using a user-interface which does not match the installed PALM release. One reason might be that the default user-interface of the newest PALM release has changed (e.g. because some parameters have been added to parameter-lists of subroutine calls). Please carefully check the PALM release information, where these kind of changes are announced, and where also hints will be given for how to adjust existing user-interfaces.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: topography "..." not available yet
- Description: There was no usable user-defined topography found.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown topography "..."
- Description: This error message appears if topography is set to an illegal value. This can happen if the string assigned to topography contains a typo and is neither recognized in
nor inuser_init_grid
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: canopy_mode "..." not available yet
- Description: There was no valid user-defined plant canopy mode found.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown canopy_mode "..."
- Description: The requested identifier for the canopy mode was not found in the user interface (
). Check if the spelling in the namelist file matches the canopy mode defined inuser_init_plant_canopy.f90
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: spectra of "..." can not be calculated
- Description: No CASE statement defined for '...' in
(preprocess mode).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: spectra of "..." are not defined
- Description: No CASE statement defined for '...' in
(data output mode).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: the number of user-defined profiles given in data_output_pr (...) does not match the one found in the restart file (...)
- Description: This will only happen in case that the number of user profiles defined via data_output_pr_user was changed from precursor to main run. See the turbulent inflow documentation for detailed information on the use of restart data for precursor runs.
VDI Internal Controls#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: 2-delta t waves are generated
- Description: The
component at a control grid point or the means of the meteorological variables exhibit 2 delta t waves (vdi_internal_controls).
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: maxima of the standard deviation remain at the open edges of the model
- Description: The maxima of the standard deviation of
remain at the open edges of the model (seevdi_internal_controls.f90
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: maxima of the standard deviation travel from the open edges into the interior of the domain with increasing simulation time
- Description: The maxima of the standard deviation of
travel into the interior of the domain. Run does not fulfill VDI 3783 Part 9.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: monotonic decrease or increase with increasing simulation time for ...
- Description: The mean of ... decreases or increases in the last 90% of time in the simulation. Maybe the simulation time is too short or there is a physical cause for this.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: mass is not conserved
- Description: Conservation of mass is not fulfilled (see
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: wind component ... has a magnitude greater than ten times the maximum horizontal wind velocity of the approach flow profile
- Description: The respective wind component exceeds the specified limit (see
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: potential temperature does not lie between 220 K and 330 K
- Description: The potential temperature exceeds the specified limit (see
Virtual Flights#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: start ... position is outside the model domain
- Description: Start position for virtual flight must be within the model domain.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: cyclic flight leg does not match lateral boundary condition
- Description: Virtual flights can only be in cyclic-mode if lateral model boundaries are cyclic.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: flight leg or parts of it are outside the model domain
- Description: End position must be within the model domain in case of return-legs.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: unknown flight mode "..."
- Description: See leg_mode for allowed values.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: flight level is outside the model domain
- Description: Flight level is above domain top or below 0.
Virtual Measurements#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: virtual measurements require a setup input file for the site locations
- Description:
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: virtual measurements require parallel netCDF.
- Description: If virtual measurements are taken, the PALM code need to be compiled with parallel netCDF support by setting preprocessor switches
-D__netcdf -D__netcdf4 -D__netcdf4_parallel
in the%cpp_options
line of the configuration file.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: for virtual measurements the number of surrounding grid points must not be larger than the number of ghost points - 1, which is ...
- Description: When virtual measurements are taken, data is sampled at given station grid coordinates. It is possible that also the adjoining grid points can be sampled, however, the number of grid points additionally sampled in each direction must not be larger than the number of ghost points - 1 to avoid any segmentations faults. In the future we will improve this to allow a more flexible number of offset grid points.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: dt_virtual_measurement(pr/ts/tr) must be > 0.0
- Description: This parameter is used to estimate the number of output timesteps in the output netCDF files. With zero-valued numbers this is not possible.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: no reference coordinate for the lower-left model domain corner are provided, neither in the static driver nor in the measurement input file
- Description: The origin of the PALM model domain needs to be specified if the virtual sampling module is employed. The origin UTM coordinates (origin_x and origin_y) can be either specified via the static input file, or the sampling coordinate file. Note, an exact prescription of the origin coordinates is required to correctly locate the sampling grid points within PALM. Further, please note, in case of a nested run, the origin coordinates are different for each model domain.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: attribute feature_type = "..." is not allowed
- Description: Only 'timeseries', 'timeseriesProfile', or 'trajectory' is allowed.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: sampling coordinates of site "..." do not lie within the PALM domain'
- Description: Check the coordinates in your virtual measurement input file, or extend the model domain.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: error while defining output: "..."
- Description: Internal error, while while trying to define the respective variable in the output file. In case that no user-interface is used, contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: error while writing output: "..."
- Description: Internal error, while trying to write the respective variable to the output file. In case that no user-interface is used, contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
Wind Turbine Model#
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: pitch_control = .TRUE. requires speed_control = .TRUE.
- Description: Appropriately adjust pitch_control and speed_control.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: rotor_speed < 0.0
- Description: Set rotor_speed to a value larger than or equal to zero.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: hub_x, hub_y, hub_z have to be given for each turbine
- Description: Appropriately adjust hub_x, hub_y, and hub_z.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: vertical grid stretching only allowed above ... m. The lowest level where vertical stretching is applied have to be greater than ...
- Description: The implemented wind turbine model does not consider a stretched grid. Therefore grid stretching should only be applied well above the region where the wind turbine model is active. Please adjust dz_stretch_level_start accordingly.
- LogLevel: WARNING
- Message: Wind turbine model output requires netCDF version 4. No output file will be created.
- Description: Data output for the wind turbine model is realized only for netCDF version 4. As a consequence the model output is deactivated if version 3 is used. Keep in mind that just providing a netCDF4 library is not sufficient. You also need to re-compile the PALM code with preprocessor option
(to be set in the%cpp_options
line of the configuration file) and to set netcdf_data_format = 4.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: error while defining output: "..."
- Description: Internal error, while trying to define the respective variable in the output file. In case a user-interface is not used, contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: file WTM_DATA does not exist
- Description: Make sure that the file
containing the physical characteristics of the blades, as described in [[source:/palm/trunk/EXAMPLES/wind_turbine/example_wtm.txt| example_wtm.txt]], is provided in the INPUT folder. See also description of local file WTM_DATA.
- LogLevel: ERROR
- Message: error while writing output: "..."
- Description: Internal error, occuring while trying to write the respective variable to the output file. In case a user-interface is not used, contact the PALM developers, e.g. via the trouble-ticket system.