Output Quantities#

Vertical profile quantities#

Name SI-Unit Description
e m2 s-2 SGS turbulence kinetic energy
e* m2 s-2 resolved-scale turbulence kinetic energy

Calculated from variances or fluxes (see https://palm.muk.uni-hannover.de/trac/wiki/doc/tec/advection#statistical_evaluation).
eta m Kolmogorov length scale

Only meaningful for DNS mode. The Kolmogorov length scale \(\eta\) is defined by \((\nu^3/\epsilon)^{1/4}\) with \(\nu\) being the kinematic, molecular viscosity and \(\epsilon\) being the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate. However, as LES is not resolving the smallest velocity scales, the direct determination of the dissipation rate and therefore of the Kolmogorov length scale is not possible in general. Only if run in DNS mode, a meaningful value of \(\eta\) will be output.
hyp hPa hydrostatic pressure
kc_X ppm or kg m-3 concentration of chemical species X

Chemistry quantities requires the prefix kc_. X indicates the species name. Only species names belonging to the selected chemistry mechanism are allowed.
kc_w*X* ppm m s-1 or kg s-1 m-2 resolved-scale turbulent vertical flux of chemical species X

Chemistry quantities requires the prefix kc_. X indicates the species name. Only species names belonging to the selected chemistry mechanism are allowed.
kc_w"X" ppm m s-1 or kg s-1 m-2 subgrid-scale turbulent vertical flux of chemical species X

Chemistry quantities requires the prefix kc_. X indicates the species name. Only species names belonging to the selected chemistry mechanism are allowed.
kh m2 s-1 eddy diffusivity for heat
km m2 s-1 eddy diffusivity for momentum
l m mixing length
m_soil m3 m-3 volumetric soil moisture
nc m-3 cloud drop number density

Requires cloud_scheme = morrison.
ni m-3 ice crystal number density

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison' and microphysics_ice_phase = .T..
nr m-3 rain drop number density

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng'.
p Pa perturbation pressure
prho kg m-3 potential density
prr kg kg-1 m s-1 total precipitation rate of all cloud species

Is allowed for all schemes except of cloud_scheme = 'sat_adjust'.
prr_cloud kg kg-1 m s-1 precipitation rate of cloud droplets (by sedimentation)

Is allowed for all schemes except of cloud_scheme = 'sat_adjust', but makes only sense if cloud_water_sedimentation = .T..
prr_graupel kg kg-1 m s-1 precipitation rate of graupel

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison', and microphysics_ice_phase = .T., and snow = .T., and graupel = .T..
q kg kg-1 water vapor mixing ratio (or total water mixing ratio if cloud physics is switched on)

Requires humidity = .T..
qc kg kg-1 cloud water mixing ratio

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison'.
qg kg kg-1 graupel mixing ratio

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison', and microphysics_ice_phase = .T., and snow = .T., and graupel = .T..
qi kg kg-1 ice crystal mixing ratio

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison', and microphysics_ice_phase = .T..
ql kg kg-1 liquid water mixing ratio

Requires using the bulk cloud model (BCM) or the Lagrangian cloud model (LCM) via setting of cloud_droplets = .T..
qr kg kg-1 rain water mixing ratio

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng'.
qs kg kg-1 snow mixing ratio

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison', and microphysics_ice_phase = .T., and snow = .T., and graupel = .T..
qv kg kg-1 water vapor mixing ratio

Requires using the bulk cloud model (BCM).
q*2 kg2 kg-2 variance of water vapor mixing ratio (or total water mixing ratio if cloud physics is switched on)

Requires humidity = .T..
rad_lw_in W m-2 incoming longwave radiation flux
rad_lw_out W m-2 outgoing longwave radiation flux
rad_sw_in W m-2 incoming shortwave radiation flux
rad_sw_out W m-2 outgoing shortwave radiation flux
rh % relative humidity

Requires humidity = .T..
rho kg m-3 air density
rho_sea_water kg m-3 density of sea water

Requires ocean module switched on.
s kg m-3 or ppm concentration of passive scalar

Requires passive_scalar = .T..
sa psu salinity of sea water

Requires ocean module switched on.
salsa_LDSA micro m2 cm-3 total lung-deposited surface area
salsa_N_UFP m-3 total aerosol number concentration of particles smaller than 0.1 µm in diameter, i.e. ultrafine particles
salsa_N_tot m-3 total aerosol number concentration
salsa_PM0.1 kg m-3 total mass concentration of particulate matter smaller than 0.1 µm in diameter, i.e. ultrafine particles
salsa_PM2.5 kg m-3 total mass concentration of particulate matter smaller than 2.5 µm in diameter, i.e. ultrafine particles
salsa_PM10 kg m-3 total mass concentration of particulate matter smaller than 10 µm in diameter, i.e. ultrafine particles
Sw 1 skewness of the w-velocity component

Sw is defined as \(w^3 / (w^2)^{1.5}\), where \(w\) is the resolved-scale vertical velocity.
s*2 (kg m-3)2 resolved scale variance of the passive scalar

Requires passive_scalar = .T..
t_soil K soil temperature
td_lsa_q kg kg-1 s-1 horizontal large scale advection tendency for humidity
td_lsa_thetal K s-1 horizontal large scale advection tendency for temperature
td_nud_q kg kg-1 s-1 nudging tendency for humidity
td_nud_thetal K s-1 nudging tendency for temperature
td_nud_u m s-2 nudging tendency for u-component of velocity
td_nud_v m s-2 nudging tendency for v-component of velocity
td_sub_q kg kg-1 s-1 horizontal large scale subsidence tendency for humidity
td_sub_thetal K s-1 horizontal large scale subsidence tendency for temperature
theta K potential temperature
thetav K virtual potential temperature

Requires humidity = .T..
u m s-1 u-component of velocity vector
ug m s-1 u-component of the geostrophic wind
u*2 m2 s-2 variance or horizontal momentum flux of the resolved scale u-velocity component

In case of momentum_advec = 'ws-scheme', see statistical evaluation.
v m s-1 v-component of velocity vector
vg m s-1 v-component of the geostrophic wind
v*2 m2 s-2 variance or horizontal momentum flux of the resolved-scale v-velocity component

In case of momentum_advec = 'ws-scheme', see statistical evaluation.
w m s-1 w-component of velocity vector
wq kg kg-1 m s-1 or W m-2 total vertical turbulent water flux

Sum of w"q" and w*q*.
wqv kg kg-1 m s-1 or W m-2 total vertical turbulent latent heat flux

Sum of w"qv" and w*qv*.
ws kg m-2 s-1 or ppm m s-1 total vertical turbulent scalar concentration flux

Sum of w"s" and w*s*. Requires passive_scalar = .T..
wsa psu m s-1 total vertical turbulent salinity flux

Sum of w"sa" and w*sa*. Requires ocean mode switched on.
wtheta K m s-1 or W m-2 total vertical turbulent sensible heat flux

Sum of w"theta" and w*theta*.
wthetaBC K m s-1 or W m-2 total vertical turbulent sensible heat flux when using the Bott-Chlond scheme

Sum of w"theta" and w*thetaBC*.
wthetav K m s-1 or W m-2 total vertical turbulent buoyancy flux

Sum of w"theta" and w*thetav*.
wu m2 s-2 u-component of the total vertical turbulent momentum flux

Sum of w"u" and w*u*.
wv m2 s-2 v-component of the total vertical turbulent momentum flux

Sum of w"v" and w*v*.
w_subs m s-1 large-scale vertical subsidence
w*e* m3 s-3 vertical flux of resolved-scale turbulence kinetic energy
w*q* kg kg-1 m s-1 or W m-2 covariance or resolved-scale vertical turbulent water flux

In case of scalar_advec = 'ws-scheme' see statistical evaluation.
w*qv* kg kg-1 m s-1 or W m-2 covariance or resolved-scale vertical turbulent latent heat flux

In case of scalar_advec = 'ws-scheme' see statistical evaluation.
w*p*ddz Pa m s-2 divergence of transport of resolved-scale TKE due to pressure fluctuations

Identical to term that appears in the resolved-scale TKE budget equation.
w*s* kg m-2 s-1 or ppm m s-1 resolved-scale vertical turbulent scalar concentration flux

Requires passive_scalar = .T..
w*sa* psu m s-1 resolved-scale vertical turbulent salinity flux

Requires ocean mode switched on.
w*theta* K m s-1 or W m-2 covariance or resolved-scale vertical turbulent sensible heat flux

In case of scalar_advec = 'ws-scheme' see statistical evaluation.
w*theta*2 K2 m s-1 resolved-scale third moment
w*theta*BC K m s-1 or W m-2 resolved-scale vertical turbulent sensible heat flux when using the Bott-Chlond scheme
w*thetav* K m s-1 or W m-2 resolved-scale vertical turbulent buoyancy flux
w*u* m2 s-2 covariance or u-component of resolved-scale vertical turbulent momentum flux

In case of momentum_advec = 'ws-scheme' see statistical_evaluation.
w*u*u*ddz m2 s-3 divergence of turbulent transport of resolved-scale TKE

Identical to term that appears in the resolved-scale TKE budget equation.
w*v* m2 s-2 covariance or v-component of resolved-scale vertical turbulent momentum flux

In case of momentum_advec = 'ws-scheme' see statistical evaluation.
w*2 m2 s-2 variance or horizontal momentum flux of the resolved-scale w-velocity component

In case of momentum_advec = 'ws-scheme', see statistical evaluation.
w*2theta* K m2 s-2 resolved-scale third moment
w*3 m3 s-3 third moment of the resolved-scale w-velocity component
w"e m3 s-3 turbulent vertical flux of subgrid-scale TKE
w"eddz m2 s-3 divergence of turbulent vertical flux of subgrid-scale TKE
w"q" kg kg-1 m s-1 or W m-2 subgrid-scale vertical turbulent water flux
w"qv" kg kg-1 m s-1 or W m-2 subgrid-scale vertical turbulent latent heat flux
w"s" kg m-2 s-1 or ppm m s-1 subgrid-scale vertical turbulent scalar concentration flux

Requires passive_scalar = .T..
w"sa" psu m s-1 subgrid-scale vertical turbulent salinity flux

Requires ocean mode switched on.
w"theta" K m s-1 or W m-2 subgrid-scale vertical turbulent sensible heat flux
w"thetav" K m s-1 or W m-2 subgrid-scale vertical turbulent buoyancy flux
w"u" m2 s-2 u-component of subgrid-scale vertical turbulent momentum flux
w"v" m2 s-2 v-component of subgrid-scale vertical turbulent momentum flux

3d-array quantities#

Name SI-Unit Description
e m2 s-2 SGS turbulence kinetic energy
hr K s-1 heating rate

Indicates the heating/cooling of an air volume by direct heating/cooling of the air volume by radiation flux divergences (only RRTMG), by diabatic processes at plants, as well as by surface forcing. Note, no heating/cooling by advection, condensation, etc. is considered. This quantity is especially useful to evaluate katabatic flows where radiative cooling of air volumes, emission at plant surfaces, and radiative surface cooling is dominant.
im_hf_roof K m s-1 heatflux at building roof

Only 3D output possible.
im_hf_roof_waste K m s-1 waste heatflux at building roof

Only 3D output possible.
im_hf_wall_win K m s-1 heatflux at building walls and windows

Only 3D output possible.
im_hf_wall_win_waste K m s-1 waste heatflux at building walls and windows

Only 3D output possible.
im_t_indoor_mean K mean indoor temperature

Horizontal building average at each storey. Only 3D output possible.
im_theta_10cm_roof K 10-cm potential temperature above roofs

Only 3D output possible.
im_theta_10cm_wall K 10-cm potential temperature at vertical walls

Only 3D output possible.
kc_X ppm or kg m-3 concentration of chemical species X

Chemistry quantities requires the prefix kc_. X indicates the species name. Only species names belonging to the selected chemistry mechanism are allowed.
m_soil m3 m-3 volumetric soil moisture
nc m-3 cloud drop number density

Requires cloud_scheme = morrison.
ng m-3 graupel number density

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison', and microphysics_ice_phase = .T., and snow = .T., and graupel = .T..
ni m-3 ice crystal number density

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison' and microphysics_ice_phase = .T..
nr m-3 rain drop number density

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng'.
ns m-3 snow number density

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison', and microphysics_ice_phase = .T., and snow = .T., and graupel = .T..
p Pa perturbation pressure
pc number per gridbox particle/droplet concentration
pcm_bad m2 m-3 basal area density

Only 3d-output possible.
pcm_heatrate K s-1 plant canopy heating rate by solar radiation

Only 3d-output possible.
pcm_lad m2 m-3 leaf area density

Only 3d-output possible.
pcm_latentrate K s-1 plant canopy latent heat flux

Only 3d-output possible.
pcm_transpirationrate kg kg-1 s-1 plant canopy transpiration rate by solar radiation

Only 3d-output possible.
pr m mean particle/droplet radius
prr kg kg-1 m s-1 total precipitation rate of all cloud species

Is allowed for all schemes except of cloud_scheme = 'sat_adjust'.
prr_cloud kg kg-1 m s-1 precipitation rate of cloud droplets (by sedimentation)

Is allowed for all schemes except of cloud_scheme = 'sat_adjust', but makes only sense if cloud_water_sedimentation = .T..
prr_graupel kg kg-1 m s-1 precipitation rate of graupel

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison', and microphysics_ice_phase = .T., and snow = .T., and graupel = .T..
prr_ice kg kg-1 m s-1 precipitation rate of ice crystals

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison', and microphysics_ice_phase = .T..
prr_rain kg kg-1 m s-1 precipitation rate of rain droplets

Is allowed for all schemes except of cloud_scheme = 'sat_adjust'.
prr_snow kg kg-1 m s-1 precipitation rate of snow

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison', and microphysics_ice_phase = .T., and snow = .T., and graupel = .T..
q kg kg-1 water vapor mixing ratio (or total water mixing ratio if cloud physics is switched on)

Requires humidity = .T..
qc kg kg-1 cloud water mixing ratio

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison'.
qg kg kg-1 graupel mixing ratio

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison', and microphysics_ice_phase = .T., and snow = .T., and graupel = .T..
qi kg kg-1 ice crystal mixing ratio

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison', and microphysics_ice_phase = .T..
ql kg kg-1 liquid water mixing ratio

Requires using the bulk cloud model (BCM) or the Lagrangian cloud model (LCM) via setting of cloud_droplets = .T..
ql_c kg kg-1 change in liquid water mixing ratio due to condensation/evaporation during last time step

Requires to switch on the Lagrangian cloud model (LCM) via setting of cloud_droplets = .T..
ql_v m3 per gridpox volume of liquid water

Requires to switch on the Lagrangian cloud model (LCM) via setting of cloud_droplets = .T..
ql_vp 1 weighting factor

Requires to switch on the Lagrangian cloud model (LCM) via setting of cloud_droplets = .T..
qr kg kg-1 rain water mixing ratio

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng'.
qs kg kg-1 snow mixing ratio

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison', and microphysics_ice_phase = .T., and snow = .T., and graupel = .T..
qv kg kg-1 water vapor mixing ratio

Requires using the bulk cloud model (BCM).
rad_lw_cs_hr K h-1 clear-sky longwave radiative heating rate
rad_lw_hr K h-1 longwave radiative heating rate
rad_lw_in W m-2 incoming longwave radiation flux
rad_lw_out W m-2 outgoing longwave radiation flux
rad_sw_cs_hr K h-1 clear-sky shortwave radiative heating rate
rad_sw_hr K h-1 shortwave radiative heating rate
rad_sw_in W m-2 incoming shortwave radiation flux
rad_sw_out W m-2 outgoing shortwave radiation flux
rh % relative humidity

Requires humidity = .T..
rho_sea_water kg m-3 density of sea water

Requires ocean module switched on.
rtm_dif_<d>_<i>_<j>_<k> 1 transparency of view factor of the surface to a surface with i,j,k coordinates

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east. <i>, <j>,<k> are coordinates of pair surfaces.
rtm_mrt K mean radiant temperature
rtm_mrt_lw W m-2 LW fraction of MRT radiation flux
rtm_mrt_sw W m-2 SW fraction of MRT radiation flux
rtm_rad_inlw_<d> W m-2 complete incoming LW radiation at the surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_rad_inlwdif_<d> W m-2 incoming diffuse LW radiation at the surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_rad_inlwref_<d> W m-2 incoming reflected and emitted LW radiation at the surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_rad_insw_<d> W m-2 complete incoming SW radiation at the surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_rad_inswdif_<d> W m-2 incoming diffuse solar SW radiation at the surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_rad_inswdir_<d> W m-2 incoming direct solar SW radiation at the surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_rad_inswref_<d> W m-2 incoming reflected SW radiation at the surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_rad_net_<d> W m-2 net radiation flux at the surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_rad_outlw_<d> W m-2 outgoing LW radiation from the surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_rad_outsw_<d> W m-2 outgoing SW radiation from the surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_rad_pc_inlw_<d> W m-2 LW radiation absorbed by plant canopy

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_rad_pc_insw_<d> W m-2 SW radiation absorbed by plant canopy

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_rad_pc_inswdif_<d> W m-2 diffuse solar SW radiation absorbed by plant canopy

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_rad_pc_inswdir_<d> W m-2 direct solar SW radiation absorbed by plant canopy

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_rad_pc_inswref_<d> W m-2 reflected SW radiation absorbed by plant canopy

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_rad_reslw_<d> W m-2 residuum of LW radiation absorbed in surface after last reflection

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_rad_ressw_<d> W m-2 residuum of SW radiation absorbed in surface after last reflection

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_skyvf_<d> 1 sky view factor

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_skyvft_<d> 1 sky view factor including transparency of plant canopy

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_surfalb_<d> 1 effective albedo of the surface (weighted average of fractions)

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_surfemis_<d> 1 effective emissivity of the surface (weighted average of fractions)

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
rtm_svf_<d>_<i>_<j>_<k> 1 view factor of the surface to a surface with i,j,k coordinates

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east. <i>, <j>, <k> are coordinates of pair surfaces.
s kg m-3 or ppm concentration of passive scalar

Requires passive_scalar = .T..
sa psu salinity of sea water

Requires ocean module switched on.
salsa_g_<gaseous_compound> m-3 concentration of <gaseous_compound>

<gaseous_compound> is one of H2SO4, HNO3, NH3, OCNV, OCSV
salsa_LDSA micro m2 cm-3 total lung-deposited surface area
salsa_N_bin<bin number> m-3 aerosol number concentration in the aerosol size bin

<bin number> is one of the specified aerosol bins
salsa_N_UFP m-3 total aerosol number concentration of particles smaller than 0.1 µm in diameter, i.e. ultrafine particles
salsa_N_tot m-3 total aerosol number concentration
salsa_PM0.1 kg m-3 total mass concentration of particulate matter smaller than 0.1 µm in diameter, i.e. ultrafine particles
salsa_PM2.5 kg m-3 total mass concentration of particulate matter smaller than 2.5 µm in diameter, i.e. ultrafine particles
salsa_PM10 kg m-3 total mass concentration of particulate matter smaller than 10 µm in diameter, i.e. ultrafine particles
salsa_s_<chemical_compound> kg m-3 concentration of <chemical_compound> in the aerosol phase

<chemical_compound> is one of BC, DU, NH, NO, OC, SO4, SS, H2O
t_soil K soil temperature
ta °C true air temperature
theta K potential temperature
thetal K liquid water potential temperature

Requires using the bulk cloud model (BCM).
thetav K virtual potential temperature

Requires humidity = .T..
ti s-1 curl of velocity vector (magnitude)
u m s-1 u-component of velocity vector
usm_iwghf_<d> W m-2 ground heat flux from indoor surface of wall or roof

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
usm_iwghf_window_<d> W m-2 ground heat flux from indoor surface of window

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
usm_qsws_<d> W m-2 latent heat flux from surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
usm_qsws_liq_<d> W m-2 latent heat flux from liquid surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
usm_qsws_veg_<d> W m-2 latent heat flux from vegetation surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
usm_surfcat_<d> 1 surface category

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
usm_surfwintrans_<d> W m-2 transmissivity window tiles

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
usm_surfz_<d> 1 surface height (z)

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
usm_swc_<k>_<d> m3 m-3 soil water content of k-th layer of green fraction

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east. <k> is the number of the green layer.
usm_t_green_<k>_<d> K temperature of k-th layer of green fraction

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east. <k> is the number of the green layer.
usm_t_surf_green_<d> K surface temperature of green surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
usm_t_surf_wall_<d> K surface temperature of wall or roof surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
usm_t_surf_window_<d> K surface temperature of window surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
usm_t_wall_<k>_<d> K temperature of k-th layer of wall fraction

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east. <k> is the number of the wall layer.
usm_t_window_<k>_<d> K temperature of k-th layer of window fraction

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east. <k> is the number of the window layer.
usm_wghf_<d> W m-2 ground heat flux from wall or roof surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
usm_wghf_green_<d> W m-2 ground heat flux from green surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
usm_wghf_window_<d> W m-2 ground heat flux from window surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
usm_wshf_<d> W m-2 sensible heat flux from surface

<d> is one of the directions: up, down, south, north, west, or east.
uu_product m2 s-2 product of u and u

To be used for calculation of resolved-scale transport <u'u'> in case of horizontal inhomogeneity. Output is defined on u-grid. Computation of <u'u'> is possible in post-processing via temporal EC-method, i.e. <u'u'> = <uu> - <u><u>, with < > being the temporal average. For accurate flux calculation the time averaging needs to be sufficiently long (usually 30min) and data from each timestep should enter the average to sample also high-frequency flux contributions (choose dt_averaging_input small enough).
uv_product m2 s-2 product of u and v

To be used for calculation of resolved scale transport <u'v'> in case of horizontal inhomogeneity. Output is defined on u-grid. Therefore, output of uv is not necessarily identical to output of vu. Output of both quantities, however, can be useful for computation of spatial flux gradients. Computation of <u'v'> is possible in post-processing via temporal EC-method, i.e. <u'v'> = <uv> - <u><v>, with < > being the temporal average. For accurate flux calculation the time averaging needs to be sufficiently long (usually 30min) and data from each timestep should enter the average to sample also high-frequency flux contributions (choose dt_averaging_input small enough).
uw_product m2 s-2 product of u and w

To be used for calculation of resolved scale transport <u'w'> in case of horizontal inhomogeneity. Output is defined on u-grid. Therefore, output of uw is not necessarily identical to output of wu. Output of both quantities, however, can be useful for computation of spatial flux gradients. Computation of <u'w'> is possible in post-processing via temporal EC-method, i.e. <u'w'> = <uw> - <u><w>, with < > being the temporal average. For accurate flux calculation the time averaging needs to be sufficiently long (usually 30min) and data from each timestep should enter the average to sample also high-frequency flux contributions (choose dt_averaging_input small enough).
v m s-1 v-component of velocity vector
vu_product m2 s-2 product of v and u

To be used for calculation of resolved scale transport <v'u'> in case of horizontal inhomogeneity. Output is defined on v-grid. Therefore, output of vu is not necessarily identical to output of uv. Output of both quantities, however, can be useful for computation of spatial flux gradients. Computation of <v'u'> is possible in post-processing via temporal EC-method, i.e. <v'u'> = <vu> - <v><u>, with < > being the temporal average. For accurate flux calculation the time averaging needs to be sufficiently long (usually 30min) and data from each timestep should enter the average to sample also high-frequency flux contributions (choose dt_averaging_input small enough).
vv_product m2 s-2 product of v and v

To be used for calculation of resolved-scale transport <v'v'> in case of horizontal inhomogeneity. Output is defined on v-grid. Computation of <v'v'> is possible in post-processing via temporal EC-method, i.e. <v'v'> = <vv> - <v><v>, with < > being the temporal average. For accurate flux calculation the time averaging needs to be sufficiently long (usually 30min) and data from each timestep should enter the average to sample also high-frequency flux contributions (choose dt_averaging_input small enough).
vw_product m2 s-2 product of v and w

To be used for calculation of resolved-scale transport <v'w'> in case of horizontal inhomogeneity. Output is defined on v-grid. Therefore, output of vw is not necessarily identical to output of wv. Output of both quantities, however, can be useful for computation of spatial flux gradients. Computation of <v'w'> is possible in post-processing via temporal EC-method, i.e. <v'w'> = <vw> - <v><w>, with < > being the temporal average. For accurate flux calculation the time averaging needs to be sufficiently long (usually 30min) and data from each timestep should enter the average to sample also high-frequency flux contributions (choose dt_averaging_input small enough).
w m s-1 w-component of velocity vector
wdir degree direction of horizontal wind vector
wq_product kg kg-1 m s-1 product of w and q

To be used for calculation of resolved-scale transport <w'q'> in case of horizontal inhomogeneity. Output is defined on w-grid. Requires humidity = .T.. Computation of <w'q'> is possible in post-processing via temporal EC-method, i.e. <w'q'> = <wq> - <w><q>, with < > being the temporal average. For accurate flux calculation the time averaging needs to be sufficiently long (usually 30min) and data from each timestep should enter the average to sample also high-frequency flux contributions (choose dt_averaging_input small enough).
wspeed m s-1 magnitude of the horizontal wind vector
ws_product m s-1 product of w and s

To be used for calculation of resolved-scale transport <w's'> in case of horizontal inhomogeneity. Output is defined on w-grid. Computation of <w's'> is possible in post-processing via temporal EC-method, i.e. <w's'> = <ws> - <w><s>, with < > being the temporal average. For accurate flux calculation the time averaging needs to be sufficiently long (usually 30min) and data from each timestep should enter the average to sample also high-frequency flux contributions (choose dt_averaging_input small enough). Requires passive_scalar = .T..
wtheta_product K m s-1 product of w and theta

To be used for calculation of resolved-scale transport <w'theta'> in case of horizontal inhomogeneity. Output is defined on w-grid. Computation of <w'theta'> is possible in post-processing via temporal EC-method, i.e. <w'theta'> = <wtheta> - <w><theta>, with < > being the temporal average. For accurate flux calculation the time averaging needs to be sufficiently long (usually 30min) and data from each timestep should enter the average to sample also high-frequency flux contributions (choose dt_averaging_input small enough).
wu_product m2 s-2 product of w and u

To be used for calculation of resolved-scale transport <w'u'> in case of horizontal inhomogeneity. Output is defined on w-grid. Therefore, output of wu is not necessarily identical to output of uw. Output of both quantities, however, can be useful for computation of spatial flux gradients. Computation of <w'u'> is possible in post-processing via temporal EC-method, i.e. <w'u'> = <wu> - <w><u>, with < > being the temporal average. For accurate flux calculation the time averaging needs to be sufficiently long (usually 30min) and data from each timestep should enter the average to sample also high-frequency flux contributions (choose dt_averaging_input small enough).
wv_product m2 s-2 product of w and v

To be used for calculation of resolved-scale transport <w'v'> in case of horizontal inhomogeneity. Output is defined on w-grid. Therefore, output of wv is not necessarily identical to output of vw. Output of both quantities, however, can be useful for computation of spatial flux gradients. Computation of <w'v'> is possible in post-processing via temporal EC-method, i.e. <w'v'> = <wv> - <w><v>, with < > being the temporal average. For accurate flux calculation the time averaging needs to be sufficiently long (usually 30min) and data from each timestep should enter the average to sample also high-frequency flux contributions (choose dt_averaging_input small enough).
ww_product m2 s-2 product of w and w

To be used for calculation of resolved-scale transport <w'w'> in case of horizontal inhomogeneity. Output is defined on w-grid. Computation of <w'w'> is possible in post-processing via temporal EC-method, i.e. <w'w'> = <ww> - <w><w>, with < > being the temporal average. For accurate flux calculation the time averaging needs to be sufficiently long (usually 30min) and data from each timestep should enter the average to sample also high-frequency flux contributions (choose dt_averaging_input small enough).

Masked array quantities#

Name SI-Unit Description
e m2 s-2 SGS turbulence kinetic energy
kc_X ppm or kg m-3 concentration of chemical species X

Chemistry quantities requires the prefix kc_. X indicates the species name. Only species names belonging to the selected chemistry mechanism are allowed.
nr m-3 rain drop number density

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng'.
p Pa perturbation pressure
pc number per gridbox particle/droplet concentration
pr m mean particle/droplet radius
q kg kg-1 water vapor mixing ratio (or total water mixing ratio if cloud physics is switched on)

Requires humidity = .T..
qc kg kg-1 cloud water mixing ratio

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng' or 'morrison'.
ql kg kg-1 liquid water mixing ratio

Requires using the bulk cloud model (BCM) or the Lagrangian cloud model (LCM) via setting of cloud_droplets = .T..
ql_c kg kg-1 change in liquid water mixing ratio due to condensation/evaporation during last time step

Requires to switch on the Lagrangian cloud model (LCM) via setting of cloud_droplets = .T..
ql_v m3 per gridpox volume of liquid water

Requires to switch on the Lagrangian cloud model (LCM) via setting of cloud_droplets = .T..
ql_vp 1 weighting factor

Requires to switch on the Lagrangian cloud model (LCM) via setting of cloud_droplets = .T..
qr kg kg-1 rain water mixing ratio

Requires cloud_scheme = 'seifert_beheng'.
qv kg kg-1 water vapor mixing ratio

Requires using the bulk cloud model (BCM).
rho_sea_water kg m-3 density of sea water

Requires ocean module switched on.
s kg m-3 or ppm concentration of passive scalar

Requires passive_scalar = .T..
sa psu salinity of sea water

Requires ocean module switched on.
ta °C true air temperature
theta K potential temperature
thetal K liquid water potential temperature

Requires using the bulk cloud model (BCM).
thetav K virtual potential temperature

Requires humidity = .T..
ti s-1 curl of velocity vector (magnitude)
u m s-1 u-component of velocity vector
v m s-1 v-component of velocity vector
w m s-1 w-component of velocity vector
wdir degree direction of horizontal wind vector
wspeed m s-1 magnitude of the horizontal wind vector

2d-array quantities#

Name SI-Unit Description
c_liq* % coverage of plants with liquid water
c_soil* % coverage of the land surface with bare soil
c_vef* % coverage of the land surface with vegetation
ghf* W m-2 ground (soil) heat flux

From energy balance.
kfd* m katabatic flow depth

Indicates the top of a katabatic flow characterized by a jet-like structure. To detect a katabatic flow and determine its depth, the flow must show an elevated maximum of shear production and must be roughly aligned with the terrain-slope.
lai m2 m-2 leaf area index
lwp* kg m-2 liquid water path
m_liq* m liquid water level on plants
ol* m Obukhov length in the constant flux layer
pra* mm precipitation amount

Requires cloud_scheme = 'kessler' or 'seifert_beheng'. Time interval to which amount refers to is defined by precipitation_amount_interval.
qsurf* kg kg-1 mixing ratio at the surface
qsws* kg kg-1 m s-1 or W m-2 surface latent heatflux

Requires humidity = .T..
qsws_liq* W m-2 surface latent heat flux due to evaporation/condensation of liquid water on plants

From energy balance.
qsws_soil* W m-2 surface latent heat flux due to evaporation/precipitation of bare soil

From energy balance.
qsws_veg* W m-2 surface latent heat flux due to transpiration of plants

From energy balance.
qv_2m* kg kg-1 2-m water vapor mixing ratio

Requires using the buld cloud model. See also description of theta_2m*.
rad_lw_in* W m-2 incoming longwave radiation flux
rad_lw_out* W m-2 outgoing longwave radiation flux
rad_sw_in* W m-2 incoming shortwave radiation flux
rad_sw_out* W m-2 outgoing shortwave radiation flux
rad_net* W m-2 net radiation flux at the surface
r_a* s m-1 aerodynamic resistance
r_s* s m-1 resistance of the surface

Soil plus vegetation.
shf* K m s-1 or W m-2 surface sensible heat flux
ssurf* kg kg-1 surface scalar concentration

Requires passive_scalar = .T..
ssws* kg m-2 s-1 or ppm m s-1 surface scalarflux

Requires passive_scalar = .T..
t* K (near surface) characteristic temperature
ta_2m* °C true air temperature at 2m above surface

Estimated from logarithmic interpolation if the 2m level is below the first prognostic grid point, else interpolated between two vertical levels.
theta_2m* K potential temperature at 2m above surface

Estimated from logarithmic interpolation if the 2m level is below the first prognostic grid point, else interpolated between two vertical levels.
tsurf* K surface temperature
us* m s-1 (near surface) friction velocity
vf25m* m3 s-1 volume-flux rate integrated up to 25m above surface
vf50m* m3 s-1 volume-flux rate integrated up to 50m above surface
vf75m* m3 s-1 volume-flux rate integrated up to 75m above surface
vf100m* m3 s-1 volume-flux rate integrated up to 100m above surface
vfxxm* m3 s-1 volume-flux rate integrated up to detected katabatic flow depth

See also remarks for kfd*.
vfd25m* m3 m-1 s-1 volume-flux density integrated up to 25m above surface

Volume flux per second through a 1m wide column with height of 25m.
vfd50m* m3 m-1 s-1 volume-flux density integrated up to 50m above surface

Volume flux per second through a 1m wide column with height of 50m.
vfd75m* m3 m-1 s-1 volume-flux density integrated up to 75m above surface

Volume flux per second through a 1m wide column with height of 75m.
vfd100m* m3 m-1 s-1 volume-flux density integrated up to 100m above surface

Volume flux per second through a 1m wide column with height of 100m.
vfdxxm* m3 m-1 s-1 volume-flux density integrated up to detected katabatic flow depth

Volume flux per second through a 1m wide column with height of 75m. See also remarks for kfd*.
wspeed_10m* m s-1 10-m wind speed

Estimated from logarithmic interpolation if the 10m level is below the first prognostic grid point, else interpolated between two vertical levels.
z0* m roughness length
z0h* m roughness length for scalar quantities